• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Modiki Python & SDK Reference

On the civ5 side the thought is to just do a list of files and what they do... maybe I should convert the civ4 Python/SDK stuff over to that, since lists of functions probably don't add anything that can't be figured out from the code itself. I can probably delete the "Format for new XML pages" page (since they're all done), and also the Python/SDK ones if we switched to something less detailed (but more likely to ever be done).
I'd not delete the format pages, they might be necessary if changes in the file structure appear, or even for future civ parts.
In regards to Civ5, at least the Lua stuff is already done and nothing to worry about. Agree for the SDK though.
I'd say create a reference for general DLL object models. A full method reference would be way too time consuming, but explaining how the Infos work and interact with the Global Context and how the AI relates to everything would be a good start.

A reference for calls to the engine would also be nice potentially.
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