More Fantasy Units

Well, Kael so far agree to include the Illians, Malakim and Calabim. All of them are female. So, yeah, patch k will be "female spellcasters" patch. It would be more complete if he decide to include the Lanun/Mercurian spellcasters too :D

I updated the Blood Witch into version 3. Download address is still the same.
In short, the glow effects should be in the order below the mesh in the nif tree (hope you can see the difference and understand what i want to say)

Thanks Coyote. This is top top tip! Like Lord Tirian this has been something that has bothered me for a long while... :)

Now I can fix my soon-to-be-posted Abaddon Kohan II conversion.

Edit: Thanks again for this tip. If I hadn't read this then Abaddon's head aura would still be appearing behind his tentacles.
@ Lord Tirian and Deliverator

didn´t knew that both of you had this problem - added the post to the opening post of the nifskope tutorial - and glad that i could help you both :)

@ esvath

played a bit with your calabim archmage (wanted to test a Blender function to merge some texture with the bake texture function and two UVs), here is the result, perhaps you like it (i only included the new texture - the effect textures are not included)


  • trial.jpg
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@ The_Coyote,
Thanks! She is beautiful. I might use her as Losha Valas in my modmod. I don't know what is wrong with the current one. Her arm looks twisted in my games.
The Elven Enchantress is well done and she may replace my present Ljosalfar Druid. However, she is rather ornate for an adept. If I might offer a suggestion ... perhaps an adept whose garments are just some strategically placed leaves, as in this Poison Ivy cosplay? Admittedly, that particular "costume" might be too risque, but one could make it more substantial if necessary.


  • Poison_Ivy_03.jpg
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The Elven Enchantress is well done and she may replace my present Ljosalfar Druid. However, she is rather ornate for an adept. If I might offer a suggestion ... perhaps an adept whose garments are just some strategically placed leaves, as in this Poison Ivy cosplay? Admittedly, that particular "costume" might be too risque, but one could make it more substantial if necessary.

Does anyone else see the irony in the concern that a CIV UNIT might look risque (especially such a small model) and the fact that the picture was posted?


Nice pic though.
Ahahaha... to do that, I have to use the Succubus, clipped her wings, and added little leaves :D

The elven enchantress actually as ornate as current Svartalfar adept. Thus I don't see the problem :D
More :devil: because I use goody-goody unit for the base model. The vampire was reskinned from Elohim Axeman. The Vampire Lord was reskinned from Chalid. You can say that these units do fall from heaven :mwaha:

I am so evil today.
Sorry for taking a little while before answering your question, P_L. It looks like I forgot to include help.txt in the pack :p

I use the following animations for the blood witches :


Art/Units/Civs/Calabim/Mage/Spy.kfm (provided in the pack, IIRC)

Archmage :
edit :
you could use pikemen.kfm for the archmage because I reskinned it from pikeman unit. But, the idle and fidget animations are not...elegant for such Witch. Sleepy and yawn? Nah...

Thanks for using my reskins (if you are going to use it :goodjob:)
Sorry for the long delay. Got caught up in a real-life deadline :lol: To lighten up a little, I have finished the Skaven Adept. Give me a couple days, I hope I'll be able to finish the Mage and Archmage. :)
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