Mods That Touch the Cultural Border System


Timeless Mochi Lord
Jun 29, 2011
Los Angeles
So I've come back to CiV after a long hiatus when I heard about Brave New World... and I've been trying to restore my old mods library. So far, I've found most of the mods that I used to play with, along with even more great mods.

But I'm still missing one thing.

Before, I used to play with a mod that allowed military units to capture tiles in enemy territory if it was close to my own border, effectively enabling civs to engage in a 'border war.' Now I can't seem to find anything like that on Steam workshop.
I did find a cultural diffusion mod, but that's only part of the feature that I'm looking for. So I wanted to ask if anybody knew a mod or mods that deal with the border system? Once BNW comes out, I might just dive into this modding stuff myself and make a mod myself, but before I committed anything, I wanted to see if I could find examples of how it's done.

I'd appreciate any leads on such a mod if it's already out there.
I've been searching for a mod like that as well. I would really appreciate if someone could make something similar, as my own modding experience is quite below adequate.
Other than that, all I can do is recommend WHoward's mod library;
It's full of other delicious modifications you can't play without ^^
Currently broken right now (with yesterday's patch), but my mod has some different rules for cultural borders. Not related to combat though (not yet).

works well ? I've planned something similar, but you've coded the AI too ? (or does the culture border is set on the resource before the improvement ?)
Fishing boat is just a dummy unit. Lua sees the unit on the city at the beginning of the turn and takes ownership of the plot and places fishing boats improvement. Mod has rules for range and only allows the unit to be built when it can be used. So it is in fact quite easy for the AI (easier than base).
okay, smart solution :)

I was worried that the AI may not build fishing boats if there was no resources accessible.
Currently broken right now (with yesterday's patch), but my mod has some different rules for cultural borders. Not related to combat though (not yet).

Where can I download this? I trust it has been fixed now? :D
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