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Most beautiful city that ever flipped to you


Jun 3, 2012
So with the city flipping, what's the best city you ever got flipped over to you? For me, it was Antium from Rome, which had a whopping 22 pop, Machu Picchu, 3 great works in store (1 music, 2 art), solid well-developed infrastructure, 2 luxuries (marble and truffles) which I didn't have yet...and EL DORADO in its borders. Sadly I didn't take a screenshot, but it was glorious...but surely better cities have flipped?

The only problem I kinda had was that it was a landlocked one, surrounded by Roman cities on all sides...and I was playing as Venice XD
While we're on the subject, does anyone understand how flipping works? I've been the guy generating 90% of the tourism that caused a civ to start losing cities, and yet they all went to other civ's.
None. Ever. I've flipped nothing despite having dozens of times more tourism than my opponents.
I once got Rome itself, which the Zulus had conquered a few turns earlier :) It had several great works and even a few wonders!! It was only size 4 though as the Zulus and Rome had each in turn captured it for several turns in a row.
I've also yet to fllip a city even with massive amounts of tourism (1300+ per turn). I had Rome at -30 something happiness most of the late game too in one game. To be honest I'm glad flipping is so uncommon. It's something that you really shouldn't ever expect though know it could happen.
Having experienced city flipping twice whilst on King I can only assume that on higher difficulty levels the AI culture is too high for flipping regardless of dominance in tourism.
Having experienced city flipping twice whilst on King I can only assume that on higher difficulty levels the AI culture is too high for flipping regardless of dominance in tourism.

During all of the pre-release noise, some were going on and on about how this awesome Civ4 feature :rolleyes: was desperately needed in Civ5. I'm glad it turned out to be much ado about nothing, esp. at higher levels.
City flipping only happens once the civs overall happiness is at -20 or more and they are in Revolutionary Wave. This may cause them to switch ideologies but if not they are likely to have a city flip. The city will flip to the civ that has a close capital and is exerting influence that is causing the unrest. So you may have a lot, but if you are far from them, they aren't likely to flip to you, they will prob flip to someone else.

Overall amount of tourism does not matter directly, only that they are in revolutionary wave, at -20 or more global happiness ( number on the right, not left) and have the option and switching ideologies.
Having experienced city flipping twice whilst on King I can only assume that on higher difficulty levels the AI culture is too high for flipping regardless of dominance in tourism.

It is not based on culture vs. tourism though. It is based on the influence other civs with the differing ideology has on them vs. the influence of other civs with the same ideology. It doesn't matter that you're the largest tourism-producing civ if most of the other civs have a different ideology and at least Exotic with each other.
I... didn't even know city flipping was now in Civ V. I've not seen it in over a dozen completed games. Two of those I won with Culture victories. All on Emperor or Immortal difficulty.

Huh. What do I need to do?
I... didn't even know city flipping was now in Civ V. I've not seen it in over a dozen completed games. Two of those I won with Culture victories. All on Emperor or Immortal difficulty.

Huh. What do I need to do?

High tourism, different ideology against a civ and a stance of war..........

Sun Tzu said, the supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting :lol::lol::lol:
I... didn't even know city flipping was now in Civ V. I've not seen it in over a dozen completed games. Two of those I won with Culture victories. All on Emperor or Immortal difficulty.

Huh. What do I need to do?

Read my previous post.
While we're on the subject, does anyone understand how flipping works? I've been the guy generating 90% of the tourism that caused a civ to start losing cities, and yet they all went to other civ's.

Flipping works by looking at the player's ideology unhappiness. If the player remains at -20 unhappiness or more and in Revolutionary Wave, the player starts losing cities to the nearest player whose ideology its people most prefer. This means that even though you are the influence, if someone is closer than you and of the same ideology as you, the city will flip to them.

I've never gotten any beautiful cities out of this though. I've gotten one, and while it was sitting on top of a lux that I wanted, it wasn't a very good city.
The city will flip to the NEAREST idelogoy, so if you are between Spain and Carthage, who both adopted Freedom, you rcity will flip to the nearest neighbor. say Spain. if the four civs are Spain, India, You and Carthage, you will flip to Carthage instead of Spain because Carthage is closer.
I had Orleans flip from France but at the time I had zero interest in getting him riled up. I took the great works and sold it back.
While we're on the subject, does anyone understand how flipping works? I've been the guy generating 90% of the tourism that caused a civ to start losing cities, and yet they all went to other civ's.

I wish I did. In my Brasil game I was "dominant" with everyone but Austria and flipped a few cities to Austria who were "influential" with the city being flipped. I had a ton more influence with the specific civ so it feels like a roll of the dice now.

Flipping is weird anyway because sometimes I don't want a city. I might be growing tall and keeping everything carefully checked and not interested in randoms like that going to me.
City flipping only happens once the civs overall happiness is at -20 or more and they are in Revolutionary Wave. This may cause them to switch ideologies but if not they are likely to have a city flip. The city will flip to the civ that has a close capital and is exerting influence that is causing the unrest. So you may have a lot, but if you are far from them, they aren't likely to flip to you, they will prob flip to someone else.

Overall amount of tourism does not matter directly, only that they are in revolutionary wave, at -20 or more global happiness ( number on the right, not left) and have the option and switching ideologies.

I don't think Revolutionary Wave is required, you just have to have -20 happiness and have your people prefer another ideology. Had a game as the Shoshone recently where I took a peace deal from Portugal by mistake that loaded me up with a bunch of junk cities; I ended up with -31 happiness and I got a warning saying my cities were going to flip to Persia in 5 turns if I didn't fix my happiness problem. I was only at Dissidents.

This is one of the very few number of times I have reloaded a game. >.>
I saw a city flip to me just ONCE in ONE game out of the many I have played so far. I'm unsure exactly what causes cities to flip or not. I know it has some relationship to the amount of tourism I'm generating, and that I chose an ideology that the inferior-tourist civs did not pick--but I'm unsure if it's also dependent on how many ideology tenets I chose, or the specific percentage difference between my civ and theirs tourism-wise. If only the Civilopedia was more helpful in this regard. =|
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