[MOD] Alagaesia Total Conversion

@ darkedone02

I agree. I'm working on the city art. Some of that will be added by tomorrow. As lshockley said she is working on the music; however, it will not be added by the 1.1.0 beta release.

@ soibean

Thank you.

@ Bema

Thank you Bema I'm glad you enjoyed the mod and its nice to have someone comment on the dragons. I spent a lot of time on them and am glad they were a pain ;).

@ lshockley

Thanks. I'm finally getting the hang of editing units.
My son - 11years - love that mod :D! He saw the movie and read the book...

We are looking forward to the new release - are there a map of Alagaesia?

And I agree with the sound and edited citys/units to get more feeling across. Flo loves the dragons as well :)

good luck and go on with the good job :goodjob:

Ps: any idea when the new release will be online?
We are looking forward to the new release - are there a map of Alagaesia?

I found this one. Haven't got around to playing on it yet though so cant vouch for it being any good.

Gwydion62 - you must have one smart son. At 11 I couldn't get my head around the Civ games!
Thanks ;), indeed he is. Even talking and reading a little English, but for CIV that's not good enough...

And thank's for the link to the map - downloaded it and on next weekend he is allowed to play it :D
@ strategyonly

I'm working. Getting CTDs, I found out whats causing them so they should be fixed soon After that I'll upload.

@ Gwydion62

I'm glad your son likes it! The release will be up soon. I've been very busy and have a few things I have to fix. After that I'll upload it. strategyonly also made a map called Eragon. You might like to try it too.
Bad news. I'm not going to be able to get it up today. However, expect it early tomorrow.
Beta 1.1.0 is available for download on my site. I'll add more info and update everything this evening.
What a great way to start the evening. :)


I finally updated the first post. Never been so busy as this week. Things need to quiet down. Anyways, I've been tinkering with the dragon spawn system and an pleased with some changes I made. I intend to release it as an "Experimental" patch soon. I'm working on adding civilization specific units. I intend to start with the elves, and move on from there. I've also been tinkering with the tech tree. The units are more spread out and everything is a little more organized.

Also I was wondering if anyone would mind helping out with Pedia or Strategy entries?

- ClassicThunder
Here are some other Ideas I have made up

-City Screen change: I load up this mod and play the game only to see the civilization 4 screen in the game, I recommand changing that with something that connects to this game.

-Unique units: when I hit the play now, selected my world, and gone to which race to pick. I look at each one of them and found no unique units. I suggest adding a unique unit or two in the game.

-Customized music: I heard on the post that your adding customized music in this game, I just said this for confirmation, so don't worry about it.

-Different leaderhead arts: I kinda dislike people stealing or using someone else art from a different mod, so please change the leaderhead arts to something else that have not been used.
-City Screen change: I load up this mod and play the game only to see the civilization 4 screen in the game, I recommand changing that with something that connects to this game.

I agree. I couldn't find anything appropriate by the 1.1.0 Beta but here are some pictures I've rounded up and plan to use. The regular versions are about 1024x1024 so they should look fine in game.

-Unique units: when I hit the play now, selected my world, and gone to which race to pick. I look at each one of them and found no unique units. I suggest adding a unique unit or two in the game.

True. The next beta will have unique units.

-Customized music: I heard on the post that your adding customized music in this game, I just said this for confirmation, so don't worry about it.

Yes Liana is working on this. I personally have little experience working with audio and any way other than my mp3 player.

-Different leaderhead arts: I kinda dislike people stealing or using someone else art from a different mod, so please change the leaderhead arts to something else that have not been used.

Almost all the leader head art is not found in any other mod. Finding good leader head art is very difficult. So until I do the few place holders from FFH2 will have to do. However, I'll replace them when I can, I don't like borrowing from other mods even when the mods maker encourages it. However, nothing has been stolen.
Thanks for the 1.1.0 Beta...

Florian likes it, looking forward to the units...

Thanks for the 1.1.0 Beta...

Florian likes it, looking forward to the units...


I'm glad your son likes it! I'll release teasers on the units soon. I also found some cool music. I'll update on the re skinning of the ui components soon.
Skinning The UI

Here a screen shot of the UI so far. What do you think? I've also got some new music for the main screen but you'll have to wait for an update to hear it :p.

Spoiler Main Screen :
Classic, I like the new wallpaper on the screen shot! :) -L

I agree, but the brown, well i dont know, would have been better if light blue, better to see the dragons, first time i looked i could not understand/see what was there? LOL:cool: Just my opinion??:p Hi (lshockley)
@ lshockley
Thanks. Sorry I've kind of lost touch, I'll post new files soon. Also have you had any luck with finding music?

Blue? Why blue? Blue is so normal. Blue is blah. Brown foretells of doom. Brown is dramatic. Blue is like dragons have a peaceful fight ten thousand feet in the sky, but brown is like the balance of the fate of the world if being decided in a all decisive moment between the champions of good and evil.

Anyways, blue sky and lightning????

Sorry. I'm bored, which makes me dramatic. I'll try blue later.

@Broken Hawk
You sure can, I'll make a pack of common sizes and release them. I'm glad you like it.
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