Modding: Loading Game Conundrum


Sep 3, 2012
Hello all. I have a problem.

I have added 6 new leaderheads recently and after I did all that, I instructed to load the game to error check and not even half-way loading in, the game stops working, no error messages.

I thought, okay fine, maybe I worded something wrong. So I re-evaluated the 6 leaderheads, loading, and same thing.

At this point, I began removing the new leaderheads 1 by 1 until I was left with nothing new added. To my shock, even then, loading and then the game stops working.

I'm stumped at this point. I'm looking high and low for the problem. Normally, when I make an error, usually an error message would come up while the game loads which gives me precise direction on what I need to fix but there were no error warnings, just a game crash, so I absolutely have no leads. I must've unintentionally stripped something while coding, but again, I have no leads.

Now I know it does this when I work with CIV4ArtDefines_Unit and I misspell something but I made sure everything was spelled correctly and even so, I still removed the new components. Also, I wasn't working with units in this case.

Among these XMLs I've worked with, would anyone know what would be doing this?:

Crashes without error messages are likely to come from wrong art defines. I'd start by deleting the LH art defines and see if it loads.
I remeber reading that moving audio file directories(even if you haven't changed them) can cause error; not sure if it is true but try using a copy of civs unmodded audio defines.
I remeber reading that moving audio file directories(even if you haven't changed them) can cause error; not sure if it is true but try using a copy of civs unmodded audio defines.

I've looked into that. I've used the default Audio XMLs and they made the game work. The problem was one of the closing action tags were removed when I rediscovered my modded Audio XMLs.

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