Minor graphical issues that I'd like to see fixed + suggestions


Mar 5, 2017
There are a few graphical issues and suggestions regarding the graphics that I'd like to share with you all.

1. Coastal city center "canal" graphics clip into cliff rocks. If you settle a coastal city on a tile with cliffs, triggering the canal city center model, the canal clips into the cliff rocks. It looks bad and I can't unsee it :(

2. City "clutter" is lacking. For those of you who don't know, city centers + districts have procedurally-generated "filler" buildings to flesh out the models. I'd like to see much more of this clutter. As it is now, the map look barren. While there are mods to increase clutter, I'd like to see Firaxis implement this on their end.

More disappointignly, clutter only appears in districts adjacent to the city center! This is something modders CANNOT change at all unfortunately. If Firaxis would enable clutter for all districts regardless of adjacency to the city center, this would make cities look better and more immersive. With the way it is now, Gaul can never get any city clutter!

3. All continents have the same art, which makes the map look more boring and is a downgrade from Civ 5. In Civ 5, there were a variety of tilesets so that forests, deserts, mountains, etc. on different landmasses would have different appearances. It did WONDERS for immersion and making the game world feel more realistic and alive. I was sorely disappointed at Civ 6's release to find that this feature wasn't part of the game, and every single update, I am hoping to see it again. I think it's even more important for Civ 6 than it was for Civ 5, given the huge focus on "playing the map" that Civ 6 has.
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I would also add:
- clipping with Canal + Harbor Area.
- also Coastal Barriers clipping with Canal, Harbor Area, Waterpark
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1 - I would also like to see Coastal City Centers with canal graphics improved: Cities adjacent to a River will have the canal going through the City into the River (not stop before the Palace).

3 - That would be neat. Some Map diversity in tilesets like Jungle Mountains, Savannahs, Steppes...etc would really improve the Map Apperance and Gameplay. Each Continent/Area could have it's own tileset. That would keep a little the replayability of the Game, as it's going to be always fun to eXplore the Map (even if you have seen everything again and again).
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2. City "clutter" is lacking. For those of you who don't know, city centers + districts have procedurally-generated "filler" buildings to flesh out the models. This isn't a bug, but not I'd like to see much more of this clutter. It makes the map look barren. While there are mods to increase clutter, I'd like to see Firaxis implement this as well.
This isn't even the worst part. For some civs, the city sprawl is completely broken, namely Cree and Vietnam. No, I will never stop being miffed about this. You can see western european architecture surrounding districts in Vietnam's own reveal trailer for heck's sake!
For this reason I always play with Leugi's City Styles Pack mod, as it fixes all the broken architecture, adds a bunch of new, professional-looking styles, and even has an optional version of the replacement files which increases city sprawl (tho I personally think its current level is a bit of an overcorrection - sometimes a newly-built mine next to a city center will have an office building clip into the minecart tracks, so next turn the game removes both and you're left with an empty field.)

As for point #3, I've been playing recently with a mod that makes deserts more orange, like in the US and Australia, so that not every desert looks like the Sahara. Doesn't make it vary across the world tho, so I'll just have to be contented with every desert being orangey now.

Another point on canals - I really wish there was a way to toggle whether a city center has a canal visual, and what direction it goes. The canal type that bends twice leaves very little room for buildings left, esp with a monument, granary, and walls built, so I'll often place water parks and harbors in suboptimal spots to force the canal to bend only once. Also, I hate that settling next to the Dead Sea, Crater Lake, and Lake Retba makes canals, especially if they connect to the ocean or another lake. Like wouldn't that destroy what makes the Dead Sea and Lake Retba unique, also?
I'd like to see the mountains from the Pirate Scenario brought over into the main game to represent mountains that spawn near rainforests.

Also maybe update city graphics for some civs and city-states. Rapa Nui should have the Polynesian style that Maori have, not SEA Asia. Also Hattusa and Jerusalem had the Mediterranean looking city architecture that Greece and Rome had, which I think it should resemble more of the "North African" architecture that Sumeria, Egypt and Phoenicia has, unless they changed it.
I'd like to see all the NFP leaders remade from the ground up, but I guess that's hoping for too much. :mischief: Still, an art pass brushing up NFP's assets would be appreciated.

I would honestly pay for a DLC that gave all districts regional architecture and ramped up the uniqueness of all unique districts to compensate.
2. City "clutter" is lacking. For those of you who don't know, city centers + districts have procedurally-generated "filler" buildings to flesh out the models. I'd like to see much more of this clutter. As it is now, the map look barren. While there are mods to increase clutter, I'd like to see Firaxis implement this on their end.

In addition to this point - why are all the grounds under districts and wonders keep the original color of the tile even into modern era? Doesn't modern cities filling up their grounds with concretes and asphalts?

If all the grounds under your districts are still looking naturally green even after three thousands years of development, no wonder your cities don't really look like cities. I hope the grounds of more modern cities can be covered with more "modern" visuals.
Railroads should be fixed. Now they are just ugly. They connect to roads. Under some world wonders and districts are not visible (and not visually conected) but can go under water in natural wonders. It's a total mess.
1. Coastal city center "canal" graphics clip into cliff rocks. If you settle a coastal city on a tile with cliffs, triggering the canal city center model, the canal clips into the cliff rocks. It looks bad and I can't unsee it :(

I don't like the canal model on any city. Wish there was a mod to remove it completely.
+1 for City Clutter.

I’d also like more of the “pop up” type things to slide in from the side like Emergencies and Pantheons, instead of freezing the whole game with a centre screen pop-up menu like we get with the World Congress, Secret Societies, Governors, Barb Menus etc etc. It just takes me out of the game every time that happens.

The new artists introduced with NFP (Hasegawa Tohaku, Kamal ud-Din Behzad, and Wassily Kandinsky) don't have matching thumbnails for their paintings in the gallery view, when compared to the base game artists. This is especially annoying since Behzad's paintings are all vertically-oriented, while Kandinsky's are square or horizontally-oriented, but each produce a mixture of landscapes and portraits which are very hard to differentiate (base game landscape paintings are cropped to a landscape ratio, save for View of Toledo, while base game portraits are cropped to a portrait ratio for their thumbnails).
(See the comparison between a base game artwork and the NFP artworks in the Tver museum in this picture.)
I'd like to see all the NFP leaders remade from the ground up, but I guess that's hoping for too much. :mischief: Still, an art pass brushing up NFP's assets would be appreciated.
Even Ba Trieu and Lady Six Sky?
Even Ba Trieu and Lady Six Sky?
They don't need to be remade, but they could benefit from an art pass, sure. Lady Six Sky could be given new animations (and a new voice actor :shifty: ), and Ba Trieu could use some detailing even though the model is overall nice.
Just remembered another - pre-Modern Era Diplomatic Quarters with Chanceries show a small building clipping into the Chancery which I'm assuming is supposed to just disappear once construction begins. Similar thing happens with Universities in Mayan Observatories, except it doesn't ever go away and only happens to some Universities (both of these stay consistent upon relaoding the game).

Also, when you build a Consulate in a Vietnamese Diplo Quarter on rainforest, the rainforest trees fill in the space in between buildings and roads, instead of only showing up on the outskirts of the district - this might work with other features, and maybe other districts, but it goes away when you build a Chancery. It's definitely a bug since it's inconsistent with most other districts, but I alctually like how this looks, and TBH I hope if they ever make this consistent that they apply this to all Vietnamese specialty districts at all times.

edit: just realised this thread is separate from this other thread: https://forums.civfanatics.com/thre...ces-you-wish-the-developers-would-fix.664178/
Shouldn't they be merged?
A particular bugbear of mine is the lack of colours used in the jersey system. Firaxis could easily add an additional bunch which would greatly improve the differentiation of various civs, and make the whole minimap still useable. Suggestion here:

I already use these in my games along with many others. For instance, in my games, free cities are light grey with dk. purple text - very difficult to mix up with military city states.
There are some weird inconsistencies with Great People icons and unit models. Most types of GP have a set of early game and late game models for the unit, along with early and late game unit icons in the lower right corner (the models are linked to specific GP and don't change, but the icon switches over once you enter the modern era). That being said, there's some oddities about it.

Generals only have two models:

A very classical era-looking mounted general with red and gold armor... or a very modern-looking general in a car.
This is fine, but the way GG are split up is weird once you get to the industrial and modern eras (all classical through renaissance GG use the early game models)...
Napoleon and Tupac Amaru use the early model, but Dandara, Lakshmibai, and San Martin use the late game model. Dandara lived in the 17th century and died more than a century before Napoleon!

Even weirder is that the early-game general icon shows what seems to be an unused mid-game unit model, instead of the classical general:

And then there's the cultural great people. The GWAM all share a generic writer icon before the modern era, when writers and musicians get new icons (a man with glasses and a book, and a man dressed as a composer respectively). But the artists never get their icon updated, and are stuck with the early game writer icon until the end...

And then, of course, there's the matter of how the icons are all male :crazyeye:
There are some weird inconsistencies with Great People icons and unit models. Most types of GP have a set of early game and late game models for the unit, along with early and late game unit icons in the lower right corner (the models are linked to specific GP and don't change, but the icon switches over once you enter the modern era). That being said, there's some oddities about it.

Generals only have two models:
View attachment 590052View attachment 590051
A very classical era-looking mounted general with red and gold armor... or a very modern-looking general in a car.
This is fine, but the way GG are split up is weird once you get to the industrial and modern eras (all classical through renaissance GG use the early game models)...
Napoleon and Tupac Amaru use the early model, but Dandara, Lakshmibai, and San Martin use the late game model. Dandara lived in the 17th century and died more than a century before Napoleon!

Even weirder is that the early-game general icon shows what seems to be an unused mid-game unit model, instead of the classical general:
View attachment 590053
And then there's the cultural great people. The GWAM all share a generic writer icon before the modern era, when writers and musicians get new icons (a man with glasses and a book, and a man dressed as a composer respectively). But the artists never get their icon updated, and are stuck with the early game writer icon until the end...

And then, of course, there's the matter of how the icons are all male :crazyeye:

I did some browsing through the files and, lo and behold, I found the missing icons:
A very minor thing - the end-of-game graph can be confusing with two civs having the same colour.
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