Multiplayer is not working on Civ4

I had been having the same problem as all of you. My multiplayer worked fine before the new patch, and then once the new patch came I get to the login screen, type my name and pw and NOTHING besides a slight pause. I looked on forums everywhere for a solution and none. Made new IDs and nothing. Opened all conceivable ports on my router and nothing. Removed my firewall and nothing. I actually reformatted my entire computer and installed nothing but drivers, direct X and civ4, still got the login screen of death.

On a stroke of luck I finally solved my problem. I capitalized all of the letters in my user name and my password at the login screen and it logs me on. For example JWANNY instead of jwanny works, even though I originally entered it in as jwanny. Also, all of the letters in my password need to be capitalized now when they wern't before. I'm not sure if this is everyone's problem, but it worked for me and I hope it works for you.

I've been have the same problems too. I first went on multiplayer today, which worked fine except that it said I needed the 1.61 patch, which I installed. After that, it froze up everytime I logged in. I tried the capitalizing idea, but that didnt work either.

Has anyone else solved this problem/know whats wrong with this whole multiplayer thing

P.S. I didn't install that xfire thing when updating the patch, could that have anything to do with it?
Just want to say i got the same thing as you all...

I've played CIV I, CIV II, CIV III, and now CIV IV but am thinking about not buying Warlords... where's my multi.
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