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Monarch tips?


Sep 2, 2004
Minneapolis, MN
Ok, I am relatively new to Monarch(1 other serious game, but I lagged behind in techs BIG time. 3-4 shorter games with royally screwed up starts). I am the Iriquois and I have actually managed to trade myself into the tech lead. Unfortunately, I have NO strategic resources. No iron, no horses. I have just started the middle ages, and am going back to research republic. I figure with the COM trait, Republic with Marketplaces all over the place would be a must.

Any ideas on how to survive until Muskets come along(then till replaceable parts)? I have a great sci leader, which I am sending to my far western city (I forget the name now, but the one with the cow) to rush the Forbidden Palace. I figure I can turn that into a western settler farm and help to fill in my empire. I just settled where the best territory was and figured I'd fill in later. Corruption is gonna be a pain with me being so spread out to the west, and my capital being so far east. I toyed around with the idea of moving my palace with the great leader, but I am torn between doing that and the FP build.

Thanks in advance.
- Don't waste the Sci leader on a 200-shield FP - hand-build it, if you must. Use the Sci leader for Sun Tzu or Leo's (your preference, I always prefer Leo's myself).
- Research/buy Invention ASAP, and build/upgrade plenty of Longbows, Trebuchets, Spears. Then go get the nearest Horses, build MWs, and away you go.
- Building Markets is a good plan, Courthouses in more corrupt towns first is slightly better than Markets.
- Vanilla/PtW/C3C? [Edit: D'oh.. you have an SGL....]

Neil. :cool:
You have a couple of options. First, there's the peaceful option. Keep expanding. You have tons of room left -- the more of it you can take, the more powerful you'll look to the AI and the less likely they'll be to attack. The Great Wall is available; if you use your scientific leader for that and build spears, catapults and the odd archer for mopping up any leftovers, you'll be almost invulnerable to attack, even once knights are running around. Just wait it out and see if you can trade for iron or horses from someone later on. If you keep hold of your tech lead, that shouldn't be a problem. Your base commerce is pretty good

Second (and my preference), there's the military option. I see iron right by Theveste, nice and close by. Build about ten archers -- your cities are good sized now so that shouldn't take too long -- and send them over with a couple of spears for defense. As long as Theveste doesn't get above size six, you should be able to take it without too much loss, even with 3-defense units defending. (They won't have more than 2 defenders for a while, and if you attack there first, they won't be able to reinforce effectively in time.) If you have the units to spare, go on and take the dyes town; if not, just hold them off until they'll talk, and make peace. There's your iron. (If you go this route, I'd probably use the leader for the temple of artemis of the options currently available -- there's nothing like free culture expansions to push your borders out nice and fast).

A couple of comments --

This is really rare for me, but I'd recommend you halt research on Republic and trade for Monarchy instead. You have only one native lux, with many turns to go until the ivory is hooked up, and only the dyes within range to take militarily. Republic won't be fun with only one lux on line, and won't be much better even with two. You can also get monarchy now, instead of in 20 plus turns, not a trivial difference.

You do, however, need a ton more military police. There's no way you should be running 40% lux right now, and no way your largest cities should have less than two units apiece. Take advantage of the fact that you don't have iron yet and build a bunch of warriors, reg or vet, doesn't really matter. Once you have monarchy, your largest cities can get three units each for military police, which should really help with your happiness. You're still way under your unit limit, so no worries there.

In general, you have way too many defensive units for this point in the game. If instead of those 13 spearmen, six warriors and one archer you had built 20 warriors, six archers and one spearman, you'd have not only enough MPs to go around, but also be just about ready to go attack Carthage. As long as your empire is relatively large, the AI will rarely attack while there's still room to expand, so there's no real need for defense. A good offense is the best defense, anyway. :)

The libraries you're building are more-or-less useless right now; you're better off with a temple (or the temple of artemis) if you want the culture expansionin St.Regis, since it's cheaper. Alternately, you could just build workers and military police out of that city. Grand River should build military and workers, with all that food.

Finally, I noticed you have a worker or two chopping wetland while there's unimproved grassland right next door -- big no-no. Improve the easy tiles first. Wait to do the big projects until you can afford to devote several workers at once to the same job -- typically somewhere in the middle ages.

Good luck,
Ok, without me using the SGL for the FP, where would you suggest I build it? Placing the FP is still a weakness of mine. Also, I think I'll hold on to the SGL for Sun Tsu. I'm definately going to have to fight a bit to get the resources/luxuries I need so having the free barracks will come in handy. I hate building Reg units :) ToA is a good idea, but I don't like wonders that become obsolete. Actually, I hardly build wonders at all. The only reason why I built MoM was because when it came available, I was able to built it in 11 turns.

I'll start building up warriors/catapults/archers and start replacing some of the spearmen on MP duty with warriors so I can use them in my attack on Theveste. I'll trade for Monarchy and make a beeline toward invention to try to get longbows(then gunpowder to ensure I actually have saltpeter :)). I am not going to worry about horses just yet. Both sources that I know of are too far way to worry about. If I can take the iron from carthage, I should be able to prepare to take the horses I need for knights/cavalry (I'm figuring my UU will be obsolete by the time I can get horses under control).

As for culture, when I am not a religious civ, I tend to ignore temples and build libraries instead. Is there a right time to build one and not the other (assuming I have researched education already of course).

Thanks everyone for your advice so far and keep it coming :) And, thanks again Renata. I appreciate the time you take posting in this forum.
I say put the FP in a high shield first or second ring city. PLacement isn't nearly as important in C3C as it was in Vanilla, it's more useful because it ups the OCN by 10% or something. It's more valuable to get it up sooner with sub-optimal placement than later with a great spot.
allin1joe said:
I hate building Reg units :)

Hehe. Me, too, but I still do, all the time. Most of my early military police will be reg warriors in any given game; I wind up disbanding them somewhere in the middle ages, typically. (Until then, they wind up in my border towns once I'm in republic if I'm not pressed for cash.) This is partly because I usually play on emperor level -- the need for military police is more urgent there, and I usually can't afford to wait for multiple barracks to be built.

I'll start building up warriors/catapults/archers and start replacing some of the spearmen on MP duty with warriors so I can use them in my attack on Theveste. I'll trade for Monarchy and make a beeline toward invention to try to get longbows(then gunpowder to ensure I actually have saltpeter :)). I am not going to worry about horses just yet. Both sources that I know of are too far way to worry about. If I can take the iron from carthage, I should be able to prepare to take the horses I need for knights/cavalry (I'm figuring my UU will be obsolete by the time I can get horses under control).

Sounds reasonable. Build a few of your UU, though, even if you don't have horses until after Chivalry. You can always use one of them to trigger your golden age against an enemy unit you've knocked down to one hit point, or against one of those obsolete enemy units that're always running around.

As for culture, when I am not a religious civ, I tend to ignore temples and build libraries instead. Is there a right time to build one and not the other (assuming I have researched education already of course).

You mean literacy, I presume? For border-expansion, I will typically build the cheapest. Since you're neither religious nor scientific, that would be a temple. Libraries are only cheaper if you're scientific and not religious. For research purposes, I usually delay libraries until I'm ready to push research myself; i.e. after all the other critical tasks of expansion, resource & lux procurement, income building and early wars are taken care of. And even then, they're only worthwhile for research purposes in towns that are already producing at least five or six uncorrupted commerce. Less than that, and they're not cost effective.

Thanks everyone for your advice so far and keep it coming :) And, thanks again Renata. I appreciate the time you take posting in this forum.

You're welcome. :)

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