
Jan 8, 2006
Winamp GUI for Civ4
Version 2.2
Released on 07/21/2007
DLL by MatzeHH
Python by Caesium

Patch Compatibility: v1.74, Warlords v2.1.3
Make sure you use the right version!

Download: Civfanatics file database
Screenshot: Civ4 goes Winamp

Civ4 Winamp Plugin

Here is the first Winamp GUI for Civ4.
To use the plugin just copy the folder assets to ..\mods\Winamp Mod\
and load the mod after game start
copy the content of the folder assets to ..\custom assets\

Before starting a game with the Winamp plugin you have to make sure Winamp is running! Otherwise the GUI will not show up.

On the main interface of the game you will find a golden button at the right.
Hit it and see the Winamp GUI.

Planned Features
- Displaying the playlist on demand and choosing songs
- Abillity to move the GUI

Change Log
Version 2.2 2007/07/21
Updatet to Civilization Patch 1.7.4 and Warlords Patch 2.1.3

Version 2.1 2007/01/28
Updated to Warlords Patch 2.0.8

Version 2.0 2006/09/17
A new version for Warlords is included. Make sure you use the right version!

Version 1.0 - 2006/08/22 - Kickoff release
Known issues:
- The user has to make sure that Winamp is running and that there are songs in the playlist. Civ4 will not detect Winamp if it's started after Civ4.

Modders Guide
All changed code in the SDK is commented with
//Winamp Start
//Winamp End

All changed code in python is commented with
# Winamp Start
# Winamp End

In Python you can use the following commands:
	.Play()			//Guess!
	.Stop()			//Guess!
	.Prev()			//Guess!
	.Next()			//Guess!
	.Pause()		//Guess!
	.SetVolume(vol)		//vol has to be in range 0..255. Only Winamp volume is affected. Not game volume and not master volume
	.GetVolume()		//Returns volume in range 0..255
	.GetTitleProgress()	//Returns song progress in ms
	.GetTitleLength()	//Returns song lenth in s
	.GetTitleName()		//Returns title of the song


  • Civ4_goes_Winamp.JPG
    144 KB · Views: 1,575
cool plugin :)
Dom Pedro II said:
See, this is the kind of stuff I recommended a few months ago and got pretty much ignored... do you think it'd be possible to make a simple web browser?

:) with wikipedia replacing cyvilopedia - interesting idea :)
I tried doing something like this awhile ago, but failed miserably (the main reason probably because I was trying to use the media player built into the wx rather than winamp). Nicely done, making me look silly and all! :p

Edit: BTW, A browser might be a bit much, unless doing text-only pages. Even then it would be a hassle. The only pages it could probably support would be pages specifically designed to run inside, which basically wouldn't make it a browser anymore. But something like an IRC chat could probably be done.
Gerikes said:
I tried doing something like this awhile ago, but failed miserably (the main reason probably because I was trying to use the media player built into the wx rather than winamp). Nicely done, making me look silly and all! :p

I don't know how the media player can be controlled by other applications, but winamp is very easy to control. Take a look at CvWinamp.cpp.

I think I can try to prgramm a browser. As soon, as hell freezes.

MatzeHH said:
I don't know how the media player can be controlled by other applications, but winamp is very easy to control. Take a look at CvWinamp.cpp.

I think I can try to prgramm a browser. As soon, as hell freezes.


Well, that was the problem. You needed to make a new wx application instance in order for it to work. That was all fine and good, and worked great, but whenever I would reload the python modules (which was something I woul have to do often when actually programming it) it would try to make a new wxApp, which it couldn't because it only allowed one, and the whole thing came crashing down faster than pets.com. I lost interest pretty quickly in it.

You can even check out the crappy screen I made for it :p


Kudos on the buttons, they look great.
Gerikes said:
Edit: BTW, A browser might be a bit much, unless doing text-only pages. Even then it would be a hassle. The only pages it could probably support would be pages specifically designed to run inside, which basically wouldn't make it a browser anymore. But something like an IRC chat could probably be done.

Well, that would be sufficient. I wasn't suggesting this so that you could be cruising the CivFanatics forums or checking out your mail on Yahoo. The idea would be that mod-makers with websites could provide pages meant to be accessible within the game.

I play EVE-Online which has something like this, and player-owned corporations (equivalent of guilds in fantasy games) sometimes develop websites or at least some pages within a website specifically designed to be readable in the in-game browser which pretty much can't handle anything other than HTML and can only handle a couple of pictures without slowing to a crawl.

One use for this that comes off the top of my head is instant bug reporting. Of course, if it's a serious bug that causes you to ctd, you'd have to then load it up again and fill out the report.

I suppose there could be other uses that mod-makers would find for it, but this is the only thing that leaps immediately to mind.

MatzeHH said:
I think I can try to prgramm a browser. As soon, as hell freezes.

I'll take that as a "I'm not going to make one" ;)
Awesome work MatzeHH :thumbsup:

What would make it even better is if you add the ability to change the location of the player. Just something simple like letting people use an INI file to tell it to be on the right side (right below the on/off button), left side, below the science/culture controllers, and in the center. :)
Rabbit said:
What would make it even better is if you add the ability to change the location of the player. Just something simple like letting people use an INI file to tell it to be on the right side (right below the on/off button), left side, below the science/culture controllers, and in the center. :)

I will think about this.

And I also think about showing the playlist.

MatzeHH said:
They are original from winamp. :blush:
Yes, and created/transfered by me...
Rabbit said:
Awesome work MatzeHH :thumbsup:

What would make it even better is if you add the ability to change the location of the player. Just something simple like letting people use an INI file to tell it to be on the right side (right below the on/off button), left side, below the science/culture controllers, and in the center. :)
For what purpose?
Caesium said:
Yes, and created/transfered by me...For what purpose?
Personally for me because I'd like it on the right side of the screen.

In general because a bit of customizability never hurt anyone and is always welcomed. :)
Nice work, guys! :goodjob: Downloading now.

Is it difficult to make it Warlords compatible?
NeverMind said:
Nice work, guys! :goodjob: Downloading now.

Is it difficult to make it Warlords compatible?
I don't think, it would be difficult.
But in that case, you'll have to ask MatzeHH, because he's the "SDK-man" for me and my mod ;)
Thanks for the tip, Caesium! :goodjob:

So, when could we expect Warlords version, MatzeHH? :)
this is an emergency. your patch is awesome. the built in music makes me want to shoot myself. I like warlords. please do something!!!:cry: :cry: :cry:
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