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Multiple Unit Select


Dec 11, 2004
During war, if you have over 200 units, it is very hard to move them all. I propose that you could hold down a key, like ctrl-m and then you could drag your cursor, creating a box so you could select more than one unit at once. You could also do things like ctrl-m when a spearman is selected and then create a box and it would only move spearmen. :king:
That's a nice idea.

Again, back to the "micro managment" thing, it is annoying to have to go through each city and choose certain types of units.

If your idea is in CIV, I would be pleased.
not to say the system can't be improved, cause it can, but there is a fix to this in Civ 3 Conquests. It allows you to move all the unit in a square or all the units of a certain type to another square.
My biggest problem with the whole unit system, at the moment, is that you often build the unit then fortify them IN THE CITY!!!! Though I have no problem with having say 1 or 2 units fortified in a city, I feel that extra units should quickly diminish the peoples happiness (as it essentially reflects martial law!) Instead, using the existing 'rally point' system, I think that you should be able to set exactly where your units go after you build them (such as nearby airbases, naval bases and forts-or to a particularly strategic piece of turf!) Cities should become the 'home of last resort' for large forces and, in fact, most attackers should be encouraged NOT to attack cities immediately-and not with certain units-as the penalties for doing so should be quite high!

Hope that makes sense!

having a Deminishing Marginal Returns (or having a point where additional units stop giving benefits. See, you can use economic terminology ANYWHERE) for units would probably do alot to add chanability to the game. It would make it harder to concentrate large amounts of power in a certain area, make attacks more successful if they are spread out.
Good idea Aussie, but I would say that if there are enemy units in the city radius then the unhappiness factor would be lowered a bit to reflect the people that are now suddenly happy because they feel more units in a city means better protection.
I agree with you, Spatula, up to a point. But I have recently been giving thought to the 'Siege Effect'. I do think that close presence of one or more enemy units in the vicinity of a city might give a greater sense of security, but what if the city in question is being 'Beiseged'? In fact, how SHOULD sieges work in the game, given the length of a turn-especially in the ancient age? Should it perhaps be a unit function which, when exercised, can both pillage a square and reduce the morale/happiness of the city!

I don't know if any of you remember "Warlords" or "Warlords 2" way back when, but unit selection in that game could be emulated.

What happened was that if a unit came up in queue, or if you selected one on the map, as a default all the units in that square would be selected. A box at the right would show the units in the square and you could highlight them to just select one, or unhighlight one to keep it out of the stack, etc. It was very simple, very easy to use.
What I would say, Aussie, is that if there is an enemy in the radius then the military police limit of the city is doubled, but when there are enemies in more than one tile, representing a siege, any of your troops that are outside the city but in the radius will increase happiness again to represent the breaking of a siege.

That will do for now, but I'd rather there was a proper 'siege' function. Maybe it could be like mobilisation, giving good and bad? Units in a siege would have some kind ADM bonus and/or a city being besieged will be unhappier, but at the same time a besieged city will let more troops in without causing further unhapiness (as would happen in our hypothetical model), and any unit that is besieging a city would not be able to leave the city's radius until the city is captured.

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isnt there a move all units in a square button? like J and Ctrl J?
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