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[MH1] - Dutch NEED Discounts!

ah cripes....i guess i've been drafted... :salute:

sign me up if you'll have me

also, the MM for not working the "undutch" improvements most likely wont be *too* bad...we'd only need to take anohther look after each pop growth until we replace the improvement.
From the first incarnation of this game ... now removed and not being played ... along with the Goldmember references! ;)

Yeah baby Yeah!

Austin Powers_H - Just played
Norvin Green - Up
Sengir - On deck
Mike Hendi

[EDIT]: It WASH a nicsje report..yeshsh... very nicsje...:goodjob:

Here were sjome ferry interesjting commentsj about the report [/edit]

That being said and all, I feel we should regenerate a new map (I should have listened tou you in the first place, cam :dunno:. This start is good enough to be a HOF start, it doesn't have Gold/Gems, but Gold/Fur is very close. if we grow to the happy cap, working all the recources, we'd have about 31 commerce in the cap instead of the usual 13-14. That's enough research to research all early techs including prereqs, and still get to them first!

So instead of carefully planning which key tech to work towards next, we can just not think about it and research 'em all. The huge research capacity cancels out the challenge of this variant, which is being seriously limited in tech choices! I think it will feel very much like a "normal" game with an average starting position, at least througout the biggest half of the game.

How do you guys feel about regenerating a new map? I'd prefer a new map, but if the team votes "play on!", we keep this one.
I think we should regenerate a new map, not for the reasons I wanted to generate a new map earlier, but I agree that it's an awfully good starting spot.
I don't mind either way, though if we restart, I'd prefer to have a go at epic speed.
I've analyzed a bit

SIP seems fine, but moving NE gets us on a river, 1 more river tile, 1 more hill, 1 less unhealthines, more forests to chop and more room to squeeze a city in between the coast and our starting spot (like 2s of the warrior) to utulize the rest of the floodplains.

If the warrior to the hill sw on the 2nd turn and we spot something nice, we can move the settler back and settle on the starting spot the 2nd turn.

How about a wheel-pottery-mining-bw opening with double worker? farm the corn, cottage the FP's, chop out settlers @ happy cap while growing the cottages.

This gives us early commerce, but this time in a fair way.
lurker comment:

SIP, IMO. You don't need a river city to build a dike. Than, you build a fast second city 1E of the oasis (I don't think I've ever seen a river oasis in the game) and grow some cottages for the capital. It'll be a very nice commerce capital with financial and river tiles.
I don't think I've ever seen a river oasis in the game
Hmmm ... good point Ichabod. Mike - this isn't a Worldbuildered map is it? Not to say that it is, but if so, I think it's best if we played on a pristine one.

I'm happy to put myself at the end of the roster and give Norvin a go seeing that I've already 'kind of' played.

I've been burnt too often by not settling in place, and I don't see a lot of reason to move, as it looks like a reasonable starting spot.
No, it's not WB'ed. I also haven't seen this before, but if you check out the first map (with the gold/fur) in WB, you'll see that that start has BOTH horses AND iron in the BFC! I've never seen 2 early BFC strat recourses before also! :eek:

Now this comes to mind, shouldn't the oasis give 4c? (2 from oasis, 1 from financial, 1 from riverside? :rolleyes:

Edit to add:

I would normally SIP also here, because that's 'meant to be', and because I'm afraid to miss out on something. I'm just trying to exceed myself here :blush:
Note: I still think we should move, but if the rest wants to SIP, that's fine.
@Cam_H - you mean like in "Reign in Spain"? Though that turned out ok.

I took a look at the save and like the settler to the NE and warrior to the SE allowing more space for another city. Tech-wise I'd go mining>wheel>pottery.
Build worker>warrior>warrior.
@ Norvin ... :lol: ... 'no', but now that you mention it ...! ;)

I'll leave it to your discretion on settling. Mining sure looks a good starting tech' option, but this might be determined by what we see in the BFC.
Mining sure looks a good starting tech' option

We cannot mine the hills (only windmills allowed on hills!), that's why I suggested wheel-pottery (we start with fishing + agriculture, so we already have the prereqs for pottery), so we can build workers and settlers with 3-yield (food+hammers) cottaged ploodplains instead of 3-yield unimproved plains/hills
We cannot mine the hills (only windmills allowed on hills!), that's why I suggested wheel-pottery (we start with fishing + agriculture, so we already have the prereqs for pottery), so we can build workers and settlers with 3-yield (food+hammers) cottaged ploodplains instead of 3-yield unimproved plains/hills

Can you say duh!! So much for me paying attention to the variant.
Slavery however will be important given the variant, but whether it's better to get Bronze Working (reveals Copper / Slavery) before or after Pottery, I'm not sure. :dunno:
SIP: is the lake enough for a dike? (don't usually play the Dutch, so I don't know). If it is, sip, otherwise move NE for the dike bonus late-game

Tech: I'd go Mining - BW first, for slavery purposes. That way we should get out workers/settlers/units quicker. Wheel > Pottery improves our techrate faster...
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