Mobile Civ - Symbian? Palm? Pocket PC?


Apr 28, 2004
Melbourne, Australia
I know that they did a mobile version of Civ 1 for one of the early bulky Nokia handsets (the Nokia 9200 Communicator or something) and that they did a version of Civ 2 for the NGage - but are there any plans on porting Civ to any modern mobiles? Looking at the screenshots for the Ngage version, it looks like it'd work fine on my N95 if they could be bothered converting it from s60v1 to s60v3. And how awesome would it be having Civ2 on your mobile phone?

My question - is this something you guys would get behind? Is this something that Firaxis is considering? Is there something on the horizon? If not, can we encourage them to do so?
an improved civ3 for nintendo DS.the stylus would be easier to control and the graphics should handle it
My question - is this something you guys would get behind? Is this something that Firaxis is considering? Is there something on the horizon? If not, can we encourage them to do so?

Noo! Please, getting out of the house is the only way for me to escape, don't make it follow me around :D

Civ II maybe could work, but any of the newer ones is probably unlikely.

Civ IV is definately a bit processor heavy to make a mobile version of. It's running a 3D engine and a rather processor intensive python interpreter as well.

I suppose an unmoddable Civ IV with everything optimized and hard-coded, together with a streamlined 3D engine might be possible, but then again this isnt really the kind of game you can pick up and play on the bus. Or is it? :)
There kinda is...

You can run Playstation games images on the PSP. So, if you put a copy for CivII for PSX on your PSP, than you have mobile civ :D
I've seen the version of Civ 2 they did for the Ngage - I'd enjoy playing that on my symbian phone if they'd do the fairly basic conversion necessary to port it across (from one symbian version to another).
It was made by Com2us, a korean software company. It's a java applet, so every mobile phone ( or other machine ) that suppors Java may use it ( altough maybe some screen resizing may be needed ). I use it in a Motorola V975 ( a 3 year phone ).
It's quite like the civ1 ( if you remember it): no diplo, only 4 civs avaliable, 2 map sizes...
I suspect that would be not to hard to find if you google it or even it the forums ( I believe that it was mentioned before in this forum ). I'll do a search in my lost files to see if I can find it ....

EDIT: File is gone. Missing in action since last format to hard drive :mad:

EDIT 2: See this to have a idea of the game
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