Minedcrafts - a Dwarf Fortress Succession Game!

Double A

♫We got the guillotine♫
Aug 22, 2009

Have I grabbed your attention yet?

I think we should do a Dwarf Fortress Let's Play on CFC - we each take a turn playing one in game year, trying not to die, while roleplaying and providing screenshots if you feel like it. I bet most of you have never even heard of the game, so you should start by reading this Let's Play. It will tell you everything you need to know about this amazing free game. Or at least the first version. The developer (yes, there's only one) has us fans on the third major update right now, and I expect the fourth one will come some time this year.

Write your updates in word in case of server/modem/whatever crashes.
Mark levers with "N"otes.
Don't intentionally destroy the fortress.

Double A
Dave Shack

Green = taking turn
Black = awaiting turn
Blue = finished turn
Orange = skipped

Double A
Spring 1051
Summer 1051
Fall 1051
Winter 1051

I realize some of you may be confused as hell with the graphics, or with the game itself. That's ok. The worse the players are, the more fun LPs are to read.

And remember: loosing is Fun!
Oh boy, is this with the latest updates? I wanna sign up. I may be forced to leave by other means without warning though, so if you'll have me, I'm on.
Sure, and if you can't do it, I can always push you back to a later date :)

I'll be using 0.31.18 (latest DF2010) for this. If Toady One releases another DF2010 update I suggest everyone upgrade.

I won't be using tilesets myself, but anyone is welcome to use them (provided they make some fudgingg sense).

Mods: expect swearing. A lot.
Heh, I haven't played this since he made the save-breaking update. This'll be fun. You can no longer plant on dry underground soil, right?
Save-breaking update?

And right. You have to cover it in water first for mud. I'll probably handle the farms, assuming I'm not caught up in not dying. Since this is CFC's first one, I was thinking only Untamed Wilds. Or maybe Joyous Wilds if I can find a place where we can get Hippos and Unicorns.
I've got very (very, as in just a few years on some settlements and the basics, not even really good with magma and militaries and so on) minimal experience and not sure I have the time for a succession game, wouldn't want to let people down.

However, I'll express interest or be onboard for what I can as this would surely be a lot of fun and I'd encourage people to explore the game.

Also have to post this though because it's really really good:

If you don't join, I'll name a dorf after you.
Ooh, DF! Count me in!

I mod a bit to fix some of the more annoying (to me) quasi-bugs but would be interested in playing a community game on a vanilla install. I play with mayday, can saves be passed from vanilla to mayday and back? Maybe if we leave out the raw directory when passing it?

What size embark runs smoothly for you? I have been using 4x4 but the FPS goes through the floor at about population 70 or so, so my most recent game is a 3x3 to see if it gets better.

Thoughts on settings? Aim for a site that has flux, water, sand & trees to maximize options? Or rough it a bit?
I usually have no trouble on 4x4 places. Flux and trees are a must. No aquifier. Water and sand are wanted but optional.

If I can find one, I'll stick the fort under a waterfall.
I'd like at least 6 people.

Guys, if you're even slightly interested in Minecraft, you'll probably have a blast. If you're dyslexic, that might be a problem... just download a tileset, and you'll probably be OK.
Or we could just start now and hope people join. If not, we could always move it to bay12forums or Something Awful.
Eh, any amount of players is fine with me. I think it'd be best if we keep it here, but you're running this thing. Perhaps asking a mod to move it to All Other Games might garner more attention? It's not really a forum game anyway.
That's probably why. CFC's interface and I don't always get along properly.

I just want to point out that I am not a Wordsmith. If anything, I am a Foodsmith. Which is why the intro sucks so much. I recommend reading intro for Boatmurdered or Syrupleaf (or its prequel, Headshoots), both of which are hilarious examples of fortresses. Currently, I'm reading this one man LP, whatever it's called, on the Escapist forum, and it's getting pretty interesting. You should totally check out that website, by the way, lots of great video content on games.
I might join at a later point. My current fortress is just too interesting right now, and i don't have time for even more DF.
I might join at a later point. My current fortress is just too interesting right now, and i don't have time for even more DF.

I guess we'll just have to make this one more interesting :p

I plan on starting the game between Wednesday and next weekend.
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