MTDG3 Warmup Game 2 (w/Double Turn mod)

So what is the password for the test game?

I set a password? Sorry, I must have messed up the settings. I will fix.

Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
Standard high it is then!

Game should be up today. I"ll post here when you can start claiming. :)

Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
I can't get the mod to work...

Check the screenshots, and please get back to me manolo og Magno_uy asap.

Spoiler :

PITBOSS1=MTDG3 Double Move Test Game
PASS_ADMIN1=(censored here)

Spoiler :

log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.apache.axis2.description.AxisService).
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
To the players: Please do not connect and claim any Civ until I get the assistance I need from the mod developers. :)

2metra: I've added you to the list of players!
Basedir must be BTS dir even if I am using the altroot statement? Will try it! :)

Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
if MTDG3 pitboss is running

You must find a directory called "Double Move Test Game"
If there is at bts dir you must put bts dir if there is at "D:\\Pitboss\\2xMove-Test" its ok ..
Did HAK get the requested information? Don't want to leave anyone behind. Maybe a longer timer till we all get in sync, then turn it down.

No, I have not yet gotten the info I need. So until I know how to install the mod and get a shortcut icon which will launch directly into the mod, then you guys can play without me and I'll find some other game to play.
Mod is a rar and you must decompress at Mods directory of Bts.
I do not know how to make a shortcut on the desktop
I got everything to work now! :D Thank you, Manolo!

I need everyone who have signed up for the game to go register with an account at - please use your CFC forum name as the username, so I can easily recognize you in the list of users as I need to use the web-interface to assign leaders to you at random. Daveshack has already registered, but I can't start assigning until everyone is there!

The game is currently up and running - but paused, as I could handily enough pause it from the web interface. Please register accounts as soon as possible though, as we need this game up and running as quickly as possible. is in spanish, but in the upper right corner right above the two text input fields there's a clickable text that says English. The webpage isn't fully translated yet, and I hope someone can assist the aptmod-team to translate everything in full before the MTDG starts - but I will write a note about that in the main MTDG-thread. However, most of the important stuff turns into english when you click that text link.

In regards to your question HitAnyKey, I will post it in the main topic how you install the mod and how you make a clickable link to start the game with the mod. Do note that AFAIK it is impossible to get it to automatically set the servername, username, etc for you - but at least you can get a shortcut to directly start the game with the mod loaded. So just go register on the site, and I will get the instructions up shortly. :)
I've registered as LordParkin, not sure about how to get the mod working though.
cool! looks like its working fine.

Caledorn, as admin of the portal I change the game to a "private" game. This is just to do not let someone its not playing see the barbs events.
Also, I add myself as admin of this game also, to help you in the task.

Now what it rest is to assign the users already registered at aptmod as player. Need help? its in the "usrs" tab of the admin panel. Choose the user, choose the leader and press the "asingar" botton. Theres a "aleatory" botton that assigns the user any of the remainings leaders.

About english translation... working... Just make me notice if I write something wrong of could be a better translation
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