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Missouri Representative proposes tax on “violent” video games

Your denial of reality is of no concern to me Ziggy nor are your arbitrary personal requirements you place on those answering you.
Ziggy Stardust said:
Usually the ball-less tactic of being ambiguous when referring to "some posters in this thread" gets by unnoticed when the thread has a couple of pages.
I'm not always against the statement 'some posters in this thread', in that sometimes you want to make a point without picking a fight. Some posters cannot help but being hyper-aggressive to any percieved slight or disagreement and statements such as the one above can sometimes help you avoid unnecessary nastiness. However, in the context of the way it was used in this thread, this exception does not apply and is indeed ball-less.

OH THE IRONY. Or something
Why do Republicans love taxes so much?

Look, I'm on the same side as you are regarding guns, but I think it's fair to say there's at least a tangential relationship between them and gun violence, while there is none present between gun violence and violent video games :dunno:
What you should be learning from this thread is that I am an ally to those against the regulations I the OP. The question is why many can't be consistent in their logic and similarly be my ally against AWBs.

Yes, because video games are exactly like guns.

This is the worst comparison I've seen anywhere this week. You are just reiterating the idiocy put forward by this senator (or whoever) that video games have any sort of tie to violence.
This thread is turning very ridiculous.
Yes, because video games are exactly like guns.

This is the worst comparison I've seen anywhere this week. You are just reiterating the idiocy put forward by this senator (or whoever) that video games have any sort of tie to violence.

You reading comprehension is lacking. I am saying the opposite.
New debate tactic: whenever your opponent says something, anything, just say, "Oh, the irony!" and proceed to insult them.
New debate tactic: whenever your opponent says something, anything, just say, "Oh, the irony!" and proceed to insult them.

Are you guys really so obtuse that you can't see the irony? It is pretty ironic, anyone can see that surely?
Wait until he sees that Obama will likely discuss video games today.

He hasn't from what I've seen. Perhaps I missed it?

Anyhow, I'm anxious to hear Patroklos weigh in on LaPierre's ridiculous blame game conference. Was the NRA wrong to do what they did in this case?

This Tax is ridiculous and I'm confident nothing will come of it.
Missouri Repub just introduced a bill to tax games. Stay independent.
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