[Module] Maogata

btw my prob is fixed. i deleted civ, bts, and rife and then reinstalled everything. thanks!
Hope Shoggi is still around.
played Maogata for the first time (damn early! considering all my comments)
I love the feel of them: you don't go warring with neighbourgs.
you go destroy nearby cities, twarth your own growth, just to amass more barbs around your cities so the prey are closeby instead of in the next continent.

Some comments : (mostly those are things I didn't like but it's because I like all the other things)
  1. maybe sea-dweller should not become prey. a lot of the preys are sea seprents. it is annoying as I have no way of killing them, and I don't care of boats with cajar 9.
  2. I can build archers. they are most useful but on the other hand the axemen replacement become un-useful (same state /:strength: but no ranged attack, + not access to the same defensive strike promotions / ranged attack promotions).
  3. spirit of the pride are super. low strenght but immortal means you can easily risk them on low odds : either they win a lot of xp (+ sometimes a cajar promotion) ; either they lose (even if high promotion) but you don't lose the unit.
  4. mounted line is poor.
    -Achar seems fun (save that it's a beast so it gets tame, and thus the hunter's prize ability to teleport back to capital). The bonus against archers is a nice touch.
    -no chariot, horse archer, war chariot means that achar upgrades only into... knight level units (limited to 4 in numbers) ; it means a lot of tech for only a far away unit. + it means you achar are somewhat nice in the beginning (but only 3:strength:) but becomes very very weak once there are no more warriors on the map. And then they can't even get cajar promotion to boost their strength as they can't kill the preys (maybe they could get the same sleath + poison damage in forest than chasers (hunters).
  5. recon line is powerful and fun. I sent squads of chaser all around the map to get the preys. I sent them through ennemy territory, hidden in the forest, just to reach a far-away prey. But maybe this line is a bit too powerful compared to other lines :
    -tier II (chaser) is 4:strength: (5:strength: in forest) 2mvt ; can get the blood promotions (+%heal, +FS, +1:strength: ; +ignore terrain cost)...etc thus, in reality, they go faster than achar (no terrain cost), are far stronger than other units (5:strength: in forest, 6 with spider blood, compared to 3), are hidden in forest thus they can heal safely in the wilderness.
    -In comparison : axeman is 3/5, can't get metal weapons (a normal axe is 5 or 6 due to weapons), mostly can't get cajar as too slow, and too weak ; mounted is limited to achar with no upgrade.
  6. whisper of mana (adept level units) no interest for those. I only build them as I need some to reach lvl4 to become voices of mana and begin the fun.
    they are 3:strength: and have no ability : they are a costly warrior without any bonus for defending the city, and without advantages save that one day it might become a voice. They need another thing to improve their interest.
  7. in the end, the Moagata, out of the recon line, have a lot of 3:strength: units :
    -melee, (warrior and axes), until spirit of the pride (tierIII)
    -archer until longbows (tierIII)
    -arcane until voices ((tierIII)
    -the whole mounted line until knights (tierIV)
    -no disciples units (that could compensate in spell/:strength: for the nospell, low-strength of other lines)
    -no siege units
    --> maogata are a weak civ, (save the recon line)
  8. I'll have to check on unarmed promotion. I can't remember if the three stooges and the longbows and the dwarfs units I gained through events are deprived of metal weapons.
  9. techs : due to certain facts I don't know what to tech to.
    -no use of the metal line : melee is weak until tierIII, + no interest of metal weapons.
    -archery is un-thematic
    -mounted is void of interest once I have achar (gains are to far away).
    -religion is of no interest save for getting druids.... that are a very far away aim ; or berserkirs.. even farther away.
    -so I'm only enticed to research recon line and economy line (and arcane, but only because voices seems so cool, but before sorcery and after sorcery the arcane tech line is almost not-interesting (and metal/mounted only for the economy bonus which makes only a weak interest).
in the end, I think there is a lot of potential, it was real fun. But I think there are some things missing.
Might as well try flex my 3d model hands and make a feline model.
Sorry but i can make a model for somebody else to animate.
Hey, everyone!

I'm back.

I kinda lost interest in Civ for a while (this includes Civ 4, Civ 5 and of course Civ modding in general), so i vanished into the dark corners of the internet.
I had made up a long and elaborate excuse for why i disappeared so suddenly involving space/time travel, but really, I just got bored of it.
Meanwhile I played a bunch of other games (fallout: new vegas being the main culprit) and did some other stuff.
But now, or better said soon, I plan to do work again on the maogata and maybe try to involve myself into other parts of the rife development again, since, for example, i didn't reach the milestone for the spawngroups that i set for myself (sorry for that, by the way).

Anyway, since this time of the year is really busy for me (Christmas, then my birthday, than new year) I plan to really start again early January.

Now to comment on the previous two posts:

This would be awesome.
On of the major things that annoyed me about my own project, was that I had to stupidly decide to choose (or create) a race that had no preexisting unit models, at all.
So if you really would do this I would be really happy.

I'm pretty sure you can somehow use existing animations, if you make the models right, but I have no real clue about 3d modeling in the first place.
But I guess there are tutorials for that kind of thing.

Calavente: (a little late, I know)
Thanks for the feedback.
A lot of what you are talking about was slated to change anyway.
1: bug, or better said: oversight. i think it can target temporary creatures too, but I think i changed both things in my version already (have to check, was a few months back)
2: more or less placeholders. going to change.
3: Assumed they were overpowered, but nobody commented on them until you did. Have some idea to limit them, which was my initial plan for them anyway, but was too much work - too little gain, then. But since some things changed with base rife, it should now be easier to do.
4: I planned to have give Achars a promotion they automatically get on following techs on the mounted line which made them slightly better, to cover the fact that they have no other mounted units until knight.
6: whispers had originally access to three level 1 spells (treetop defense, haste and...regeneration? forgot which the third one was), but they got removed once I decided on the "No Spells" policy.
Have yet to give them something to compensate for that.
8: Good Call, have to check that myself. Have to look what requirements it needs to be applied.

Next week or so will be incredible busy, (with a lot of time probably spending incredibly drunk and/or hungover) and after that it's back to modding. Hooray!
Nice to see you haven't lost interest completely, shoggi.

Looking forward to see you on #erebus again.
a little idea for the cats:

if a enemy_city is surrounded by cats and some certain turns have passed, the citydefence is down to 0, maybe a few turns later ( maybe 10 ???) the city revolts or changes the owner, if the surround circle is not broken in that time ( all tiles around the city, execpt water or mountain...), would be a fluffy flavour .

but if this is codeable in civ4 ---> no idea at all :lol:
What you just described is almost the textbook definition of a 'Siege', and should not be restricted to just a race of cats if it is going to be put into effect.
Hey, I keep getting multiple tag errors/XML errors when starting up the game with Maogata module in it. So, I can't play as the civ. How should I fix this issue?
With what version of RifE are you playing the module? I can't guarantee that it works with the most recent SVN version since i haven't updated this in a while, but it should work with the latest normal patch (1.3.195).

If you are playing with the last normal patch some more information on what the errors say would be helpful to solving the problem
Tag: ERA_ORDE in Info class was incorrect
Current XML file is:

and like 100 more of them with the word after ERA_ changing between Orde, Octo, Coun, Empy, Leaf, Veil, Rune
Any chance of bringing in the unitart of Tali from ME? She is technically speaking, a cat person...:D
I think i saw someone doing a ME conversion for civ before. i may look into it, as long as someone points me to a place where i can get only the unit models.

I'm not.... acquiring... that game, just for some graphics.

Also, about Icezera's problem:

I could have sworn that the Maogata did work with the latest normal patch. But apparently, they don't.

And i won't update them before some other stuff for RifE is done, so you just have to be patient. Because that would lead me to do a lot of work twice and I don't want that.

Or if you are comfortable with editing some xml, you could remove the references to the religious eras from the files in the module. Those were removed in 1.31, so this is why the module throws errors.
I think i saw someone doing a ME conversion for civ before. i may look into it, as long as someone points me to a place where i can get only the unit models.

I'm not.... acquiring... that game, just for some graphics.

Also, about Icezera's problem:

I could have sworn that the Maogata did work with the latest normal patch. But apparently, they don't.

And i won't update them before some other stuff for RifE is done, so you just have to be patient. Because that would lead me to do a lot of work twice and I don't want that.

Or if you are comfortable with editing some xml, you could remove the references to the religious eras from the files in the module. Those were removed in 1.31, so this is why the module throws errors.

This is what I was talking about. I downloaded this file from Saibot a while ago, its really good but you might want to change the texture around a bit to make it look less high-tech.


  • tali_zorah___saibotlieh.rar
    516.4 KB · Views: 148
Okay, i wasn't aware that you were talking about this model. Probably because it doesn't look anything like a cat person.

And frankly, from the bit i read on the mass effect wiki, she really isn't.
The one concept art i found shows her face as pretty human like.

So, no. I won't add it.
Okay, i wasn't aware that you were talking about this model. Probably because it doesn't look anything like a cat person.

And frankly, from the bit i read on the mass effect wiki, she really isn't.
The one concept art i found shows her face as pretty human like.

So, no. I won't add it.

Sorry I guess I was thinking about something else when I said that...I remembered that a quarian has legs that bend the opposite way a human's legs do and that made me think cat person for some reason.:lol:

btw what unit models do you have so far?
All the Moagata mods give me errors, either a thousand era messages which every time i try to edit the files i mess up what i should/shouldnt delete and the other one gives me errors i dont know anything about.

this should just be put in 1.4
All the Moagata mods give me errors, either a thousand era messages which every time i try to edit the files i mess up what i should/shouldnt delete and the other one gives me errors i dont know anything about.

this should just be put in 1.4

From my understanding, the maogata mod is still in Beta:)confused:) and has had problems finding unitart files.

Do you know how to edit the game files?(in other words do you understand basic C++) I wouldn't reccomend editing them unless you do and/or have alot of time on your hands and back-up files.
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