Messerschmitt Bf 109


Feb 27, 2006
Here is airplane that i was supposed just to skin, since the model was supplied by Paasky, but after i started to work i just had to rebuild it because it was fairly awkward and plain( no offence to Paasky, as i understand it wasn't made by you, so u probably won't be insulted by my judgement) and at the say time contained unreasonable ammount of polygons ( about 850). So i decided to build it rather from scratch than to reshape the model i got.
So here comes famous Messerschmitt BF 109, more precisely one of its numerous modifications BF 109 E ( BF 109 at Wikipedia) .
The model is fully animated ( including spinning propeller)with all respective sounds. No button icon for this one yet, but i possibly make and post it later. Also, i'd like to say that i uploaded second version of HE111 - H22 with atached V1 flying bomb in the corresponding thread .

Update I've added second model with different skin, just as Warmaker requested


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Another great one nautil, I love your textures especially, very well done. :thumbsup:
A minor suggestion:

Can you make the forward part of the fuselage (forward of the wings' leading edges) yellow?

This was a standard procedure for German Fighters early in WWII, specifically for the Battle of Britain timeframe.

With HE-111's this would look quite nice for a "Battle of Britain" scenario.
Warmaker said:
A minor suggestion:

Can you make the forward part of the fuselage (forward of the wings' leading edges) yellow?

This was a standard procedure for German Fighters early in WWII, specifically for the Battle of Britain timeframe.

With HE-111's this would look quite nice for a "Battle of Britain" scenario.

Sure ,no problem. Camouflage patern that is applied to the model was usual in early 40's , later more common practice was to paint the airplane in bright gray with yellow nose, wing tips and upper part of fin.
Nope, that model was made by me, but it was done from a cylinder, which the Bf109 definately is not. I also did it before I heard of the poly-limit, all of my new models have 400-800 polys.

Looks great btw, want to have some other aircraft? They are missing the propellers, but are otherwise good. And _should_ be fairly accurate.
2 Paasky
Please don't get offended by my opinion, i didn't intented to insult you, but just as you noticed yourself the gondola was cylindrical thought it should be kinda triangular, also there were small details that i had to add.
about propeller, u dont see it on scrren since it's rander from 3ds max, in game there is a spinning propeller from regular fighter.
Now i work on skinning B 17 Flying Fortress. Do u have more models that u need for your Mod that require mapping ? If yes , upload them please.

Hope there still is someone on this thread...

I'm trying to incorporate the Bf109e graphics into my mod. Not much success so far. I still end up with the standard spitfire... Here is the coding I'm using,


				<ShadowAttachNode>BIP Pelvis</ShadowAttachNode>	

The graphic files are in the correct folder... so I've got no idea why I'm still not getting the darn Messerschmitt!
I bet you didn't adapt the Civ4unitartstyleinfos.xml to let the Germans have this model instead of the spitfire model that ships with the game.
I bet you didn't adapt the Civ4unitartstyleinfos.xml to let the Germans have this model instead of the spitfire model that ships with the game.

I bet you're right. This is my first modding attempt with BtS (did Warlords before). What am I looking for in that file??
I looked at this artstyle file. I don't think I should mess with it. I'm not replacing one graphics version for another. I'm creating entirely new unit classes since I plan on adding multiple versions of fighter aircraft for each civ...
Using the Artstyle file in BtS, what it does is this...

You can have ONE UNIT... say the "Fighter" for all Civs.

If you use the Artstyle file appropriately, you can make it where the German Fighter is a Me109, the British fighter is a Spitfire, the Russian fighter is a Mig3, the American fighter is a P51, etc, etc... if you do it the "old fashioned" Warlords way, you're going to have to create multiple unit entries and instead of the one fighter looking differant for each nation, you'd actually have to have a P51 unit, a Me109 unit, a Spitfire unit, a Mig3 unit, etc, etc, etc... and to prevent other nations from having them, you'd have to make each unique to each civ... it's a LOT more work and really clutters up the Civilopedia with 20 or so differant entries for fighters alone.

Doing it the BtS way is much simpler, cleaner and more efficient.
Using the Artstyle file in BtS, what it does is this...

You can have ONE UNIT... say the "Fighter" for all Civs.

If you use the Artstyle file appropriately, you can make it where the German Fighter is a Me109, the British fighter is a Spitfire, the Russian fighter is a Mig3, the American fighter is a P51, etc, etc... if you do it the "old fashioned" Warlords way, you're going to have to create multiple unit entries and instead of the one fighter looking differant for each nation, you'd actually have to have a P51 unit, a Me109 unit, a Spitfire unit, a Mig3 unit, etc, etc, etc... and to prevent other nations from having them, you'd have to make each unique to each civ... it's a LOT more work and really clutters up the Civilopedia with 20 or so differant entries for fighters alone.

Doing it the BtS way is much simpler, cleaner and more efficient.

Thanks for kindly explaining all this. I had indeed understood it that way. As I said in my previous post, this is precisely what I am NOT doing.

I am NOT replacing one basic fighter with one other fighter for each civ. I am adding four different messerschmits, plus two focke-wulfs for the Germans, plus two Hurricanes, three spitfires for the Brits, etc... I was creating entirely new artclasses and unitclasses for each to avoid confusion.

Have I clarified the issue?
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