Minor convenience issues/questions


Nov 6, 2002
Zeven, Germany (Lower Saxony ;)
Hi there.
Just started playing on PS4 so bare with me.
- I cannot find a place to see, what all of my cities are building. The only way I found so far is to scroll over the map. Do I miss something?

- is there a way to search the map like on PC? How?

- Where and how can I see the world congress resolutions in effect?

- on PC I used to be able to check the output of gold, science, faith etc. And get details about how I got that by hovering over those figures. Anything similar available here?

tbc I think...
Map searching is not on consoles yet.

For World Congress results from the main map hit the R1 button then use left stick to navigate to the leader icons and scroll down, underneath the leader icons should be an icon that is outlined in gold and silver, click on that and you will see active WC resolutions.
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