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Mongol campaign (Deity; in-depth)


Sep 15, 2014
I've been trying to win the Mongol scenario on Deity for a couple of days now. After improving, but so far always failing I'd like to write a combination of a strategy guide and walkthrough. The idea is to first sum up my observations, then formulate a strategy based on this, and finally play through for another time to see how that works out. I know there are a some strategy guides for this scenario already, but I wanted to do something more in detail. Depending on feedback and the availability of in depths walkthroughs I might do this for other scenarios, too, but let's get this started and see how it goes.

This post will portray the general managment of the empire and military strategy to conquer most of the East. Afterwards I will add a post that details how my plan worked out (a play diary basically), then part II of the military strategy (Persia and India), another diary post, then strategy for the remaining conquests, and finally another diary post with final observations.


What is on the map
If we want to conquer everything we should start by taking a look at what needs to be done exactly. There are 8 civilization to beat and another 11 city states to take, scattered over a 85x40 hex map. No new cities can be built. However, this is clearly not good enough to make a strategy, so let's take a closer look.

  • Mongols (1 city) -- (c)apital Karakorum (8(H)orses; Silver)
  • Jin-China (4) -- cBeijing (best captured from (N)orth or (S)outh; has Silk), Liaoyang (N; 5(I)ron, 2H; Gold), Xian (NW), Kaifeng (S/E/W; Spice)
  • China (5) -- cHangzhou (SW; 8I; Silk), Guangzhou (N), Tanzhou ((0)any direction, Cavalry best from W), Chengdu (N/SE; Silk, Spice), Xiangyang (N)
  • Japan (3) -- cKyoto (E, ???), Dazaifu (bombard from Korea then SE), Kamakuro (E)
  • Persia (5) -- cUrgench (E; Cotton), Isfahan (E; Gold), Nishapur (S; Cotton, Gems), Tabriz (N/SE <- tough to take), Samarkand (NE; 2I)
  • Arabia (4) -- cCairo (S+E <- maybe send some troops over the Red Sea; Marble), Mekka (E; Pearls), Damaskus (0; 2I; Cotton), Aleppo (S/NE <- coming from NE via Täbris might be preferable; 7H)
  • India (4) -- cDelhi (SW; Sugar, Spice), Varanasi (W), Multar (S; Marble), Lahore (SW; Spice)
  • Byzantium (2) -- cConstantinople (E; 2I; Cotton), Thessaloniki (E although N works too)
  • Russia (3) -- cKiew (E; 2H; Fur), Wladimir (S), Nowgorod (SE/SW)
  • City States (11) -- Xi-Xia ((M)ilitary; 2H), Korea (M; 7I; Gems), Uiguren ((C)ultured; 2H, 2I), Dali (M; Silk, Gems), Almaty (M; 3H), Lhasa (C), Abbasids ((F)ood/Maritime; 4H; Sugar, Cotton), Georgia (C), Hungary (C; ???), Dai Viet (F), Crusaders (F; ???)

What we have
  • Karakorum with Stables, Barracks, Granary, and a Monument
  • 2 Horse ressources for a total supply of 8
  • 4 Horsemen, 1 Keshik (UU replaces Knight), 1 Khan (Great General), 2 Worker
  • 199 gold
  • Every tech that is necessary for Chivalry, Iron Working, and Calender
  • Social policies: Honor base policy, Warrior Code, Discipline, Military caste + culture for one more policy
  • +1 Movement for cavalry units and +30% bonus when fighting cs.
  • 1000 gold and free tech for capturing civs
  • Free policy for capturing cultured cs; 2 Horsemen in Karakorum for capturing military cs; 500 gold for capturing maritime cs
  • 100 turns

What we want

At first it seems like science is something of minor value, that just happens in this scenario, but this is not the case. We want to get access to basic techs like Masonry and Engineering eventually, but more importantly there are a few key techs that we can get access to with the free techs from eliminating civs.

  • Education (L5 tech with 1x L4 still needing to be researched) for Notre Dame
  • Astronomy (L6 needs L23455 including Education) for Caravels
  • Navigation (L7 right after Astronomy) for Frigates
  • Machinery (L5 needs L234) for Crossbow Archers
  • Rifling (L8 needs L23445567 some of which we want anyway) for Riflemen
The main question seems to be whether to go deep on marine techs or beeline for Rifling. Both techs seem only vaguely helpful, though. Riflemen are way more powerful than everything else we have in our arsenal, but they are extremely slow compared to our Keshiksm, and we cannot upgrade them anyway as the upgrades will leave us with units that cannot make use of any of its promotions. On the other hand Rifleman are certainly excellent at invading Japan's main isle. I assume that going for Longswordsman + Frigates will do as least as well, but I don't know for sure. The problem with this plan is that it requires much more Iron, but if we keep Liaoyang we have an ample supply of Iron anyway.

My strategy here will be to research Masonry and Construction first because that gives us access to the Colosseum. Afterwards Engineering will be next as that allows us to make use of bridges. Then we research Sailing, Optics, and Compass. The free techs of the China conquest will be used on Theology and Education to allow us access to Notre Dame. The free techs from eliminating Persia and Arabia will be used for Astronomy and Navigation. The remaining techs can be spent freely. Machinery might be a solid choice. Gunpowder will also do.

Social policies
There is really not much to do in this part of the game. We have the choice of Military Tradition and Professional Army right away. Professional Army give us the means to upgrade three instead of just two Horsemen to Keshiks. That is nice, but we will win enough money by conquest. It is much more important to get that extra experience from Military Tradition, because our units need to get to at least to level 6 to fight effectively in the later stages of this scenario. Professional Army is next up, and the rest is pure bonus. The only things that seem remotely worth pursuing afterwards are Piety for Organized Religion and Liberty for Meritocracy. Unfortunately Meritocracy is one deeper in its policy tree. I am not sure how many cities actually have monuments. If more than a few have them --which seems likely-- than Organized Religion should be better, because we get the bonus way earlier.

Connecting your empire is always important of course as trade routes keep your pockets full. Considering how crucial time managment is in this scenario it should not too surprising that it matters if we can shave off a turn for the time to complete an invasion by building a road. The most important road --the silk road-- already exists when we start the game. However, Karakorum is only connected to the silk road by a detour and we should change that. There is really just one other, bigger road which seems worth mentioning. Eventually we will have to conquer Russia, and that is a couple of turns to the NW from Persia. It would probably be "only" between two and three but we have to ford a river along the way. And the army that is supposed to be coming from Persia is not really coming from Persia anyway. That army is in fact coming from India. If we start early we can connect Delhi through the Himalaya pass to the N with the silk road. If two more Workers starts building a road in the direction NW starting in Urgench, then we can shorten the travel from Delhi to Wladimir from 6 turns to 3 turns. If eventually Kiew will not be the last thing we conquer with the India/Russia army then that still gives three extra turns to send it S for Constantinople.

Military strategy

General observations

In this scenario we have 100 turns to capture every other civilization, but we don't need to conquer the city states. Thus we have to conquer 30 cities in 100 turns, or one about every three turns. More or less inevitably we will also take Xi-Xia, and we can consider adding either Almaty or Uiguren while we are in the area. Both provide additional Horses, and especially Almaty lies in a bottle neck. Being a Military cs they will also give additional units right away. All things considered we have 100 turns to take ~32 cities. By just maneuvering around one force this is basically impossible. Getting our forces from one city into position in front of the next city takes always at least one turn, and besieging a city often takes more than two turns. That means we can only win by splitting our forces and/or getting cities in peace deals. However, the problem with peace deals is that we cannot attack the civ for 10 turns, so we will have to go back and they also have time to rebuild their forces. So peace deals only make sense when we either get cities that are extrordinarily tough to conquer like Tabriz and Kamakuro, or when we are staying in the area anyway (even if we came back anyway, giving them more than 10 turns to rebuild won't do).

The Plan

Part One -- The East
1 Xi-Xia -- The first thing we have to do is going south. We need the 15 Gold from meeting Xi-Xia to upgrade two Horsemen to Keshiks. Now we could ignore the cs, but in the long run we need their 2 Horses anyway, and the boost of two additional units early on is invaluable, so this is our first target. We will DoW on turn 2. It is often important to DoW early, because if we DoW before meeting more civs, that saves us the hit in their opinion, and consequently giving us better chances to betray them. Actually the moment we meet Jin-China we will trade all of our ressources to them, and then DoW right away. They pose not threat to use, we will DoW anyway, and this saves us the hit in China's opinion. We will meet them quickly afterwards and will soon war them, too. Woever we need to leech a bunch of gold from them as well, and for that we need their best possible opinion. Anyway our units should be in position to attack on the second turn. Our Horsemen will take out theirs and our Keshiks will bombard their city right away. It might be possible to conquer Xi-Xian in turn 3. In turn 4 it will definitely be ours.

2 Beijing, Kaifend, Liaoyang -- Now we can go SW and attack China's Chengdu, or SE towards Jin-China's Xian. Xian feels like the natural course, because it is closer. However, the best thing might actually be to go for Beijing right away. We can conquer that city with ease when coming from N and NW. Doing so will get the Great Wall under our control which will save us many moves when conquering the rest of Jin-China, and basically makes it impossible for China to move within our territory. Hitting them hard also has the advantage of leading to a quick peace settlement in which we can probably get Liaoyang. Getting Liaoyang is desirable because it does not only save us a siege, it also prevents us from having to do a detour. If all goes perfect Beijing falls around turn 9-10, then we press S for Kaifeng, and after conquering that accept Liaoyang in exchange for not bothering them for 10 turns. This should be around turn 14. Getting these cities presents us with new decisions: puppet, annex, or raze them? Kaifeng holds no strategic value whatsoever, and not even their spices offset the hit in happiness. Eventually Delhi will grow into Spices anyway. Beijing cannot be razed, but is not of great value either, so it must be puppeted. Liaoyang is a bit more interesting. My natural inclination always went towards razing it, but in the long run we might be short on Iron, and the additional Horses help, too. Finally the city has access to a currently unimproved Gold source which can offset the happiness hit, and we are not going to have permanent control over another source of Gold. There are a couple of courses I can see pursuing here. Razing and be done with it is one option. Then we might keep the city and puppet it. We might also keep the city and raze it down to one citizen, then never let it grow again. This has the advantage that we can later use it as a wharf to launch the ships that will help us conquering Japan. These ships will be bought with coin anyway, so doing it in a small city is no problem.

3 Xiangyang, Tanzhou, Hangzhou -- The next close cities are Xiangyang and Hangzhou. Pressing immediately for the capital was a nice strategy against Jin-China. The disadvantage here is that we cannot conquer Hangzhou with a Horseman from the N, and going in from the W leaves the Horseman vulnerable if we don't conquer Xiangyang and Tanzhou first. Xiangyang is free loot anyway. Before DoWing that we should trade all our resources to China for maximum value, and upgrade all but one Horseman for Keshiks. Xiangyang should then fall in two or three turns depending on the number of armies that need to be eliminated in its vicinity. Next up is Tanzhou. We can safely bombard that city from across the river. Meanwhile our Horseman fords the river towards the Forest in the W. Tanzhou should fall around turn 20. It is is of no value and should be razed. Afterwards our Keshiks swing E towards the capital. It is not necessary for all of our Keshiks to cross the river towards the S. We will need some later to attack Guangzhou, but two can either start working on Xian or go to Korea after capturing Hangzhou. Although Hangzhou is quite strong it should fall within the next four turns, around 24. We cannot raze that being a former. If it should be puppeted or annexed depends on whether we want this to be our wharf. The city has powerful resources and it is well positioned for a wharf if we take into account that we are not attacking Japan with Triremes, but with ships that can sail the ocean. So I believe the best course is to annex, and buy a courthouse from the 1000 gold we get for eliminating Jin-China.

4 Guangzhou, Xian, Korea, Chengdu -- Guangzhou is mainly a matter of going there and taking it. The place is completely worthless and should be razed immediately. Meanwhile the Keshiks that stayed N of the Yangtze River can soften up Xian or go to Korea. Probably they should go towards Korea. Jin-China cannot defend itself at all anyway. If Liaoyang was annexed before we can now use it to buy a Swordsman there to conquer Korea with. Our main force will now proceed to take Xian and then Chengdu from the N. Both should be more or less without defense and pose no problem. They are also worthless and should be razed. Some of my estimates might have been a bit optimistic, but even allowing for some delays this should have happened by turn 35.

We now have 12 horses under our control and should have 1500-2000 gold left even allowing for a courthouse in Hangzhou. Most of that should be spent on troops. We can support 10 Keshiks and 2 Horsemen with our horses. Thus we have the resources to dispatch two 4/1 armies to the W, while sending two Keshiks to conquer Korea. Buying further units with the remaining gold seems useful as they can serve triple duty. They can kill some of the roaring barbarians and thus protect our resources, their mere presence as garrison gives a much needed boost in happiness, and finally again their mere presence serves to make an impression upon our opponents. Even when not close to the front lines these units represent military strength and that might help to get a good peace deal from Persia eventually.
I started my game, but only managed to play the first 12 turns. Half past eleven here, so I'll call it a night.

T1 DoW Xia-Xian
T3 Xia-Xian was captured by turn 3 indeed, however the time works different than I assumed. The game starts with turn 0, so it was the 4th turn that this conquest happened (I had also previously noticed that the game ends on T99). Trade everything to Jin-China for 350(G)old. Upgrade the 2 new Horsemen with that money while they are still in the capital area.
T4 DoW on Jin-China.
T7 Upgrade Horsemen, that stayed in Xia-Xian for heal.
T8 Beijing falls.
T9 Finally met China.
T11 Traded everything to China and DoWed because she put units into the one square from which Kaifeng is vulnerable. roceeded to conquer Kaifeng, and started razing right away. Jin-China now offers peace, but will not give cities. Apparently Liaoyang cannot be in a peace settlement anyway, because it seems to be the new 'capital'.

Comment: Some things go not as planned, but fortunately I am ahead of my schedule. I think I will ignore Jin-China for the time being. Their armies (what armies?) pose no threat and they are having war with me and China (as usual). Xiangyang lies just ahead, and the army that is planned to go to Korea at some point can manage taking Liaoyang on its way. Liaoyang will probably be without defense whatsoever anyway. Also Jin-China might still hand over Xian in the next turn. I think the AI reevaluates its position only once per turn, and they might still figure out that they should capitulate. If that happens I might actually finish conquering most of the East even earlier than I anticipated. Not counting Liaoyang something like T31 might be possible. Accounting for the shift in turn numbering, the turns I was ahead of schedule in conquering Beijing, and that Xian might be handed over without a fight, I could theoretically finish the East before T30, but I think China will put up more resistance. In my strategy I overestimated the military of Jin-China, but maybe I underestimated China's forces. They should have some Cho-Ko-Nus instead of Ji-China's Archers. Finishing off China's army, capturing 5 cities, and maneuvering around all in just 18 turns seems highly ambitious. On the other hand being ahead of schedule might mean, that China has a unit or two less than I am accustomed to, which in turn shaves off a turn, and in the end this snowballs into everything being easier than I thought it would be. We will see...
T15 Xiangyang fell without much resistance. Meanwhile with the Gold from selling buildings cities that were about to be razed I was able to buy a 2nd Horseman. That I dispatched towards Liaoyang. The city is under siege and not holding for long, but somebody has to take it.
T18 Met with India. Conquered Tanzhou.
T20 Liaoyang falls and Jin-China with it. Free Tech is Theology. First units are getting the Logistics promotion. Bought a Swordsman with some of the G. Need to clear out some barbarians.
T21 Captured Hangzhou. I really expected some resistance here. DoW on Korea again, after making peace the last turn. India still on very good terms. Traded luxuries to avoid -10 Happiness penalty.
T22 had to buy another Swordsman as garrison. Being at exactly -10 happiness just doesn't do.
T24 Guangzhou falls.
T25 New policy. Populace will be unhappy until Guangzhou is razed.
T26 Met Darios. Xian falls. My Horseman could barely get there in time to take it ^^. Happiness below -20 now.
T27 Puppeted Korea and met Japan. Friendly people. Changed from researching Machinery to sailing and Optics. We will need to cross that strait to Japan.
T28 Denunciation by India. Cannot really DoW on Japan, because I cannot invade them without Optics. Certainly a flaw in my plan. Sailing and Optics should have been researched before starting Machinery.
T30 Captured Chegndu and started to raze. That one held one turn longer than expected. Free tech is Education. I start building Notre Dame in Karakorum now. It takes 24 turns, but further GGs will be used for Golden Ages so that should be finished a little more quickly. Made peace with Dali, but Dai-Viet is on Total War. All things considered that was a very successful Eastern campaign.

I currently have 1963G, 6 Keshik, 2 Horsemen, 2 Swordsmen, 2 Crossbow Archers, and too many Workers to know what to do with. It's time to make a plan for the India/Persia campaign which should take about the 2nd third of the game.
The second part will consist mostly of conquering Persia and India. Some roadwork will also have to be done to lay the foundations for later conquests, and then there is that part of attacking Dazaifu.

For the invasion of Persia I'd like to try something unconventional. Usually you start invading the land from the East because that's where you are coming from. However, in previous games I learned that this causes problems. Invading Samarkand directly from the East is not feasible, but you probably move a bit to the North anyway, and then you are in a fine spot to invade the city. However, afterwards crossing the Amu River can be a pain. It works if you cross in the North while capturing Urgench at the same time. My problem with this approach is, that you take their super-easy cities first and put your armies in a position to battle painstakingly through the mountains in the South. It also means that you put two armies in one place and you simply cannot make use of 8 Keshiks most of the time. I believe much of this can be avoided if we maneuver one of the two armies to the South of Nishapur first; the region where there is a hex with Gems and one with Gold. The mountains should provide us with shielding against Persian units, and after we smothered their mobile forces we should be able to take Nishapur from the South in a less painful process. Meanwhile our Northern forces have the time to put themselves between the two rivers (Amu and Syr). I am not sure if that is even better than being stationed to the NE, but let's find out.

After taking Nishapur our Southern forces will move to India. Somewhere else I read that it is not advisable to squeeze one's units through the northern mountain pass, but this has worked well for me previously. At this point we will probably have at least one unit on level 8, and that one doesn't need to be close to Multan to shoot at it. It can shoot at Multan from the other side of the impassable Mountains. The other three units can work the pass. Going from the South seems way more inconvenient to me. The Indus river hinders our progress and the hills to the North shield Multan from our barrage. I can see that it would be possible to clean up the desert in central India before moving in on Multan, but I think that all things considered it will just take more time than to go in from the North.

Back to Persia. After taking Samarkand, Urgench, and Nishapur Persia should be ready for capitulation, maybe even earlier. I will accept any capitulation that involves Tabriz, but nothing if they don't offer that I will just grind down all of their forces until the bitter end. Besides the cities in Japan, this is the single most annoying place on the map, and I will very happily accept any deal which saves me the time to conquer it. If that leaves Persia with one or two cities I don't mind. The India army can take Isfahan on their way back from India. Admittedly this is a bit awkward. That army is supposed to go North, and my Workers will have outfitted the northern pass from India to the Silk road for that. If necessary the detour is not that big, though and I think the army will still have ample time to conquer Russia. A road to Russia should be under construction and then it is really just a bit more than a turn to Russia.

Meanwhile in Japan I plan to take Dazaifu by bombarding it from Korea and then sending a single Swordsman to the island. I will protect that unit with Triremes from enemy ships, but I am not quite sure if he can take two turns of bombardment. Against a crappy city it should not be a problem, but we will see about that. If Japan then gives me a peace deal and Kamakuro I would be very much obliged but somehow I doubt that will happen. Otherwise I will just put my Keshiks on the island where Dazaifu is/was and bombard everything that moves on Honshu.

As to the time table. It is turn 30 right now. Maneuvering everything into position will take a few turns. I expect until turn 34. Samarkand should fall on turn 38 or 39 then. Urgench will certainly fall three turns later. In the South it might take about the same time to take Nishapur, but that depends on where Persia puts their forces. If many are stationed in the North we will take a turn more there and a bit less in the South. Afterwards the India army will be in position to attack Multan almost immediately. There will be a bunch of Indian forces that we have to shoot before we can actually take Multan. I expect that to be done by turn 45. Lahore and Delhi will fall very quickly afterwards. Both should be taken by turn 51. Varanasi is next up and that should be done around turn 55 or 56, and then it is back to Persia or even Russia. This all seems very optimistic. Comparing to my previous experience with Persia it actually seems to be way too optimistic, but it compares reasonably well with what other people have seen apparently. Again, let's see what happens when the turns are played out.
If I need to protect my cargo, I spend hammers or gold in trireme to secure internal cargo ships.There are my priority, except if I need units (specially archers). After granary, library and shrine you don't really need nothing except science buildings (sometimes coliseums) and units. So caravans and cargo is as important for me as a granary or library.

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I tried my strategy and this went a bit out of hand. Persia capitulated surprisingly early. I took Nishapur and quickly thereafter Isfahan, and then they gave me everything they had. That was good, however, it let to a serious hit in happiness which in turn meant, that it took a surprisingly long time to conquer India.

After that I sent three Keshik and a Horseman to Russia and 5/1 to Arabia. Stupidly I forgot to take over Arabia's allies first. This cost me at least five turns due to them fighting me instead of Arabia. Meanwhile my other Army was making progress in Russia, but also a bit slower than I had expected. It turns out that in this stadium of the game Keshiks are still good against cities, but it takes time to grind down units. Keeping this in mind and also considering that conquering Japan is way easier than I thought it would be, Frigates seem unnecessary. So instead of "wasting" the free techs on sailing techs it seems preferrable to go towards Rifling indeed. I don't think I will upgrade my Keshiks, but having access to Rifling means, that I can buy new and good units without the limitations imposed by resources.

I will rewind my game to turn 61 now, and see what happens if I research Rifling (and don't forget to take Arabia's allies obv). Fittingly that also makes for a a good part 2/3. That's what happened from turn 30-61

T30 -- Annexed Korea and bought Courthouse and Trireme. Bought a Keshik in Karakorum.
T31 -- Sold some stuff to Persia. Judging by the deal he is in deceptive mode. Bought another Tireme and Keshik.
T32 -- Completed Optics. Now 1 Turn for Engineering. Thought I controlled 10 Keshiks, but it is only 8. That will change a few things.
T33 -- Research Engineering. Now Compass.
T36 -- DoW on Persia. Moving forces into position took longer than expected. Complete force at Nishapur right now.
T38 -- Conquered Nishapur. Bought another Keshik. DoW on Japan.
T42 -- Fall of Isfahan leads to capitulation of Persia. Got Samarkand, Tabriz, and plenty of Gold in a peace deal. Now my people are very unhappy. The new plan is to attack India with 4 Keshiks from the North and two from the South. As soon as I am up to 8 Keshiks I will send 4 Keshik + 1 Horseman to Arabia. The remaining units will be strong enough to take down India on their own, and Urgench on their way back.
T44 -- DoW on India.
T45 -- Researched Compass, now Machinery.
T47 -- Dazaifu falls.
T49 -- Multan falls. Japan capitulates. Hands over Kamakuro and pletny of gold.
T51 -- DoW on Persia again.
T57 -- Happiness up to -7. Time to rout them! Started a Golden Age.
T59 -- Met Arabia. Friendly people.
T60 -- DoW on Japan.
T61 -- Finished Notre Dame. Captured Lahore.
This is how it ended:

T62 -- Captured Urgench. Took Astronomy as a free tech anyway. The 3rd movement on sea is definitely helpful, because that allows my Swordsman to attack Kyoto by the sea without ever being in range of the city. Spent the 1000G to make allies with Abbasids. Having access to sugar is actually quite useful.
T65 -- Conquered Delhi.
T66 -- Metallurgy researched. Now Physics. Indian free tech will be Steel. DoW Russia after taking all of their money.
T67 -- Conquer Varanasi, thus eliminating India. Free tech is Steel.
T72 -- Policy: Organized Religion.
T73 -- GG -> Golden Age. Bought two more Keshik over the last two turns.
T80 -- Conquered Wladimir.
T85 -- Kyoto and Damaskus fall. Time for some unhappiness. Free tech is Metal Casting.
T86 -- Conquered Aleppo.
T88 -- Nowgorod. 5 cities left.
T92 -- Conquered Mekka and Kiew. 3. Free tech Rifling. Buy Riflemen in Aleppo until the end of the game now.
T93 -- Traded for basically all of Alex's Gold then DoW.
T94 -- Captured Crusaders.
T98 -- Captured Mekka and Konstantinopel. 1 Left.
T99 -- Captured Thessaloniki, thus Greece and won the game in time. That was close.

I am not quite sure, but I think my strategy for Arabia was flawed. The game is going to be close anyway, but somehow I believe there must be a way to do this more efficiently. A thing one should probably do is buy units in Aleppo as soon as possible and upgrade them to Riflemen later. I didn't have the time to spend all my money. With a couple of additional units in the front rows the last few turns of the game might have been way more relaxed. Alliying with the Templars is a good idea, too, I believe. I didn't do it, because I think I hadn't met them yet. The city is extremely weak, but you have to spent a turn to capture it to get to Kairo, and the additional unhappiness probably gets you beyond -10 again, and that sucks, too.

Thanks for reading! I hope this was at least a bit interesting, probably at least the first post was kind of useful. If you have any idea how to deal more efficiently with Arabia (or anything else obv) I'd very much like to hear it.
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