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MOD: Patch Suggestion lite - C3C version

Good work! :D
Made some changes myself.

* SoZ now requires horses instead of ivory and costs more.
* Knights templar needs iron.

maybe you like the changes...
I'm wondering what your reasoning was on the government changes - beefing up democracy and more corruption with fascism. Does democracy need beefing up? Also, what about Feudalism? Should the unit cost be lowered?

Well, while lowering unit cost is nice, I concluded that it's not mandatory, since you can always make another city at some patch of land and gain extra 5 free units (or equivalent 15 gold).
Anyway, my gaming experience tells me it's ok as long as you have lots of towns (better deal then Republic then).

As for Democarcy, without unit support comparable to Republic it's weaker then its non-C3C version.
For example if having no more then 4 units per every city 6<pop<13, you pay just 2gp in Republic (2gp per unit), but 4gp (1gp per unit) in Democracy, so you earn more money in Republic.
Extra unit upkeep in designed for leveling this inbalance creater in C3C.

As for Fascism it doean't really have lower corruption then before.
Problematic corruption + Secret Police == better then Nuisance corruption.
But, it will lead to AI choosing Communism more often.
And Communism, with with communal corruption can really benefit AI (and human alike).
And since AI uses switches to war-time governments usually after long war in Democracy, it will prevent extra loss of population with Fascism.
Player1 fanatic, I surprise you haven't remove the pillage flag on armies. IMO this is too powerful so I usually don't use this ability with armies.
Well I know that 0-move pillage for the armies is powerful, but also I don't think it's fait to make armies unable to pillage at all (makes no sense flavorwise).

So, when I'm in doubt I don't make rule change.
Fantastic! I agree with most of your options! :D

The most appreciated changes for me are:
- Paratroopers increase is a good move. I very very rarely used them, let's see if it changes now.
- Reduce land bombardement is essential... remove it maybe too extreme, but better than the std!
- The Wonders change are good, specially the Cure for Cancer.

player1 fanatic said:
Military Academy doesn't allow building armies anymore. (...) It also makes leader generated armies more special, since players can't rely on Military Academy to mass-produce armies as before.

The BEST rule change for me! :goodjob:
What I'd really prefer would be armies like in Vanilla, where they had a use but was very limitative due to it's health slow recovery... but this was a GREAT idea!

player1 fanatic said:
Longbowmen and Medieval Infantry upgrade to Riflemen instead of Guerilla. When rifles started to be used, these troops were already obsolete.
This is the only option which I don't like. I think these units should keep on the same military path.
These are all great changes and exactly what I've been bothered by -- the fact that too much stuff is just too weak to ever use, like paratroopers, feudalism. I don't think the games needs to be any more complex than it already is, but it does need more balance, and this takes great strides in achieving that.

However, what about Expansionist civs? Why not give them a sensible bonus? Civs like the Americans and the English, when combined with their pointless UU, are unplayable. A bombardment increase for the F15 is peanuts.
Selecting Hussar for build crashes the game.

This sucks.

Missing File:

"text\Pedialcons.txt" : ANINAME_PRTO_HUSSAR

Game will now crash out like a little byotch.
Have you installed the mod as it says in readme?

BIQ files should be in your Civilization III\Conquests\Scenarios folder, while all other support files should be in ps-lite subfolder, including updated pediaicons.txt which doesn't miss anything.
Well, since it looks like this thread is started up again, I wanted to say that I like your "patch" very much. Just one little thing I disagree with is the AI strategy for the numidian mercenary - I think it should still have the offensive and defensive flag checked. Remember it replaces spearman and it has a 2 offense; though more expensive than archers there's no other reason for the AI not to use them in an offensive effort (especially since you dont have to bring any defensive units along to protect them).
Having no offense flag does not mean that AI won't use them for offense. It just mean it won't use them in situations when odds are great against you, which is good. It's better to waste 20shield archer on unit that has defense of 3, while using 30shield NM to take out 1 defense warrior.
player1 fanatic said:
Have you installed the mod as it says in readme?

BIQ files should be in your Civilization III\Conquests\Scenarios folder, while all other support files should be in ps-lite subfolder, including updated pediaicons.txt which doesn't miss anything.

I did at last figure it out by deduction. I had to go into the pediaicons.txt file and physically type in the line that it said was missing, thanks for this fix, though.

All and all, it is a great patch. Have you considered adding an additional bonus for "expansionist" Civs? I always play with Barbarians off, that may be the time in which they are most valuable, with their explorer and all, but I just can't see "expantionist" having any competitive value vs. the other bonuses.
Actually, Exp civs can be good as is, if you know how to utilize their bonus. Early tech trade with other civs, plus ability to get second city early alone can make them worth.
Great job :goodjob: , I have added most of the changes to the somewhat bigger mod I'm working on. It was useful as a starting point for the unit changes.

Here are the points where I diagree, haven't implemented or just want to comment on:
- All Government changes (Not really disagree, I just have started to go through the governments yet).
- Military Academy change (I don't like it).
- Removal of bomber lethal land bombardment (Don't like).
- Curragh's AI flag change (Might not be needed because of other naval changes I'm considering).
- Carrack bombardment upgrade (I don't like it).
- Carrier-Cruiser relative speed (Cruisers & Battleships got a boost of speed instead).
- Destroyer Bombardment strength upgrade (Destroyers shouldn't be good at bombardment).
- Frigate & Man-of-War upgrade (I have them upgrade to Cruisers instead of Destroyers).
- Curraghs & ocean crossing (Huh? Since when has Curraghs been able to cross oceans).
- Removal of AI Offensive flags from Impi & Numidian Mercenaries (Undecided, I might give the Impi Att 2).
- Removal of AI Offensive flag from Mech Inf (I don't like removing it, when the other modern infantry units have it).
- Hwach'a & Chemistry (What is the graphics bug about?).
- Hittites & Horsemen (Undecided).
- Air-lift of Flak units (I might restrict airlift of other units instead).
- Modern Paratrooper Def increase. (No, they already have better def than Infantry.)
- Guerilla Att increase. (Rejected. I made Guerilla an all-terrain as road, move 2, Explorers upgrade to unit.)

Thank you once again.
You still take suggestions on this mod?
Tanks should require metal, I can't remember if they do but glancing through civipedia it says they don't.

Currachs should get transport 1 or 2. If any civ gets stuck on a small island, smaller then its opponents its screwed because it can't expand until map making. Even with transport 1, it would still be slow as hell and have to be pretty lucky to survive a ocean trip to deliver a settler to a new land. Unlikely is better then no way at all.

Currachs should be able to travel ocean squares, this may not be realistic but it is necessary. Especially since random maps never places whole areas as sea instead of ocean. Sea just means a little further from shore and rather useless for reaching new lands.

Jungle should be made more valuable. 2 food, and 1 or 2 commerce(from natural resources in the jungle) (no boost from roads though) Requires clearing to place towns. Gives wood when harvested
Really enjoy this mod. It is close to vanilla, but different enough to be enjoyable. For those mod clueless people out there, I am uploading my person version of this mod. The only difference is that corruption is lowered by 50%. I also included Rhye's team color changes.

Just download the zip, and install over original mod. Play with ps-lite-corruption-50percent.biq

Spoiler :
I should mention I do not have player1 fanatic's or Rhye's permission. I know the mod rule that you should never releases mods without the author's permission, but it has been 10 years plus, and these mod author's have moved on. However, if one of them get's upset, I will remove this post.


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