Modders Guide to Civilization V

Spoiler :
Salut à Toi! A ta seconde question, Yes toutes mes versions sont parfaitements légales, la Base, Le G&K, et L'extension DLC Deluxe! A la permière question, Je crée mon Mod Avec ModBuddy, je Génère la solution et il place de lui même dans les deux répertoires de Firaxis/Modbuddy et de My Gam/Sid .../Mod les résultats, Puis j'exécute le jeu, passe sur Mod, Accepte le Bla Bla, Sélectionne mon mod en cliquant a droite, puis paramétrer la partie, sélectionner ma carte et le scénario, puis lancer le jeu: (Je sélectionne par exemple les Iroquois, car il ont une des nouvelles cités à coté!). Le jeu se lance, je fais quelques tours histoire de déplacer mon guerrier vers la nouvelle cité, et elle est là ! Tout au moins son Nom, Mais le jeu a sélectionné une autre cité, ne trouvant pas celle que j'ai créé. Si tu veux, je peux t'envoyer les 4 fichiers dans le prochain post (Trois du mod + Carte) Zippé cela doit etre possible par la présente zone message.

Voilà, Je continue mes test de mon coté!

Merci en tous cas de ton intérêt pour mon Problème! :)
Spoiler :
Salut à Toi! A ta seconde question, Yes toutes mes versions sont parfaitements légales, la Base, Le G&K, et L'extension DLC Deluxe! A la permière question, Je crée mon Mod Avec ModBuddy, je Génère la solution et il place de lui même dans les deux répertoires de Firaxis/Modbuddy et de My Gam/Sid .../Mod les résultats, Puis j'exécute le jeu, passe sur Mod, Accepte le Bla Bla, Sélectionne mon mod en cliquant a droite, puis paramétrer la partie, sélectionner ma carte et le scénario, puis lancer le jeu: (Je sélectionne par exemple les Iroquois, car il ont une des nouvelles cités à coté!). Le jeu se lance, je fais quelques tours histoire de déplacer mon guerrier vers la nouvelle cité, et elle est là ! Tout au moins son Nom, Mais le jeu a sélectionné une autre cité, ne trouvant pas celle que j'ai créé. Si tu veux, je peux t'envoyer les 4 fichiers dans le prochain post (Trois du mod + Carte) Zippé cela doit etre possible par la présente zone message.

Voilà, Je continue mes test de mon coté!

Merci en tous cas de ton intérêt pour mon Problème! :)
Spoiler :
Je te joins les fichiers zippés comprenant : les trois fichiers XML, et la carte du scénario! Je pense que c'est suffisant, mais s'il t'en faut d'autres, dis le moi ! A + :)


  • Mod Civ
    17.7 KB · Views: 118
No attached files in PM. :(

Spoiler :
J'ai rassemblé tes fichiers dans un mod et je vois les villes sur la carte, comme attendu (Vancouver, Québec, ShipRock, etc).

Je t'invite notamment à faire un clic-droit sur l'icône du projet dans modbuddy : regarde comment j'ai configuré les onglets "actions" et "content".

En jeu n'oublie pas de cocher la case "charger un scénario". Quant au type de chaque cité-état, si je ne m'abuse ceux-ci sont aléatoires à moins de sélectionner une certaine option mais je me trompe peut-être.


  • Add6.rar
    52.4 KB · Views: 130
After publishing my first map on the Workshop I wanted to continue with it and make a full scenario. I had no problem setting up the city-states I wanted based on what I read in Kael's guide but after realizing that one was very outdated I turned to whoward69's guide to create my first civ(Parthia). Unfortunately I must be doing something wrong because the civ is still not showing up as available to play. Would be very thankful if someone could take a look at the file and see if there is some obvious mistake that I made
View attachment 352214
OK... I've figured out how to modify some building specs (who someone tell me WHY windmills shouldn't be built on hills -- or why stone works can't be built on plains; i.e. why the heck did Firaxis program it this way...??) and unit controls (tell those leathernecks and Rangers that they aren't tougher than basic Infantry units!!). BUT!!

There's several things that really bug me about the new Brave New World app (obviously they REALLY want you to use their new trading abilities; making money is now REALLY tough!!! I think they took away the additional gold when you fish for whales...). One of the biggest of these is taking (I think!!) the +1 to production for all water resources upon building a harbor for a city. For those one-spot islands, this is really indispensable!! Can anyone tell me how to add back the +1 to harbors for water resources? It doesn't appear to be connected to the building itself. I also looked in the "Terrain" folder and didn't see anything that looked appropriate. Still... I'm hoping it's out there in some XML folder where I can change it.

I'm also almost positive that they changed the yields that you get from plots on a river (again, an attempt to insure you use their new trading logic?). Such plots USED to yield one gold as well as food. They no longer do... Anyone know how to restore the gold? I'm dying for money even with my caravans!!

One last thing... I noticed that the benefits of Petra have been significantly scaled back!! Not only did they take the amphitheater away, but also (you can probably already guess!!) the +1 gold per desert tile. I hate to say it, but the removal of gold all over the place is getting really ridiculous. I know that caravans and cargo ships are the greatest thing since sliced bread (maybe later, I haven't gotten terribly deep into the game to see what else might be gone or what the trading might give you), but it would be nice to get gold from something other than caravans and cargo ships...

Thought that I was done with this post but... Can anyone verify that, in fact, Firaxis took the additional gold for polders that they receive once you get to Economics? I was looking at its description and nothing about the gold was mentioned.

Incidentally... Has anyone reorganized the XML files to make them easier with which to work? I'd really like to try a game where a civ has access to most of the unique units and buildings, but trying to work with the standard XML files APPEARS to be a REAL chore.

Thanks in advance for any answers that can be provided!!
Incidentally... Has anyone reorganized the XML files to make them easier with which to work?

Don't look through the XML files. Use one of the following SQLite browsers to look at the database instead:
The filename of the database the game uses after mods have been applied is Civ5DebugDatabase.db, located in the following path:
%userprofile%\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\cache\
Don't look through the XML files. Use one of the following SQLite browsers to look at the database instead:

Do you have one that you would suggest? I'm not that familiar with the various tools for editing XML. Thanks for the advice. Do you have any ideas on my other questions? I'm really getting tired of ALL the places where Firaxis removed gold... I was really looking forward to Brave New World, but it would be nice to be making a little money. This really sounds weird, I know, but I'm taking ALL the civs through in "hotseat" mode (my wife says I have a split personality since I need to be oblivious to what each civ is doing other than the one I'm on :lol:). After turn 100, the best I'm doing in money is around 25 per turn. Usually by this time I'm making a LOT more...

Thanks again.
Sorry for not responding sooner... Open a new thread in the main Creation & Customization subforum with your other questions; this thread is meant to discuss the Modder's Guide, not a specific mod you're working on. You may have more eyes on your question there as well.

I don't have much to suggest other than adding entries to the Feature_YieldChanges table for rivers. I haven't had a chance to sit down and play BNW yet!

The SQLite browser tools are all fairly similar. I personally use the Firefox addon. As far as editing XML, any text editor with syntax highlighting support for XML is fine. ModBuddy works well for that purpose, especially since you're going to need to use it anyway.

Wow... how can you keep anything straight in a hotseat game playing all the civs yourself?
Wow... how can you keep anything straight in a hotseat game playing all the civs yourself?

It CAN be difficult and a game takes freakin' forever to play... Fortunately I'm retired and disabled so have a lot of time on my hands. As I said, my wife claims I have a split personality. You almost must TRY to forget what the other civs are doing when you're working on one civ. For example, when a great wonder becomes available you have to pretend that you don't know that another civ is only a couple of turns away and schedule it anyway. Also, you have to ignore the fact that another civ just used a great engineer to bring in a wonder and just the great engineer for the current civ on the same wonder regardless (sometimes I ignore this rule if the current civ is a worse one and let them keep their engineer!!). I also have to be able to get angry at another civ that I'm playing if they settle too close or claim a resource I wanted; after all, what's civilization without wars!!

What's tough is when I switch between groups of civs. For example I currently have seven groups going through: Americas, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Mediterranean, Middle East, Far East, and Africa (a catch-all for groupings with too many civs -- more than six). Cutting out Venice (who I have NO desire to play since they don't get settlers; why the heck did Firaxis create them any how?), that makes seven groups of six each.

By 2020 I should be done with all the games (if my computer lets me get through them; the games tend to "die" by the time I reach the mid-1800s).

Thanks for the help!!
I made a mod to restore the lost gold to river adjacent tiles and coastal tiles. check out "rivers of gold " on the workshop. I have a different question. I can't for the life of me figure out how to delete the roman legions ability to build forts. If anyone can explain this to me, it will enable me to make a lot more fun mods! What I am having trouble with specifically is these few lines here:

If I delete the Roman legion from the table, I delete it's ability to build roads, which I want to keep. I just want to delete this one section, or somehow nullify it. I tried this:
<Delete UnitType="UNIT_ROMAN_LEGION"/>
<Where BuildType="BUILD_FORT"/>

it failed spectacularly. I have tried other variations as well, but all of them yielded the same results. please help!
And I only ask this here because it's not covered in the guide!
First of all, why on earth would you want to remove the Legions' ability to build forts? It goes hand in hand with the roads and makes a lot of sense. Anyway, assuming you copied and pasted your code, I noticed you didn't put a close (greater than) on the delete function.

Correction... I just noticed that it was how my phone displayed it. In that case, I have no idea.
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1) I am removing it to add a different fort ability. It's a WIP. I wanted something faster to build, but with a lower defensive bonus, that is unique to them. currently I am using the motte and bailey art, but I am hoping to eventually make my own that looks like a square palisade.
2) You're right. I didn't close it. I thought the backslash at the end of the line did that, but I am really new to all this coding, so no doubt I did it wrong! What would be the correct way to do that? I am concerned that putting that closing backslash there is what is ending it before it performs the check.
If I delete the Roman legion from the table, I delete it's ability to build roads, which I want to keep. I just want to delete this one section, or somehow nullify it.

What you can do is delete the existing Roman Legion builds and re-add the ability to build roads.

Try this:

Spoiler :
<Delete UnitType="UNIT_ROMAN_LEGION"/>
Put both requirements (AND conditions in SQL speak) as attributes on the <Delete> element

    <Delete UnitType="UNIT_ROMAN_LEGION" BuildType="BUILD_FORT"/>

(Same is also true for multiple requirements on update's <Where> element)
Put both requirements (AND conditions in SQL speak) as attributes on the <Delete> element

    <Delete UnitType="UNIT_ROMAN_LEGION" BuildType="BUILD_FORT"/>

(Same is also true for multiple requirements on update's <Where> element)

just to clarify, that won't erase the ability to build roads, or the other ability that I'm adding, correct?
THANK YOU!!! That was bothering me for a while! I'm so grateful. What you said worked whoward69. I can't thank you enough! For what it's worth, I mentioned you both in my thanks!
hello folks, I am in search of assistance. I know nothing about modding, but I would like to create my own maps to play. I downloaded the worldbuilder, but I cannot get the modbuddy to work. when I try to start Modbuddy I get a message that reads " The visual studio 2010 Isolated shell redistributable is required to run this application. would you like to install it now?" I then click yes and it takes me to what I'm guessing is an expired Microsoft link. I have tried to install a 2012 version of this virtual studio 2012 Isolated shell, but that still does not seem to work. Like I said, I'm only interested in building my own maps, not learning to write code. Is there a fix that would allow me to do this?? Thanks in advance for any help.
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