Modifying Marathon Speed


Jun 28, 2011
So I would like to modify the game speed settings. As it is now, slower settings means slower everything (build times, pop growth, colonist appearance, and whatever else). This means that the game is longer but not much more happens as far as growing your colony. I would like to change the settings so that most of these things happen at normal speed and the game turns are as short as possible (days or weeks instead of months) so that I can play on a gigantic map and have time for more growth and conflict before the revolution.

Can anyone tell me where these settings are, how to change them, possible unintended consequences, and so on?

Thanks in advance.
To partially answer my own question this is under gamespeedinfo. I changed several values to normal (100%). At that rate, build speed is good and unit purchase cost is what I wanted. Changing one of those value also changed the values of any gold you get in ruins/native cities. This makes things you produce relatively more important, so this is probably good. Treasures seem to average around 4-500 gold, so this probably isn't worth taking up three galleon cargo spaces once you get producing very much of anything. Colonist recruitment may be a little fast. Travel time to Europe is only two turns and seems a little fast, although that is 8 months and is I guess reasonable.

I could not figure out how to set turn length. I am playing RaR. The values are there, but each setting (i.e. marathon) had four matching sets of fields with different values and I didn't see the difference as far as which set is chosen or the reason for four. Also, you can set months/turn, which seems self evident, but there is also an iterations per turn (or something like that)value that I don't understand. Can anybody enlighten me on these things?
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