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Multiplayer - Let's get pumped for BNW

You seem to call this "funny" perhaps cuz you don't understand what was being said.

I am able to read -
Turned based play is a style which many enjoy. It has its better, more experienced players who are tough to beat, just as in Simu.

as there is no sim turn mode in civ5 u can neither know if people d enjoy it nor who is good at it

btw i can PROMISE you i d be best playing turn based aswell :)

And again - in the few FFAs I join in and which makes the VAST MAJORITY of mp games played its usually that people scream allready if people think and need more then 10 sec for a turn - I dont like that - I rather think and usually got more units as those dudes.

Still they are majority and dont have patience for 20 sec turns - how u expect them to have patience for 5x20 sec waiting times and in later periods for 5x2 min waiting time for 1 turn!
I am able to read -

as there is no sim turn mode in civ5 u can neither know if people d enjoy it nor who is good at it

btw i can PROMISE you i d be best playing turn based aswell :)

I am sure you are a great Civ player, and versatile.

Without getting too nit-picky about what is TRUE simultaneous turn: The way Civ V is now is a basic Simu turn at least for movement and combat. Yeah I know it may not be TRUE Simu...
If a person waits till the other players name becomes "greyed out" indicating movement is done, it is kind of like turn based. I do this sometimes. I like GMR games

I empathize with your plight. Especially on logistics of moving many troops and time it takes. There are many "off radar" players though who are not in league, and play with smaller circles of trusted opponents. It was like this in Civ II MP and the tourny's were great fun when someone organized them.
When in a game with a micro-manager (often an engineer or mathematician my Dad, or Kengel from Germany for example) their turn could be an up to 1/2 to 1 hour in later ages! But a micro-manager can be a strong opponent!

I know enough of who is good, and who likes what. I play for the fun of a good game win or loose.

I apologize to original poster of this thread Moroten,for speaking on it. Thank you for your patience. I have messaged you about possible game, and support your post in this way
Oh so nice to see that after a year of absense from the civ community not much have changed. Any thread in the CIV V MP department will, regardless of topic, sooner or later turn into a Tommynth vs the world discussion about gameplay ;) *observe this is said with heart and as a joke, so dont flame me to much about this comment, I mean it with the most loving care for the CIV MP community
turn based will actually be quicker

instead of staring at your screen to react in real-time to moves and instead of waiting until the very last second of each 5 minute turn you can make your moves in 1 minute and be done.

two teams spending 1 minute each is faster than two teams running down a clock for 4 minutes and then moving together in 1 minute

for FFA games, maybe they become longer overall, but you don't have to pay attention to other players' moves.... you can watch TV or something
turn based will actually be quicker

instead of staring at your screen to react in real-time to moves and instead of waiting until the very last second of each 5 minute turn you can make your moves in 1 minute and be done.

two teams spending 1 minute each is faster than two teams running down a clock for 4 minutes and then moving together in 1 minute

for FFA games, maybe they become longer overall, but you don't have to pay attention to other players' moves.... you can watch TV or something

I can agree that turn-based is not a totaly bad thing that they implement since there are a lot of people who likes it.. BUT it s faar from as fast. even when it comes to team games. Turn based might have some advtantages that is possible to point out. Like not a clickfest in war etc. But speed is certainly NOT one of those advantages.

I wont try to have a logn argument here why it is like that. Just try two full games with a bunch of friends and see for yourself.
you may be right if you u play with friends

but play with a bunch of competitive strangers and see how they will waste 4 minutes of a 5 minute turn doing absolutely nothing but running down the clock
you may be right if you u play with friends

but play with a bunch of competitive strangers and see how they will waste 4 minutes of a 5 minute turn doing absolutely nothing but running down the clock

thats the most pathetic argument to implement or play a mp version where player b,c,d,e,f have to wait till player a ended the turn, where player a,c,d,e,f have to wait till player b have ended his turn, where player f wait like 5 minutes before he can even do a single move ..
isnt it obvious that waiting times at least quadruple?

Usual mp turn times are very OK for a decent sized civ with some units. The only players "waiting" atm are the ones with very few (one) city and no units - bad ones (usually) ...

In fact the version where each player have others waiting while he moves is only playable for duels - and duel player are USUALY another folk as the TURN BASED screamers
all players shouldn't have to wait. only players on the other team

FFA isn't anywhere near as competitive as team vs. team or 1 vs 1 where turn-based is really needed
all players shouldn't have to wait. only players on the other team

FFA isn't anywhere near as competitive as team vs. team or 1 vs 1 where turn-based is really needed

Non of the duel or team players who play really competitive scream for turn based. 99% of them would never use it.

I ve been away for a while from the game but for more than a year I was part of the absolute top of competitive CIV V MP gaming in duels and teamers and most of the guys i had on my friendlist and played with are still a large chunk of that group. None of them would consider turn based play.

Even if mr T once in a while express himself a bit ehrmm clumsy. He is indeed one of the best duel players out there, Together with a few more, i dont know if all of them still play, but among them are mr Gametheory, Ardan PL, Fredodo, Kiffe and a few more.

I know it s a bit egenralizing but simply. The guys who cry for turn based option wouldn t last to industrial if even that against any of those guys. Regardless if they d play turnbased or not.
You can't compare online and gmr games. Honestly.

But we can always hope for better stability :

Oh wow, so with Hybrid Mode does that actually mean now that when your in combat in Civ5 with other players, whoever clicks the fastest wont win a battle? That would change everything, honestly. It's my biggest problem with Civ5 besides no MP mods right now.
Non of the duel or team players who play really competitive scream for turn based. 99% of them would never use it.

I ve been away for a while from the game but for more than a year I was part of the absolute top of competitive CIV V MP gaming in duels and teamers and most of the guys i had on my friendlist and played with are still a large chunk of that group. None of them would consider turn based play.

Even if mr T once in a while express himself a bit ehrmm clumsy. He is indeed one of the best duel players out there, Together with a few more, i dont know if all of them still play, but among them are mr Gametheory, Ardan PL, Fredodo, Kiffe and a few more.

I know it s a bit egenralizing but simply. The guys who cry for turn based option wouldn t last to industrial if even that against any of those guys. Regardless if they d play turnbased or not.

you can't really sample the active players. the people who want a TBS and not a RTS are the ones who aren't playing at all.

at least civ 4 had the delay to avoid double moves. and the combat system worked a lot better for a simultaneous turn-based game than civ 5

turn based with team-simultaneous would save time and bring legitimacy back to the game. whether or not the developers actually implement it properly and fix all the disconnects remains to be seen.

I haven't played since launch when people just left because of how bad the game was, but the game rules and core design had potential
Yes they have added some new long promised features.....but to be honest I doubt they completely recoded the MP engine, and that is what is required to fix MP. So it won't matter what new game mechanics their is, or pitboss or turn based MP....when the stability is no better than it is now people will quickly stop playing MP again. I hope I am wrong....but I would bet money on the fact that the core MP code is no better than now.

Hope Civ6 comes out fast with real resources dedicated to MP....maybe they will be really smart and hire Soren back, he was the last developer with the brains to realize that MP has to be developed in parallel with SP from the start, and that in fact this benefits SP as well as you can code the AI to act like the MP testers you have playing the game.

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