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Military Headquarters

But the Imortals are just at their backs, so I wonder it isnt a good ideia attack those pick at this moment.
Okay... I'm working on this longbow landing... worst case scenario ... it looks like 9 turns. I loaded the last turn to take a few screenshot so I can lay it out for the team.

Planning in reverse here... with "D" being the turn we land... here's the movement over water:

Here's the overland movement, which goes all the way back to the rearward-most Longbows... which will be completed next turn in Simpleton and Dunderhead. We presently have one each in Jesterton and SKWTD, and a pair in Knucklehead.

Now... I might be able to shave a turn off this... maybe (maybe) two...with some creative galley-rushing...and careful pre-positioning... but there is nothing I can do about the overland movement. It will take some time to move the troops across the land, and it will take what it takes.
Sorry to ask stupid questions.

Refresh my memory, was it six longbows and two pikes?

How long until peace is up with MIA?

Would it be possible/practical to take the amphibs and swing around the south end of Battle Isle to position them in a place to cry havoc on MIA when the time is right? Or would that be so far in the future that they would be obsolete?

If not that, will we be able to reposition them in time for the Main Event?

Sorry, I lost Civ Assist and have to reload Civ III on my box, I'm going from posts and memory.
Kickbooti said:
Refresh my memory, was it six longbows and two pikes?
Six to Eight Longbows... looks like six at the moment.
Kickbooti said:
How long until peace is up with MIA?
another 36 turns or so...and I'm aware of the main event... and plan to gradually move troops southward...
Let's remember it's better for MIA to attack us because Donut has to join if they do. :mischief:
Well one cannot argue with basic facts. So nine turns until D-Day 2. I wouldn't mess with creative galley rushing unless you need it for something else.

In the meantime we need to do some demonstrating of our own to keep the main TNT force in the east. If the tile west of Spite is open next turn, perhaps move a small stack there just to give Dinsog a minor panic and move a bunch of troops into Unabomb.
thats the point Bugsy. To take some advantage from their 1 mov Imos, we may show the face of ours Dancing GSs close to them (but not close enough to be fired)... then a Counter Strike from then, in our D-Day2 stack will take a few turns, but enough to bring hell.

By the way, wil be interesting lead their troops for a non roaded region.
Like the forests south their Capital city
How many units do we want to designate to demonstrations? Maybe a pike and two GS?
Sir Bugsy said:
How many units do we want to designate to demonstrations? Maybe a pike and two GS?
I'd prefer to organize a somewhat larger demonstration in the town square of whatever that is SE of Dancing Banana.

I suspect that's where Semtex and the MoM are. I am anxious to see if TNT will pull their "anti-siege-auto-raze/self-destruct sequence" in their wonder city.
That sounds like a very good idea. We'll need to time it for D-Day -3 or so.
I just had a nice chat with FE on AIM. Unfortunately, I closed out of it before I cut and pasted it. I'm an idiot. Sorry. To summarize,

they have no clue about how many people are active for TNT
they believe we can wipe TNT at will
they deny any dealings with nuts beyond a lux deal
they have no suggestions for what to do when the current deal runs out; I said daghie would follow up
they're facsinated with our government.

I apologize for my idioicy. it would have been a good conversation to analyze. fe is feeling much better btw
I think we need to try and get them in on a dogpile against TNT. Tell them it is really in their best interests to gain a portion of those lands. Let them know there are some prime lots for sae on the west coast of TNT land and they need to grab them while the land is cheap and the neighborhood goes to hell when the idiots move in. :cheers:
the nuts need to get a plan. I'm in mean evil old man mode. Daghie, negotiate a deal where we'll rent them tubs for 2 turns. We want a city and at least 6 units. otherwise they get me
@AK: What about us giving them a city and they take you for 5 turns? Or is it too bad a deal for them? :mischief:
Pentium said:
@AK: What about us giving them a city and they take you for 5 turns? Or is it too bad a deal for them? :mischief:


We keep Igor of course...

This is the center of the MIA line across the continent. With cannon and cavalry and all those roads it looks like we could blow a big hole right down the center, giving us access to their core, when the time comes.
Wow. Looking at that border you would think MIA is expecting an invasion or something. :mischief: (Opening of Beethoven's Fifth blaring in the background).

And I'm no Scout, but running up the middle in the reach of three cities looks like a tough row to hoe. Getting some amphib action going, esepecially if the D'Nuts can start it, might be prudent.

Boy is this war going to be fun :clap:
Actually, because they placed their cities so close together would allow us to take several cities in one turn, depending on how many defenders they. have. We need to start generating cavs as soon as we have the ability.
All those workers look like bees :p

I think M.I.A has its inside towns empty and has the front covered up nicely... but thats just my idea because I think of crazy things. :scan:
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