Mourning a Passing

He's in my thoughts, and will not likely leave them for some time.

Thank you for letting us know BadKharma.
Holy Crap??
Damn, he was only 3 years older than me. Life's a . .. .. .. .. ..

Rest in peace, brother.
R I P Spacer One, you were way too young to leave like this.
There's quite a few things that you made in every mod I've done for myself, so you're remembered with gratitude.
Oh no!

I was just revisiting some of his posts the other day. :(

RIP, sir.
RIP Spacer One
I just wish I had more to say than thank-you.
This is terrible! I really hope there wasn't much suffering. Regardless, Rest In Peace fellow Civver, you will be missed!

Well, I assume he's gone to a better place, where the Civ3 source code is released and the constraints of the Civ3 game engine are no more. Rest well Spacer One.
Sad news. Rest in peace Spacer One.
Such unfortunate news. I was wondering what became of our Spacer One and now this... He'll be missed. :(

아제 아제 바라아자 바라승아제 모지 사바하...
aje aje bara-aje barseung-aje moji sabaha...
I will miss him greatly.... I can honestly say that at some points his encouragement was the only thing that kept me going on the Final Fantasy mod, and I probably wouldn't have finished it without him...

Plus he was always ready to help me out with problems I was having and offer advice... This is very sad news indeed. :( :cry:

I'll keep his family in my prayers.
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