Mars Pulls Controversial Ad


Call me Ishmael
Apr 18, 2003
Middle of nowhere, israel.
WASHINGTON – The Human Rights Campaign Foundation, the nation’s largest gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender civil rights organization, learned today that Mars Inc. will pull a controversial television advertisement for Snickers following communication between the HRC Workplace Project and Mars, the parent company. The ad features a man whose appearance and actions – speed walking in an exaggerated manner – conjure up stereotypes of gay men. The man is then ridiculed by Mr. T who appears shooting Snickers bars out of a gun and admonishing the jogger to be a "real man."

Statement from HRC Workplace Director Daryl Herrschaft:

"Following conversations between the Human Rights Campaign and senior Mars representatives, the company has agreed to pull its most recent ad using stereotypes of gay men to sell its Snickers product line. HRC applauds Mars for taking swift and appropriate action.

In 2007, another distasteful Snickers advertisement was aired during Super Bowl XLI. The company subsequently pulled the ad. Following that, HRC began a constructive dialogue with Mars on workplace inclusion for GLBT employees. We were of course surprised to see the company return to the same practice it had just recently rejected.

These kinds of ads perpetuate the notion that the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community is a group of second class citizens and that violence against GLBT people is not only acceptable, but humorous.

We are hopeful that Mars will make the necessary changes in their organization to ensure this does not happen yet again."

What a stupid overreaction.
I find it ironic they are talking about stereotypes of gay men while Mr.T is a a huge stereotyped caricature of 'masculine' men.

The ad in question (which is friggin awsome):
I always assumed Mr. T was the black guy from the Village People who had put on weight after breaking up with his boyfriend.
"stereotypes of gayish men".

Now, that is much better.

But actually...what? Come again? What's wrong with the ad?

EDIT: Jesus Jolly, you always have the best lines. :lol:

These kinds of ads perpetuate the notion that the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community is a group of second class citizens and that violence against GLBT people is not only acceptable, but humorous.

Violence, like that of Mr. T firing some dude who can pretty well be just little bit off type heterosexual man with chocolate bars?

And how exactly Mr. T is proclaiming at the same time that gays cannot be real men? I don't follow.

Unless the picture what that organization has about gay men is that of this dude, which I think it's much more offensive claim than what ad does.
That..........commercial.........was........friggin awesome
If religious nutcases can put pressure on a company for airing pro-gay ads overseas and right wing fradie cats can get Dunkin Donut ads stopped because they fantasize that Rachael Ray is a terrorist, I don't really see the problem with this group pushing Mars into rethinking their advertising.
Funny ad, unfunny overreaction.
I can't believe Mars would stereotype soccer players like that. These kinds of ads perpetuate the notion that the soccer community is a group of second class citizens and that violence against soccer player is not only acceptable, but humorous.
I can't believe Mars would stereotype soccer players like that. These kinds of ads perpetuate the notion that the soccer community is a group of second class citizens and that violence against soccer player is not only acceptable, but humorous.

Perhaps they are playing in to the fact that football is unpopular in America? Or that football players dive all the time now?
If religious nutcases can put pressure on a company for airing pro-gay ads overseas and right wing fradie cats can get Dunkin Donut ads stopped because they fantasize that Rachael Ray is a terrorist, I don't really see the problem with this group pushing Mars into rethinking their advertising.

:agree: I personally see nothing wrong with the ad, but yes, that group should have just as much right to try to flex their economic muscle as any other group.
I fail to see how it's a stereotypical gay man.
So they just cave in under the sodomistic pressure? This is a sad day for normal, healthy people.
The ad isn't making fun of gay guys, it's helping them. All they need to do to be able to achieve is orally ingest a large black man's chocolate rod, which is a value this country has needed more than ever.
i hate all ads equally.....
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