[modcomp][bts] GoldCost Xml Tag


LivE LonG AnD PrOsPeR
Dec 20, 2005
gold-cost - xml tag mod !​

this mod is only modders - not standalone !

hi Y'all

heres a mod i take no credit for,

it was written by "Fanatic demon" A long time ago for my mod, overlord2,

and i felt i should share cause i know this can make use for something.[/B]

description and notes:

Adds a new XML tag - "<iMaxGoldCostProduction>" - with it,
you can set a cost just like hammers, that wil deduct money from your stash.

you can buy units with gold in 1 turn (depends on how much hammers you choose...)

if you decide to cencel the build before completed - youll get your money instantley.

usge instructions for modders:

the sdk tags:
are marked with "//goldcost or // goldcost"

look closley - you need to merge the lines to your own sdk, cause the files here arnt 3.13 compatible, just copy the lines needed )easy work with winmerge).

the xml tags:
in the units file - look for the same tag :
"// goldcost" (its at the warrior unit).

you can see the gold requirement in the pedia on the spesiphic unit you added the tag.

i used this file to make mercenary units,
i suggest add to this units a higher upkeep value :).

have fun.

your friendly modder,


  • goldcost mod.zip
    303.1 KB · Views: 74
So is this like using hammers or gold to build it or only gold?
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