[MOD] More Naval AI

When I attempt to play "Lord of Balors" with Tholal's Naval AI mod version 2.2 I get a GameStart event handler error (this happened for both Mercurians and Balserephs). I have no starting units and start the game defeated. Steam version of Civ IV, FFH2 patch o, only problem so far.

Is this a known problem?

I believe that the problem is that there are too many units in the Galleons, so it is not longer possible to create the starting units.
MagisterCultuum said:
I've noticed lately in my modmod that priests no longer seem capable of upgrading to anything
My bad. Will be fixed in the next release.
I could probably figure this out on my own, but what would I have to change by hand to fix this? I'm starting a new game where I anticipate I'll want to do some priest upgrading.
I noticed AI behviour - it is exploitable - in short, AI army was standing two tiles away my city and my golems sent fireballs out. I had 8 golems, AI army had 20+mages, 10+ chariots, some catapults, etc. Yet AI did not move. Every turn I spammed more fireballs from rushing golems til finally I killed the whole AI army.

My guess - every turn AI did try to heal collateral dmg, caused by fireballs. Thats why AI mages did not use fireballs (20+mages, I repeat).
I noticed AI behviour - it is exploitable - in short, AI army was standing two tiles away my city and my golems sent fireballs out. I had 8 golems, AI army had 20+mages, 10+ chariots, some catapults, etc. Yet AI did not move. Every turn I spammed more fireballs from rushing golems til finally I killed the whole AI army.

My guess - every turn AI did try to heal collateral dmg, caused by fireballs. Thats why AI mages did not use fireballs (20+mages, I repeat).

Can you provide a save game where I can watch this behavior?
Oh yes, but this save is from Magister's mod, Magister is using your mod as a core, therefore I thought, it is better to post AI issues, etc to your mod section.


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Something needs to be done to prevent starts like the one in the attached picture, if possible. A goblin fort with a goblin archer cut my settler off from my other units...

Hopefully it is a simple matter of of adding in a check that prevents things like this from being placed to close to a starting location.


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I have another scenario error. When I play Mulcarn Reborn Decius never spawns. I can play the scenario, but it is sad that he doesn't show up. Does this happen to anyone else? I have FFH2 patch "o" Tholal Naval AI 2.2 and BTS 3.19
Tholal and Magister - did you already see this (see attached) ;)

You were talking about the airport icons a little while back and just wanted to make sure you knew about this. I hope it got resolved. BTW the icons don't seem to appear or disappear immediately when you click that, but just play a little and they do.


  • AirportIcon.JPG
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Some feedback: fireballs still provide exp to the units they attack, contrary to pedia entry, Balesrath seem to be pretty much held back by building their hero too early (instead of growth units), and doesn't use it properly: doesn't try to culture conquer a city with a very few culture and even w/o culture growth (given by disciple).
I can't seem to upgrade hunters to assassins. I can build assassins in the city, but not upgrade the hunter there. Known bug?
Hunters definitely used to upgrade to assassins, according to civilopedia as well. Couldn't upgrade my nightwatch to assassin either.

Edit: looks like there was a problem in that particular game; in another game I could upgrade hunters just fine.
I think your problem is that Tholal added a block preventing units with a religion from upgrading to units with a different religion, and counting NONE as a separate religion for the purposes of this block. He knows about the issue and I think may have fixed it already, but has not released an update since then.
Did you possibly have a hawk loaded at the time on that hunter? Since assassins can't carry hawks, the upgrade will be disabled until you unload the hawks.
Version 2.3 Official Release (not compatible with any previous saves)

Download link

  • Fix for bug that was preventing some units (including Priests) from being able to upgrade
  • Help text for Manabar Toggle button will now use proper text and language (code by Terkhen)
  • The AvatarofCivLeader flag will now transfer if the unit upgrades (fix provided for modmods)
  • The isPromotionValid function will now check for the PrereqAlive tag (mainly affects Sevopedia)
  • Players wont lose traits if their Avatar upgrades to another unit (fix provided for modmods)
  • World class units can no longer be traded
  • Fixed some improper calls to getGroupSize()
  • Players with just one city should no longer be able to trade it away (affects Puppet States)
  • Fix for computer players getting double use from Golden Hammers
  • Rebel civs should no longer end up with strange religion/alignment combos
  • Fix for the Jungle Altar not spawning units in the Fall Of Cuantine scenario
  • Fix for a potential modulo by 0 in RevUtils

  • AI should be less gung-ho about over-building Adepts
  • Tweaks to how the AI chooses to target weak opponents for War
  • AI can now pillage with stacks that are led by a non-pillaging unit
  • AI less likely to build training buildings if they dont have the required bonuses to train the units that the building provides (ie, stables with no horses for example)
  • AI will only raze high culture cities if the previous owner is pursuing a Culture victory; AI will try to avoid razing Holy Cities for their favorite religions
  • AI will sometimes use River of Blood as strategy to get a quick start; AI will wait slightly longer before casting Ardor
  • AI should be better about placing Pirate Coves (code by Red Key)
  • Barbarian Animals should no longer seek out or get stuck in cities (code by Red Key)
  • Gargoyles should no longer attack cities
  • AI less interested in Crush strategy if in Financial Trouble
  • AI should be better about grouping its Hero units

User Interface
  • Promos that require the unit to be alive will now display that info in the promo details
  • Reverting a change to how Sevopedia chooses to display items (my previous change was the incorrect way to do it)
  • When a village provides you with a free tech, the message now displays the name of the tech
  • Fix for 'Airport' icon (Obsidian Gate in our case) not appearing on the city bar (fix by Magister Cultuum)

  • Man 'o Wars can now carry Hawks
  • Players with no cities can now trade with their team members
  • Puppet States and Revolutions are now separate game options (code by Terkhen)
Did you possibly have a hawk loaded at the time on that hunter? Since assassins can't carry hawks, the upgrade will be disabled until you unload the hawks.
*facepalm* That's it, of course! Thanks man!

Thanks for the update Tholal! It is awesome that this mod still is in active development! I hope your family is well :)
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