MOD: Civ3 - Unit-Mania - 35 New Units V 0.2

Hi all :confused:

I downloaded and installed the UnitMania mod...looks great, but was just the starting point for the mod I'd love to create. There were some other units I wanted to add to this (For example, the ME-110 from Haverlock as a Fighter-Bomber), but I -cannot- seem to get it to work. Its probably just me, of course. Here's what I did:

I dl'd the zip file, and expanded it.

I put the images in a folder under art/units called Fighter-Bomber, and put the icons into the civilopedia/icons/units subdir, renaming them to Fighter-BomberLARGE and Fighter-BomberSMALL

I renamed the .ini file to Fighter-Bomber.

I put the civilopedia entry into the file. Ditto the PediaIcons entry.

I added a new unit, and called it Fighter-Bomber. To start, I didn't give it any requirements, so I could test it.

And my problems?

- I can't find the ME-110 image in my icons list. How does it number those stupid things anyway? Also, my editor now seems to crash (something going wrong with the graphics) whenever I scroll through the unit list.

- The fighter-bomber still doesn't show in my list of possible units at start, even though it has no requirements.

Could anyone offer me a hint?
I had the crashing editor problem a while back, but I dont see any reason why it shoudl'nt have. I guess I proved that if you add 40+ units to a mod in the wrong order, and want to rearrange them, it is better to start over than to open the bic in notepad and start moving stuff.

Anyway, when my editor started crasing when scrolling through the units, i knew it was time to start over. For me, at least, it always crashed when i got to certain units. I have yet to figure out why.

Sorry I couldnt help
Dude! This sounds totally awesome! Could you, perhaps, merge all those files into like 1 or 2? (Preferably 1.) Sure, it might take all day, but it would take all day anyway, and most everyone's got Gozilla or something like it. Hopefully you've also got all the necessary instructions for installation.

Game on, big fella!
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