

May 26, 2002
Does the full game have a better mini-map? It looks very very dull and pretty useless.
I really like the look of the new minimap, it's very clean and it has nice colors. It conveys the same information as the civ 4 map. The old map looked like it was designed by a programmer, the new one looks like someone really put some thought into the design.
I actually find the mini map more useful in V than in IV. it displays the info very clearly and it's easy to see what what's what.
It reminds me of cel-shaded games, which is a look I've always loved. What I don't love, however, is you can't scroll with the mini-map: you can only click to locations. Maybe being able to move quickly with the mini-map would bog the game down too much? You could do it with CivIV
I like the mountain pictures on it :D, I just think it could do with some customisation options like, "show this, show that, e.t.c"
While I like the mini-map's layout, what I don't like is the fact that you cannot drag your mouse on it thus dragging the main view, as you could in Civ IV.
You can do all that with the strategy view, the hexes button next to the mini-map.
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