[ModBuddy Extension] Subversion for ModBuddy (AnkhSVN)


Nov 24, 2007
Prague, Czech. Rep.
About Subversion for ModBuddy

This extension is a treat for folks who love to have all their code under version control. It is a simple modification of the AnkhSVN Visual Studio Plug-in (r9905).


- see the status of files in the Solution explorer
- commit, revert, update
- view file differences against the working copy
- browse repository

This extension does not implement 100% of AnkhSVN functions, but all the core functionality is there.


1) Download the attached archive and extract it
2) Register ModBuddy as Visual Studio Isolated Shell
3) Open the "vsix" file found in the archive
4) Visual Studio Extension Installer pops up - click Install
5) Once the installation is complete, close the window
6) Restart ModBuddy (if it was running)
7) Right click into the tool bar area and enable the "Source Control - Subversion" panel, so you can quickly access the SVN functions

Version History

1.0 (3.10.2010)
- first version, based on AnkhSVN r9905


Source code

I will post C# source code upon request.


  • ankh.png
    94.7 KB · Views: 1,098
  • AnkhSVN_ModBuddy.rar
    2 MB · Views: 202
Truly awesome! :goodjob: Thank you very, very much. This will make having to use ModBuddy instead of Eclipse (no real Lua support AFAIK) almost bearable. :D
Sweet! Thanks so much for this. It was getting to be annoying popping in and out of mod buddy to see what I've changed so far. This is great! :goodjob:
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