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[MOD] Realism:The Third Resurrection

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Does England really have room for three cities? I tend to think not. We have the one that can be built by the london area at start, then there can be one built NW in Scotland, and if you want to hurt london I guess you could build a city in the Cornwall area.....Not to sure about the practicality of squeezing that other city in though.
Should be not cool to adopt The Lopez's Mercenary Mod ?
Wiz said:
Does England really have room for three cities? I tend to think not. We have the one that can be built by the London area at start, then there can be one built NW in Scotland, and if you want to hurt London I guess you could build a city in the Cornwall area.....Not to sure about the practicality of squeezing that other city in though.

The third spot is in Ireland.... so yes they can fix three. They do have some over lap but all the European CIV's do. Actually England is really the only one guaranteed three cities while the other's depend on if they can get the jump on the settlers first. The one Thing I have noticed in most of my test games is that Germany loves to come down to the Balkans area and cut of both Rome and Greece. I have tried to rearrange some of the resource to entice them to settle more to the north but they play almost like a player so I'm not sure if that is good or bad. It is bad for Greece if they don't settle up there first as they usually get stuck with one city though since I removed the Barbarian City Lydia next to the Black Sea they are now getting a city in that area so it not as bad a before.

I played a test game with the removal of the starting techs and no worker and I must say I like it allot. Soooooo many options and routes to go. I played as Roman to see when the dreaded Praetorians would come and I got them at 1900 BCE. Though I did not beeline for them as I started with fishing to get my city growth going and also got Mysticism, Masonry and the Wheel before getting Iron Working. I wanted to see what the time frame was if I tried a moderate approach and go for some other things so I got Stonehenge for the free obelisk to help with border expansion and the Great Prophet for when I take of Isabella and her TWO shrines. She got Hinduism and Judaism again though I know once we move Judaism back to Monotheism and we put the three religions on three different paths that will change for the better.

By the time I got a decent sized force to call an army it is around 1200 BCE so the timing for them is not to bad. Most of the CIV's have Axeman and are just now developing Horses so they should have Horse Archers so I do Not have a decisive advantage over them. Moving the Iron out from under Rome helps as it forces the player to get at least the wheel so it gives a little more time for the other CIV's to develop some. If we reduce the Praetorians in strength we might also want to reduce their cost a little and put it more in line with swordsman. Part of the strength of the Legion was it's numbers.

Playing with the Aggressive AI is interesting as this round Alexander got a little frisky and first demanded tribute around 2500 BCE and then declared on me a few turns later. What gets me is he only had One warrior stuck between me, France and Spain which he didn't attack with as I had one on a forested hill blocking him and he has not sent any others to me.

So far I haven't seen any CIV's destroyed by the Barbarians yet but I want to do some more testing to see how good they are. I will try to post the Newest version tonight when I get home from work. For who ever is in charge of the Sourceforge project my user name is Nightravn like it is here and if you would be so kind and add me to the project so I could get it uploaded there. :)

Thanks for pointing it out.

I have
- removed PlotList 0.95
- removed Exotic Foreign Advisor
- removed old Domestic Advisor

- Added PlotList 2.0 (damn was that tough)
- Added Enhanced Foreign Advisor
- Added Homegrown's + Rabbits update's Domestic Advisor

I am waiting for a response from 12Monkey, then I will upload all this modoficatiosn to Source forge. We are getting there step by step. :)

Thereafter I will take care of Nafs mods.


Good job. Keep balancing them. :) I have sent an email to Israfil to add you to the Project.

Good news,
I have asked 12Monkey as an Python expert to solve our 2 Python issues. He said he would help us. :)

The merc mod isn't cooked yet. We need to adjust the numbers in our mod again and that will take lots of time. Maybe in future...


I need help. ANd this is something that doesn't need programming skills. I started to read but thats so much analytic thoughts behind it and I have no time to think even more right now. I am very busy with implementing and debugging:

I need someone with a clear head and good analytic skills to read this thread from beginning to the end and make notes. Some suggestions get later disproved and others improved. So it is imperative to read all 6 pages.
At the end, please post your notes here for me what to change.

That would be a great help!!!!!

So please, who could give me a hand?

Kind regards
Houman - Good News as I have been actively watching it, have even posted in it and have already posted about it with a link in this thread a page or two back. ;) I whole heartily agree with the OP on his issues. I will run them down for ya and the others here....

Issues are:

Forest Chopping: Change forest production from 30 to 15 and jungle production for 0 to 10...... I agree

I also think we need to either add another improvement for earlier cultivation of forests or move the saw mill up to machinery which moving the saw mill would be my suggestion.

Financial Trait: Change it from giving bonus at 2 commerce to giving it a 3 commerce........... I agree and think we have already implemented this.

Cash Rushing and the Town improvement: Lower the bonus from Free Speech to 1 commerce instead of 2 commerce (next to the 100% culture boost). Increase the cash rushing factor from 3 to 7.

Reduce the production bonus from cash rushing given by the Kremlin from 100% to 25%. Make the Kremlin go obsolete with Satellites instead of Fiber Optics. This way, it's not that attractive to not research Fiber Optics to keep the Kremlin active. Satellites is a more crucial technology.

I agree though since we are nerfing the Kremlin it might not be necessary to move where it obsoletes at.

State Property: Move the increase in output of the watermill and the workshop to the railroad improvement. This way, it will be at about the same moment in the game that these bonuses to the watermill and the workshop can be reached, but they are not dependent on the state property civic.

I agree and this also helps with the disparity between Towns and other improvements.

His last comments................

Personally, I think that the game could use an artillery type unit between the catapult and the cannon to improve balance. At present, you will be using catapults to bombard units far stronger than the catapult.
Another balance issue is that the air interception isn't very lethal. An interception should not just lead to some healing time but to the loss of the airplane. It's almost impossible to become master of the skies for you or the AI with the present interception rates. The only way to stop bombers completely is by capturing the city in which they're stationed.
Also, when you sent a fighter on a bombing campaign, then it can intercept the fighter that is sent up to intercept it. However, the chances of this happening are very small.

We have already got the Trebuchet and I agree that fighters need a boost. If they Intercept a bomber the bomber should go down. If they intercept another fighter then the odds should be more 50/50. This will increase the importance of having fighters for defense and for escorting the bombers. We need not necessarily change the interception rates but we might want to look at those too but definitely need to change the damage outcome of those that are.
I'm amused when a longbow kills a 50%+ strength tank and lives to snicker with his buddys about it. should longbow be able to do that? had 1 that killed 2 in a row and lived.
In my current game christianity is spreading like mad. So mad, in fact, that I can't get the inquisition to destroy it. What I mean is that it spreads so quickly that the last inquisition building is still in the city. That doesn't seem to make a terrible lot of sense; How can they come back if the inquisition is still there?

A suggestion; perhaps turn down christianity's spread rate or lower the number of turns the inquisition stays around. Also, is there any way to let one pick which heathen religion one destroys through the inquisition? Basically, a city has religion A, B, and C, and I just want to knock out B. Is this possible?
I got a problem with the map. Some how Horses got revealed and no matter what CIV I play you can see the horses right from the start. Anyone know how to fix this. I have tried removing all the horses and saving the games then adding them back but it's still the same.
I thought Houman made it that way on purpose. Did he not? Horses don't need a technology to reveal them in this mod.

Makes sense. Your people can actually see them even if they arent sure how to use them. Unless people want some strange psychology effect :crazyeye: where until they know what they are and how to use them people just refuse to see them and believe they exist. :lol:
A bit ridiculous, but there was that story about the spanish invaders...

That great slavery idea of that other mod is going in isnt it? 25% Defeated units become slaves?
Nightravn said:
Houman - Good News as I have been actively watching it, have even posted in it and have already posted about it with a link in this thread a page or two back. ;) I whole heartily agree with the OP on his issues. I will run them down for ya and the others here....

hehe very nice. :)

Forest Chopping: Change forest production from 30 to 15 and jungle production for 0 to 10...... I agree


I also think we need to either add another improvement for earlier cultivation of forests or move the saw mill up to machinery which moving the saw mill would be my suggestion.

Do you mean Lumbermill? Yeah I moved it to Machinery.

Financial Trait: Change it from giving bonus at 2 commerce to giving it a 3 commerce........... I agree and think we have already implemented this.

Was already done!

Cash Rushing and the Town improvement: Lower the bonus from Free Speech to 1 commerce instead of 2 commerce (next to the 100% culture boost). Increase the cash rushing factor from 3 to 7.

Free Speech - Commerce Bonus now 1 instead of 2.
Culture still 100% boost - untouched
What do you mean with Cash rushing factor 3 to 7, where do I find it? Is it part of Free Speech civic?

Reduce the production bonus from cash rushing given by the Kremlin from 100% to 25%. Make the Kremlin go obsolete with Satellites instead of Fiber Optics. This way, it's not that attractive to not research Fiber Optics to keep the Kremlin active. Satellites is a more crucial technology.


State Property: Move the increase in output of the watermill and the workshop to the railroad improvement. This way, it will be at about the same moment in the game that these bonuses to the watermill and the workshop can be reached, but they are not dependent on the state property civic.

Could you elaborate on this a bit more? Shall I change State Property civic in a way that it doesn't give any production bonus to watermill and workshop (I know how)
and instead I give Watermill and Workshop a production bonus if there is a railroad build on them? I don't get the last one and where to change it...

We have already got the Trebuchet and I agree that fighters need a boost. If they Intercept a bomber the bomber should go down. If they intercept another fighter then the odds should be more 50/50. This will increase the importance of having fighters for defense and for escorting the bombers. We need not necessarily change the interception rates but we might want to look at those too but definitely need to change the damage outcome of those that are.

The problem is that interception is interception. There is no difference between bomber and fighter. But we could set the interception rate for fighters higher and lower the evasion rate for bombers. This way, if you have many intercepting fighters, they might kill the bombers without escort before it can bomb the city.

Hi I play this mod alot and I know that you guys have the earth map for this mod and I know want to try it. But I was wondering I wanted to use the earth map but how can I play a custom game while playing the earth map. If you guys could help me out that would be awsome I want to start another awsoem game:)
Paulk said:
I thought Houman made it that way on purpose. Did he not? Horses don't need a technology to reveal them in this mod.


I am not sure on this as I don't think it was this way before the last changes I made but if it is suppose to be that way then I tend to agree with that sentiment.

Houman can I get your take on this issue.

As for your other questions....

What do you mean with Cash rushing factor 3 to 7, where do I find it? Is it part of Free Speech civic?

Right Now it cost 3 gold for 1 production and the suggested change would to make it 7 gold for 1 production. This is enabled with Universal Suffrage other than that I have no idea.

Could you elaborate on this a bit more? Shall I change State Property civic in a way that it doesn't give any production bonus to watermill and workshop (I know how) and instead I give Watermill and Workshop a production bonus if there is a railroad build on them? I don't get the last one and where to change it...

Yes remove the food bonuses from State Property and have them added if there is a railroad built on it. Just like mines and lumber mills get extra production with them. Where to find that would probably be where the mine increase is but I don't really know where.

The problem is that interception is interception. There is no difference between bomber and fighter. But we could set the interception rate for fighters higher and lower the evasion rate for bombers. This way, if you have many intercepting fighters, they might kill the bombers without escort before it can bomb the city.

Yeah do that and if you can make it so that fighter do a higher percentage of damage when they do intercept.

Wish I could be more help... :( :)
Drew77 said:
Hi I play this mod alot and I know that you guys have the earth map for this mod and I know want to try it. But I was wondering I wanted to use the earth map but how can I play a custom game while playing the earth map. If you guys could help me out that would be awsome I want to start another awesome game:)

With the World Map you have to use it as a scenario. Unfortunately you can only use map scripts with custom games.
Nightraven, in the civiliopdia it says it does NOT have a technology needed to reveal it. It just says Animal Husbandry required to use. :)
Actually no that you mention it, I don't think this is in the chanelog. Unless its in one of the mods combined into this one. I don't know if its on purpose.
Ok I updated the Map on the project page and found a bug. It seems the barracks are not working.

hehe no the Barracks work different from now. ;o)
No more free promotion with a barrack, but if you have units inside a city that has a barrack, they might get XP, which is capped though to 7. This is the Barrack Mod. Your units actually train inside a city, the chances are low though (1/12 a turn) to get a free XP, which is also capped at 7.

I have fixed all the update suggestions from above, only thing I still cannpt figure out is the Cash rushing factor from 3 to 7. I can't find it yet. :(


Thanks for pointing this out. Yeah the Armored Units have no 250% Bonus vs Archers yet. We will fix it for the next version.

Do you guys would like to make horses invisible? Or shall we leave it as it is?

@Los Tiranos
OpenTech is already implemented, the next one would be the slavery mod.

You can't. The Map is including 6 (now 5) new resources that are not available in vanilla game. So any other mod or game would crash.

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