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Mod Component Requests Thread

This might be a bit contraversial, but I'd like to request an "ethnic hatred" modcomp, which would sort of be the opposite of a war weariness effect.

Say another country is holding on to territories (cities in this case) with significant populations of your countrymen (maybe like 40%) in their lands. Is there a way you could get unhappiness, provided they are cautious or below towards you. This should be exacerbated if you settled those cities, and even worse if they conquered them. Of course the only way to lose this would be to go to war with them.

Almost like reverse "we want to join the mother country" situation, almost like a "They're oppressing our kinsmen!!!" situation. Or is that already in the game?

Sorry I'm drunk.
Actually I had a similar idea earlier, there could easily be 'ethnic hatred" in wars.
Just my idea is not to add further unhappinesss if there is no war, whats the point of giving additional disadvantage to the civ with lost cities?

Instead of that, if a nation have some of your previous cities with significant population of your people in them, than a war against them could be waited/desired by some of your citizens.
I mean if a war begins, among with the anti-war population (unhappy faces) there could be some pro-war population (happy faces) in your cities: "Let's get back what is ours, let's unite our people".

Of course, it would have the opposite effect as the war-weariness, which is getting bigger and bigger in your cities, this would wear off after some turns of the war...
For example if a civ has many of your cities, then in the beginnig of a war it is 30%, after 5 turns 25%, after 10 turns 20% and so on.
Does it make any sence?
Actually I had a similar idea earlier, there could easily be 'ethnic hatred" in wars.
Just my idea is not to add further unhappinesss if there is no war, whats the point of giving additional disadvantage to the civ with lost cities?

Instead of that, if a nation have some of your previous cities with significant population of your people in them, than a war against them could be waited/desired by some of your citizens.
I mean if a war begins, among with the anti-war population (unhappy faces) there could be some pro-war population (happy faces) in your cities: "Let's get back what is ours, let's unite our people".

Of course, it would have the opposite effect as the war-weariness, which is getting bigger and bigger in your cities, this would wear off after some turns of the war...
For example if a civ has many of your cities, then in the beginnig of a war it is 30%, after 5 turns 25%, after 10 turns 20% and so on.
Does it make any sence?

Yeah, I was pretty drunk when I posted that. But I suppose in a strange way the game sort of does that anyway. I mean a civ/leader will hate you for x amount of time already after a war or for dealing with their enemies or whatever. But I still think there is room, or should be room, for something more from the people of your cities. I'm not entirely sure what I am envisioning, but what you are describing is pretty good.

I'd also like to reiterate my request for a modcomp that gives different leaders different flags, or something that designates a certain flag to a certain leader. Yeah. That'd be awesome.

EDIT: I had an idea for a wonder, I'm trying to bring back a few wonders from old civ games in my mod and I was thinking of doing at least one per era. I was considering King Richard's Crusade but with a twist. Is there any way to make a KRC wonder that spreads the builder's state religion to cities conquered by that player?
EDIT: I had an idea for a wonder, I'm trying to bring back a few wonders from old civ games in my mod and I was thinking of doing at least one per era. I was considering King Richard's Crusade but with a twist. Is there any way to make a KRC wonder that spreads the builder's state religion to cities conquered by that player?

	def onCityAcquiredAndKept(self, argsList):
		'City Acquired and Kept'
		iOwner,pCity = argsList
		###from here
		pPlayer = gc.getPlayer(iOwner)
		if pPlayer.getBuildingClassCount(gc.getInfoTypeForString("BUILDINGCLASS_WHATEVER"))>0:
			iStateReligion = pPlayer.getStateReligion ()
			if iStateReligion>=0:
				if not pCity.isHasReligion(iStateReligion):

But attention: BUILDINGCLASS_, not BUILDING_
As embarassed as I am to say this, I am not greatly famiilar with code and have no idea what that means, where to put it, or what I have to do with it. So could you help me out a little on this one?
Sorry, forgot to mention the file:
This part:
    def onCityAcquiredAndKept(self, argsList):
        'City Acquired and Kept'
        iOwner,pCity = argsList

is already in there, this part:
        ###from here
        pPlayer = gc.getPlayer(iOwner)
        if pPlayer.getBuildingClassCount(gc.getInfoTypeForString("BUILDINGCLASS_WHATEVER"))>0:
            iStateReligion = pPlayer.getStateReligion ()
            if iStateReligion>=0:
                if not pCity.isHasReligion(iStateReligion):

has to be added after it.
You are totally going to kick my ass right now.

First; after I do all of that I just make the building and building class and all that good stuff. Put that appropriate tag into this python and it'll work?

Second; now that I think about it, shouldn't this be a project rather than a building?
First; after I do all of that I just make the building and building class and all that good stuff. Put that appropriate tag into this python and it'll work?
I'm pretty sure it will.
Second; now that I think about it, shouldn't this be a project rather than a building?
You COULD make it a project, but then you couldn't use all the building tags. So it depends on what do you want it to do other than that.
I'm pretty sure it will.You COULD make it a project, but then you couldn't use all the building tags. So it depends on what do you want it to do other than that.

I was kinda thinking of giving all Knights City Raider, but I don't know. It probably would work out better as a wonder I guess.
It will definitely work. (I've done it gazillions of times) But just make sure it actually works in game, since there is no way to just check in the xml whether it works or not.

Also, just in case you didn't know before hand, since this isn't one of the innate building abilities or tags found in the xml, you will have to remember to add in an extra help tag in the BuildingInfos.xml, as seen here:

It will definitely work. (I've done it gazillions of times) But just make sure it actually works in game, since there is no way to just check in the xml whether it works or not.

Also, just in case you didn't know before hand, since this isn't one of the innate building abilities or tags found in the xml, you will have to remember to add in an extra help tag in the BuildingInfos.xml, as seen here:


Were you talking to me here? I don't understand what this has to do with the KRC thing.
^Well, maybe you already knew this, but basically since this new bonus for the KRC isn't one that was innately inside the XML, when you look up the civiolopedia, there won't be text saying something like " -Spreads religions to conquered cities", so you'll have to add that tag in and make your own text.
A while ago in the Unit Requests thread someone requested 52 new units representing all 52 leaders in the game. I don't think anyone followed him up on it, but I found it interesting.

I know Civ3 had a Regicide game mode where killing a civ's leader unit would result in an automatic win. Would anyone else be interested in a Regicide modcomp? Even without artwork for all 52 leaders, I'm sure some mod could use it.
is there any way of making the civ names in the main menu the short description rather than the full one. im sure it cant be complicated but ive had a quick look thru a few files
This is pretty embarassing, but a while back I made this request...

I'd like to request a modcomp where under the Police State civic you get no unhappiness from defying a UN resolution.

And then this guy was kind enough to actually help me and send me some code in a PM...

I'm pretty sure that requires dll editing, but because I'm trying to learn it now, I might try to do it. Umm, when would you need it? I think because I'm still a beginner it might take some time.

And then I deleted it on accident. :sad: Is there anyway you could send me that code again NSG?
And then I deleted it on accident. :sad: Is there anyway you could send me that code again NSG?

Ofcourse I can! You were lucky I hadn't removed it yet.
But this time I'll attach it to this thread so that more people will see it and it won't get lost so easily. Just look for "no anger defying UN resolutions". It's in onCityDoTurn.
The normal main menu is nearly untouchable.
Why do you want this?

its part of a mod im workin on - the full names are too long. If it would be too dificult i wont bother. I just thought itd be fairly straightforward
Ofcourse I can! You were lucky I hadn't removed it yet.
But this time I'll attach it to this thread so that more people will see it and it won't get lost so easily. Just look for "no anger defying UN resolutions". It's in onCityDoTurn.

Thanks a lot, I have it saved so I won't lose it this time. :goodjob:

The only issue I'm thinking would arise with this is that it wouldn't say this is a new effect for the Police State civic. How can I get that to show up when you are in the civics screen?
The only issue I'm thinking would arise with this is that it wouldn't say this is a new effect for the Police State civic. How can I get that to show up when you are in the civics screen?

You can add a help tag in civic infos like this:
then add a text with that tag into your text files with the message you want. You don't have to do any changes into schema or anything else, it's already there ready to be used. :D
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