Mod Issues


Jul 23, 2017
I'm not sure where to post this, sorry if it's not in the proper place, if so can you please direct me to said place.

That out of the way, I've been trying to get this mod i created to work for three+ days now and I've eliminated all but two issues.
1.) The custom pictures just don't show up. They are in dds format, i set VFS to true, and I made sure they were the correct size, and referenced properly in the XML.
2.) There are these two lines that keep showing up in the Database log.
[91135.921] Invalid Reference on Civilizations.IconAtlas - "CIV_COLOR_ATLAS_FAIRY" does not exist in IconTextureAtlases
[91136.171] Invalid Reference on Leaders.IconAtlas - "CIV_COLOR_ATLAS_FAIRY" does not exist in IconTextureAtlases
But it does
Please help. Feel free to criticize me if it's a stupid error
I attached the mod.


  • Fairy
    2.9 MB · Views: 151
  1. You've posted in the civ6 (six) forums instead of the civ5 (five) forums
  2. Your file usages in the modinfo file are incorrect. None of your dds files are set as "import=1" in the modinfo file.
        <File md5="D290C49E1DDCD71A161FDC77B67458C4" import="0">Art/</File>
        <File md5="5A04D423228A46F1ABC20942F570F4EB" import="0">Art/</File>
        <File md5="F57B9C9CF1DC78509011F6864341DB12" import="0">Art/</File>
        <File md5="7F2B2B32E4270A91F2293CD780E7733E" import="0">Art/</File>
        <File md5="1C9934963F34DF3F9A871DB76B69EA35" import="0">Art/</File>
        <File md5="CBEF101CDCE1B9031BF929596A561DAB" import="0">Art/</File>
        <File md5="CEA9AA5E2A67473AF926311C6EFD731D" import="0">Art/</File>
        <File md5="E2548E748D8FFA9635C09E8470451A96" import="0">Art/</File>
        <File md5="56028098911DB32FBA545BF6010CF1D4" import="0">Art/</File>
  3. Your file names don't match in all cases and this is why the <IconTextureAtlases> table refuses to contain CIV_COLOR_ATLAS_FAIRY.

        <File md5="B6FD0BD6EFB1A7BBC9F4B69F974D7AA6" import="0">XML/IconTextureAtlases.xml</File>
    If you are using ModBuddy, do not manually type in the names of files, use the drop-down to select the file when adding another file to the Actions
  4. MavisScene.xml should be set as "Import Into VFS = true" and should not be set as <UpdateDatabase> in the mod's <OnModActivated> actions.
  5. decimal values are not allowed here (whole numbers are needed):
    <Column name="LevelExperienceModifier" type="integer" default="0"/>
    It's been long enough since I did civ5 now that I cannot remember whether this will be rounded to 3% additional XP required or will be ignored. The setting in this column is a percentage of the normal xp required for the next promotion level, and requires a negative value if you want the ability to be less XP needed than normal to gain a promotion.
    • so to be clear if you want your civ's units to require 25% less XP for each promotion level, you state -25
  6. Your unit already belongs to the specified class of units so it cannot upgrade to it:
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Thank you for the quick reply, I'm not at my pc now but I'll fix all of that when I get the chance. On a second note, do you happen to know of any modding resources such as a list all of the different additions I can make to uniques and traits. So far I've been pulling from civs from the base game and I'm just not finding everything I want from those or the internet.
(Update) Just got home and it works great. Do you mind if I put your forum username in the special thanks?
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And don't be afraid to be a little "technical", I may be new to CiV modding but I've been doing XML modding for about a year now.
For civ5 the game-tables and the columns that are valid for them is usually the best place to start. These are defined directly within the xml files of the base game.

  • For BNW, the folder you want to start with is C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Sid Meier's Civilization V\assets\DLC\Expansion2\Gameplay\XML.
  • Within this overall XML folder are subfolders such as /Buildings
  • Within the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Sid Meier's Civilization V\assets\DLC\Expansion2\Gameplay\XML\Buildings there are three files defining the classes of buildings of the base-game
    1. CIV5BuildingClasses.xml
    2. CIV5BuildingClasses_Expansion2.xml
    3. CIV5BuildingClasses_Inherited_Expansion2.xml
    and three files defining the buildings of the base game:
    1. CIV5Buildings.xml
    2. CIV5Buildings_Expansion2.xml
    3. CIV5Buildings_Inherited_Expansion2.xml
    The two files numbered "1" in the lists will contain at the top the definitions of all the tables and the columns within them that are valid in the base game for Building-Classes and Buildings.
  • Firaxis generally follows a convention for BNW of files with _Inherited_Expansion2 added to the name contain stuff that was first added in the Gods & Kings Expansion (albeit settings are changed from what was used in Gods & Kings), files with _Expansion2 added to the name contain stuff that was first added in the BNW Expansion, and files without these additions to the names contain the table definitions and stuff that was originally added to the game in the Vanilla expansion (albeit settings are changed from what was used in Vanilla).
  • For the most part this is your road map for seeing what are valid column-names and what are not within various game-tables, as well as whether the column expects Boolean, integer, or text entries, as well as any default values that apply for the column.
  • There is also quite a lot of info available in the forum's modwiki but I am not sure how up-to-date it is wrt BNW as opposed to still showing only Vanilla-era or Gods & Kings-era info.
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