Multipolar Politics (MP)

Tani Coyote

Son of Huehuecoyotl
May 28, 2007
Happy 10th Anniversary, IOT! My university is closed for several weeks due to the looming apocalypse, so let's see how this one goes!

It has been some time since the Great Cataclysm shattered the old order. Some say it was coronabolika. Some suggest an ecological crisis. Or perhaps, the source of the catcalysm was the same as it always is, man.

The past is irrelevant, however. The peoples of the world have been given a chance at a fresh start. Whether that start will meet the same end as prior Earths, or forge a brighter future, only time will tell.


Please consult latest Update for the most up to date map and stats!

Pick one of the currently-existing states. You may choose to either continue playing the country as is (including power status), or roll a D20 to change it to your vision.


Spoiler :

(An example of what the stats sheet will look like)

Gameplay is straightforward. Every turn, you have 2 Policy Rolls, and 1 Covert Roll, alternatively called "Actions." Actions, and the rolls that determine them, can be just about anything, with GM fiat used to determine if every part of an Action is germane to the central action (e.g. a roll can be used to establish a very detailed treaty organization with lots of clauses).

All rolls are made 1 to 20; the formula is the usual, with 1 being a horrible backfire, 2-4 being a major penalty, 5-7 being a minor/circumstantial penalty, 8-10 being a failure with no penalty, 11-13 a regular success, 14-16 a minor/circumstantial bonus, 17-19 a large bonus, and 20 an extreme success and bonus. Your 2 policy rolls can be essentially whatever you want, and are public; the penalties for failure and rewards for success are proportional to what your goal is.

To incentivize risk vs reward, Natural 20s carry even higher benefits than a modifier-based 20.

Your covert roll is your secret roll, ideally submitted via PM. It can be used to target another state for assassination, coups, theft of orders, planting an intelligence cell, anything you would want to do secretly. Alternatively, you can use the roll for an instantly-successful counterespionage effort that provides +2 to all espionage defense rolls. You are free to use a Covert roll for internal purposes that you simply want to conceal from others.

Generally, any roll that would harm a player grants a free defense roll.

You can also place and move your units on each turn; units must be placed in a Supply Center at turn start, so it is advised to always keep moving units out of your supply centers. Unit movements do not have to be public.

Other than these features, gameplay is freeform. Engage in whatever diplomacy you please, but be aware only actual Policy Rolls will take effect. For your convenience, policy rolls that are used for diplomacy can be directed at more than one state, e.g. Britain, France and Germany can use a Policy Roll to create NATO between all three of them, rather than needing two rolls each. The drawback on multilateral rolls is that some bonuses no longer apply, like your domestic Approval.

A word on roll modifiers: Where it makes sense, feel free to invoke your Education, Health, Leisure or Security investment for a Policy Roll; assuming I agree the use of that investment (e.g. a high Leisure score being used to host the Olympics), any relevant modifier will be used for that roll. I will sometimes apply your modifiers on my own if I feel they are relevant.

There are also standard modifiers to your rolls, derived from your ratings on Autocracy vs Democracy and levels of corruption, as well as your Approval Rating, which is based on where your state ranks compared to others in its domestic investment per capita.


Spoiler :
The game’s primary areas of spending are EP, Education, Health, Leisure, and Security. All of them are increased by 1 for every 5 EP invested in them, and the size of your investment relative to other states (and to your population) can yield bonuses or penalties on associated rolls. For example: if you have a really good education program, you could invoke your Education to assist in your development of nuclear technology or the like.

EP, or Economic Power, is a basic representation of your commerce and infrastructure. 5 EP can be invested to increase EP by 1 point. The benefit of more EP is it supports a larger military and expands your capabilities.

Education represents everything from your pre-K schools to your most prestigious universities.

Health represents not only medical care, but also access to things such as food and water. A higher health score leads to higher population growth, but more population can put more demand on you services. More population also allows you to field more military forces.

Leisure represents the ways your citizens can blow off steam, from parks to stadiums and movie theaters. Leisure is weighted more heavily in your Approval rating than other fields, and so can be used for a “bread and circuses” approach.

Security represents your military, police, and intelligence apparatus. A higher security score helps to raise additional armed forces or foil foreign espionage attempts… or increase the chance of success for your own.

Your EP and Population grow naturally each turn.

You also have an Urbanization score, representing how much of your population and economy is concentrated in your cities. With higher Urbanization, your economy grows faster, but you also will lose more of your EP and Population if a city falls. You will also be able to build more cities as you Urbanize more. Urbanization is changed primarily through Policy Rolls.

tl;dr economics is largely in the background, providing structure to your dice, diplomacy, and overall strategy. Your D20 is ultimately your supreme investment, and you generally always have 3 rolls per turn.


Spoiler :
Between players, diplomacy is freeform. However, players must ratify treaties via a Policy Roll if they are to have any mechanical effect. You most definitely want all those non-aggression pacts in writing before claiming another state violated them!

Player to player/great power to great power diplomacy requires both states ratify a treaty for it to take effect. All other diplomacy merely requires one party propose and pass it, UNLESS it is a multilateral treaty, in which case every participant rolls to join on. This is for balance purposes.

While the human players take the role of the great powers (and perhaps superpowers) of the world, there are also NPC states.

Before you feel any alarm at the idea, NPCs are generally lacking in autonomy. They roll a D20 for any action they make, though there may be modifiers in their behavior. On any given turn, several of the NPCs (equal to the number of players who got orders in the previous turn plus one) will receive “Initiative,” where they can pursue one free action that is in their interests. Otherwise, they are purely reactive (other than placing/moving units around their territory).

Here are some standard modifiers of NPC behavior; in game they will specify which nation the modifier is towards:
  • Ally: +2 to diplomacy. This state values your relationship and so will give your interests some more consideration. You will gain a bonus of 10% of their EP to yours every turn, though this does not contribute to your military support.
  • Client: +4 to diplomacy. This state is dependent on you to a degree and so is fairly deferential to your requests. They may switch to Ally if you are in a position of weakness (you are considered weak if your "Power" z-score is less than 3x your client's) . You will gain 25% of their EP as a bonus. Clients grant automatic military access and follow your lead in most matters, but they do roll on whether or not to grant you their troops in war; they will always come to your aid in defensive matters.
  • Puppet: This state will do whatever you want. These are only formed through war. They are likely to break off relations (or even go to war with you!) if you are in a serious position of vulnerability (your "Power" z-score is less than 5x your client's or your client's z-score plus your enemy's). You gain 50% of their EP as a bonus.
Be forewarned: the modifiers not only impact your relations directly, but can also impact diplomacy where you are a third party. Read: if someone proposes to a state that is -5 towards you that they assist with an invasion, they’re going to get a bonus towards convincing them.

EP Grants. If you gift or loan EP to other states, that money will be deducted from your total EP for that turn, and then your standard spending percentages will be applied.

Gifting: 5% of a target's Net EP can be spent to increase the chance of any diplomatic action by 1, with a maximum of 10% to increase by 2. Note that your gift is taken even if you fail; HOWEVER, you will receive a permanent relations boost of +1 (short of a bad roll removing the modifier later on).

Incentives: You can also apply increments of their Net EP all the way up to 20 for extra chances, but the permanent boost is only a one-time benefit. For every 5% of their Net EP, rounded, that you use as an incentive, it raises their likelihood of cooperation by +1.

Gift and incentive benefits do not apply to diplomatic annexation.

Calls to Arms: Calling your allies to arms for defensive purposes is a free action. Calling allies into an offensive war is not; for balance purposes, the call action itself is automatically successful, but the allies acquiescing is not. You may call clients into an offensive war as a free action, but they still roll to determine whether they acquiesce and give their forces to you.


Spoiler :
There is a limit of 250 Units in the game.

You receive 1 Unit for every 100 EP or Population you have, and also can receive them for controlling Supply Centers, major areas of production of military-applicable goods. All units must initially be created in a province with a supply center; navies can only be built on coastal supply centers.

Units are split between Armies, Navies, and Air Wings. Every player will begin with 3 Armies, 1 Navy, and 1 Air Wing; if landlocked, the Navy will be replaced with an Air Wing.
  • Armies move one province per turn. When an allied Navy is present in a one tile body of water, they can cross the water same turn (for example, an Army can cross from France into England if there is a Navy in the English Channel). They can support any battle directly neighboring them on land. Armies have the lowest movement and support capabilities, but they are also crucial to securing land.
  • Navies move two sea provinces per turn, but they can also move into coastal land territories. Navies can also ferry one Army across the ocean. They can support any battle in an adjacent sea province, or any coastal provinces bordering their current position. Convoys: Armies can cross bodies of water if there is a fleet between the coasts. The Navy can still offer Support to the attacking Army. OTHER MOVES: Navies can move one ocean tile and then offer Support to a battle or occupy a land square. They can also ferry an Army one square away, then continue moving.
  • Air Wings can move two land provinces or one sea province per turn, but cannot occupy provinces. They can support any land province two provinces away, OR any coastal province in the same sea province as their main base; they can also Support a battle taking place off the coast of their home province. When it comes to relocation, they can move two sea tiles away but must rebase there and cannot engage or Support. Air Wings can base themselves on a Navy and use that as a base, but are limited to attacking one sea square away, not including coasts.
Generally, only one Unit is allowed in any province; more than one Navy can be in an ocean province, even of the same nation. This makes chokepoints a possibility. When two Units attempt to occupy a territory (there is an exception for Navies; unless the owner of a Navy has specified to block certain (or all) states, other Navies may freely pass through an ocean tile it occupies), they fight for control.

To determine a victor, each Unit can call on Support from allied units, which are any unit in range of movement. Units can support as many other Units as they like on a turn, provided they are also not under attack. To limit surprise attacks, a Unit’s position at turn start is used to determine which Units it supports, with any movement being cancelled.

In order to claim victory and occupy a province, an attacker must have 3x as much as the defender. So, if one Army is defending, the attacker must use some combination of 3 units to win. If the defender has two Armies, then 6 Units are necessary, and so on. Defeated units are not destroyed, but retreat into the nearest friendly territory. If no retreat is possible, they are captured; captured units count against their nation's Support but cannot be used by them. Military access treaties to use a state's territory are a free action; NPC allies and clients automatically grant military access to you.

Being in a city adds +0.5 to Support for the defender. An attacker's margin of victory is rounded, so to defeat 1 Unit with 0.5 Support, they need 1.5x3, 4.5, or 5.

It is possible to attack a single Unit with another Unit to "tie down" the Unit and keep it from Supporting. The penalty for doing this is the defender loses population and EP while the attacker loses a percent of their national security; this represents the destruction of a fruitless human wave offensive. The attacker also receives a +1 to Annexation rolls for all territory captured in that war, making it harder to absorb conquests.

Overall, war on major powers is something to be pursued only after great consideration, because it is very difficult to have sufficient firepower to win.

Gaining/Losing Units

Everyone’s level of Unit support is re-calculated every 2 turns, with new Units being created or disbanded according to that players’ population, economy, and number of Supply Centers. Units can be used the turn they are placed.

Units can be disbanded to replace them with different units, but you must wait until the next turn to place the new unit. To clarify: you don't need to wait 2 turns as with entirely brand new units.

Units must be placed at a Supply Center. However, the province does not need to be empty; one of the Units must simply leave the province during the turn.


Land cannot be mechanically annexed into your territory until the conflict is over, either by one state being destroyed or by a peace agreement. Every annexed province rolls a D20 to determine how many turns it will be until it is fully productive (you will only receive a portion of the province’s economic value until it is). A general recommendation: if the resistance roll is high, it is worth it to release the nation as a puppet state rather than try and keep it.

You will still receive the benefits of an occupied or annexed Supply Center.

Peace Treaties

No action is required to bring about peace per se; you can both order your soldiers to stop fighting. However, a formal peace treaty must be signed via a successful policy roll if you are trying to change the status quo: creating client or puppet states, annexing territory, extracting reparations, etc.

Note you can continue to occupy territory without annexing it, but it will remain in permanent resistance until a Policy Roll-based peace agreement cedes it.


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Government Scale. A measure of how accountable your government is to its people and how easily they can participate in it. For simplicity, democracies’ openness encourages economic growth, while autocracies’ coercion improves military and espionage capacity. Policy Rolls are used to change this.

Consolidated Democracy. +1% to Economic Growth, +1 to diplomacy with all democracies, +2 to diplomacy with consolidated democracies.
Weak Democracy. +0.5% to Economic Growth
Weak Autocracy. +1 to Security Rolls
Consolidated Autocracy. +2 to Security Rolls, +1 to all diplomacy, +1 to Covert Ops.

(The diplomacy benefits DO NOT apply to diplomatic annexation attempts)

Corruption Scale. A measure of how much your politicians’ bank accounts correlate with the public debt. Policy Rolls are used to change this. However, all players begin as Very Clean states.

Very Corrupt. -2% to Econ Growth. -2 to all rolls.
Corrupt. -0.5% to Econ Growth. -1 to all rolls.
Clean. +0.5% to Econ Growth
Very Clean. +1% to Econ Growth.


Diplomatic Annexation: -10. Diplomatic annexation will always fail without good relationships.
Aggression. Ranging from -3 to 3, this determines an NPC's interest in joining aggressive behavior.
White Peace: -1 for every occupied province the other has over the other.


Spoiler :
Power status is determined by a state's z-score in the Power rankings, which is basically an aggregate of economic factors and current Units, with Navies and Air wings being weighed more heavily. Superpowers are 3+, Great Powers are 1.5-3, Regional Powers 0 to 1.49, and Minor Powers everyone else.

For humans, the status does not really matter too much; you will always have three actions per turn (short of a penalty). The exception is being a superpower; this grants a fourth action each turn that can be used for public or covert purposes.

For NPCs, it drastically alters their fortunes. Every turn, when Initiative is allocated, the Regional Powers are guaranteed to get at least one of the rolls. Regional Powers also have a +2 defense against all covert actions towards them while Minor Powers have none. In the off chance an NPC becomes a Great Power, they will have Initiative every turn, but only retain one action; NPC superpowers receive 2 actions.


What sort of tone is the game looking for?

Semi-realistic. I don't mind getting somewhat outlandish so long as it's still relatively bound to being politically feasible. Something like the rise of mutant orcs is one thing (okay), being the Republic of Spammers (no) is another.

What about islands?

As a general rule, larger islands will count as their own provinces, provided they are reasonably inhabited. Island chains can also count as provinces. GM fiat will be used as necessary. A general rule is islands/island chains of 250,000 people or more in the present day will be granted province status.

On Espionage

Covert/Espionage rolls are conducted prior to military moves in terms of priority. With regards to chance of discovery, this will only happen if the mission's roll is fairly low (1-4).

NPCs do not get defense rolls against a successful espionage action.

Update List

I - Fall 2150 / 2150
II - Spring 2151 / 2151
III - Fall 2151 / 2152
IV - Spring 2152 / 2153
V - Fall 2152 / 2154
VI - Spring 2153 / 2155
VII - 2156
VIII - 2157
IX - 2158
X - 2159
XI - 2160
XII - 2161
XIII - 2162
XIV - 2163
XV - 2164

Cut Parts (No longer relevant, will be revisited if necessary)

Spoiler :
A note: Some players have a small bonus from having played in a previous TanIOT, and will receive a slight boost to their starting stats should they join. These players are: Tobiisagoodboy, Lord Argon, Ailedhoo, Kinich Ahau, and Gen Marshall. Each will receive +5 to the initial D20 rolls that determine starting relative power position. There are moderately unequal starts in general, though every player will be a major power.

If playing as an NGO:

Give your organization's name and a basic overall idea of what it's about. Then, pick 5 provinces on the map to host your starting branches. These can be publicly posted, or sent via PM, depending on your goals. Technically, you can post a deceptive map, but be warned that other players can try to investigate your deception and possibly ruin your reputation for honesty.

After signups are locked, NGOs will have a random roll to determine bonus branches, thus stratifying them as well.

If playing as a state:

Pick a color and 7 provinces. Designate one of those provinces your capital. Designate a second one as your second major city.

Give some detail on your nation: name, history, culture, etc. Most importantly, make sure you detail:

-Whether your government style is autocratic or democratic in nature. Your exact level of this will be determined by a D20 roll (1 to 10 giving you the weak version, 11 to 20 the strong).

-As a percentage of your standard budget (so all these must add up to 100%), how much your nation spends on: EP, Education, Health, Leisure, and Security. These will be your default budget expenses every turn and can only be changed through a policy roll, so choose them carefully! In order to have an idea what each one does, I suggest reading the ruleset first.

EP - 25%
Education - 15%
Health - 20%
Leisure - 20%
Security - 20%

There will be some moderate inequality between players’ starting stats, but any player will be capable of holding their own against a minor power. This will hopefully make for some more interesting strategic calculations as opposed to everyone being equal. This inequality will be determined by D20 roll, so everyone has a chance of being one of the uppermost powers.

Be aware that national bonus modifiers may be possible depending on what you provide.


Some players have expressed interest in playing as a non-governmental organizational, or NGO. NGOs cover everything from charities and corporations to multinational organizations and terrorist groups. NGOs do not have to deal with the complexities of national management, but they also have only 1 roll to begin with, which can be used for both public and covert purposes.

NGOs may place branches provinces around the world; these branches may be public or private. These generate 1 EP per turn. New branches can be built for 5 EP. NGOs are limited to 1 branch per province.

NGOs can gain additional rolls when a major power has a successful covert roll to become their sponsor. Sponsorship can be withdrawn at any time, but a word of warning: a clever NGO could garner multiple sponsors all at once, granting it extreme power. This is without factoring in their capacity to possibly infiltrate governments and siphon resources from them.

While states are focused on acquiring allies and/or building up their economic and military bases, NGOs are focused on maintaining goodwill with enough powers for a long enough time to build their own independent power base. They start off weaker than states, but can in theory become much stronger than them... provided they can prevent a unified effort against them.
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So the Republic of Spammers is the acceptable option rather than mutant orcs, right?

Moderator Action: Please do not troll. leif
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claim map.png

Name: United Uruk Clans

Shorthand Names: UUC, United Clans, Uruktok

Capital: Du'ul

Capital Location:Wales, entrench near the River Seven

Second City: Farkitot, location is where Birmingham would be.

Supply Centers: Kala Chaddoq (in Brittany-Normandy), Hammerfest (Norway) and Kutotaz Mikarbaur (Wales)

Government System: Clan Assembly: confederated democratic clan structure, with each clan leader elected by their clan members and a hand being appointed by the clan members to go to the Clan Assembly or “Hand Assembly” to construct united clan measures. In times of emergency, such as war, the Clan Assembly has the power to appoint a Warchief to hold executive dominion to lead the UUC against the crises.

Representative Body: The Assembly of Clans, nicknamed the Hand Assembly. The Assembly is composing of the representatives of the Clans, known as the Hands. Each clan elect their Hand. In addition to agreeing policy among the UUC the Assembly also allows for diplomacy between the clans. The land leaders, while technically above the hands, are in practice have to respect the Assembly's role as a democratic mandate, so long as clan rights and the wishes of the populace are respected.

Economy: Clan Economy: semi-commanded by the clans with the pooling of the Commons. Markets relations are between clans, between the UUC & foreign powers and between clans & foreign powers. Merchant activity is set through co-ops.

Spoiler Budget :
EP: 20%
Education: 20%
Health: 20%
Leisure: 20%
Security: 20%

Uruk Naming System: forename-surname-clan

Unit Location: 1 Army Normandy, Navy and Army Station southern England, Air-wing Station northern England and Army Station in Norway.

Work in progress
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Definitely joining, but I probably won’t have time to actually sign up until tomorrow or late tonight. I’d prefer the west coast or China.
The Federal Republic of the Coastal Nations

History: After countless coastal & island territories the world over were rendered uninhabitable by climate change, the remaining Pacific communities decided enough was enough; they allied with the Cataclysm in exchange for reversing the effects of climate change, reasoning that short-term catastrophe was preferable to utter doom. Now, after decades, these communities have managed to rebuild & unify, determined to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past.
Culture: The FRCN is made up of many unrelated peoples & cultures; most territories have Polynesian influence, but the Polynesians were never a united people & all lands have been subject to colonialism & exploitation by imperialist powers before the Cataclysm, so in many areas Polynesian cultures don't even make up the majority. Attempts to create a unified culture are generally viewed with suspicion (on account of the whole 'colonialism' thing) so the peoples are held together more by civic nationalism than ethnic nationalism or cultural similarities.
  • Democratic
  • EP - 30
  • Education - 20
  • Health - 25
  • Leisure - 15
  • Security - 10
Spoiler Claims :

Hmm, this I seem to have neglected to take any lands in the areas I expressed interest in. Curious.
As a rule of thumb, islands and island chains of approximately 250,000 or so shall be deemed to have province status going forward.

So: Baleares, Malta, Crete, the Solomon Islands, French Polynesia, Samoa, Bismarck Archipelago, Vanuatu, and Fiji so far.

I have updated the map accordingly. I have also changed the sea zone around Indonesia to include the Bismarck Archipelago for balance purposes.

@Kinich-Ahau: All claims have been given, but they only add up to 4. I've given you Samoa and the Bismarck Archipelago since they seem consistent with your overall aesthetic, but it would be up to you what you want as your 7th province. I guess you might get that China or West Coast province after all unless you go for Vanuatu :p

History: Ever since the great Cataclysm that has devastated the world order that once stood so strong, all the nations of the world have been forced to adapt to jarring changes to their circumstances and the world around them. Beasts having mutated and attained sentience, societies having crumbled and collapsed. This Cataclysm brought to a head finally the tensions within the society of fair Ethiopia. The democratic government has long been unable to combat the poverty and ethnic violence between the various groups living in these highlands, and this was compounded when countless fled the crumbling societies within the Caribbean islands to escape the conflicts there only to find our homeland even more devastated. For years, we collapsed once again into an era of Princes, with warlords waging conflict over the rugged countryside for supremacy or autonomy from the central government in Addis Ababa. Finally, however, but a century ago, a new hope blossomed - one of the sons of Solomon and of Haile Selassie, blessed be His name, finally returned to our ravaged and wartorn state. Elias Eyasu Solomon, great-grandson of the Son of God himself, landed in Eritrea at the head of an army. Declaring the restoration of the Empire of Ethiopia and with the support of the troops he'd assembled during his travels abroad, he finally crushed the warlords ruling the remnants of that failed dictatorship and marched deep into the heartland, defeating warlords in decisive battle after decisive battle - and he had a new faith at his back. Rastafarianism, worship of Halie Selassie as the son of Jah, was what kept his racially and at first, culturally diverse army united under his banner - and as the descendant of Selassie, he was a demigod himself, and proved it decisively with miraculous healings and nigh-impossible feats of leadership and skill. Soon, he found his way into the capital itself, and his claim to the throne was formally accepted and recognized - finally, he was truly Emperor of Ethiopia.

Addis Ababa then underwent a strenuous series of reforms, both religious and political as the Dynasty worked to reestablish its power and the prosperity of all Ethiopia. Rastafarianism, a faith that had long been a marginal minority amongst the realms of Man, was finally and formally established as the state church of our holy realm and soon began to spread. Elias' reign was long and prosperous, as were those of his sons, and many new conquests were added - many of the islands off the coast were gained under successive Emperors, as was the Golden Horn itself and finally the territory of Yemen, allowing Ethiopia full control of the Red Sea trade and bringing in massive amounts of wealth. Now, it is a hundred years later, and by our reckoning, two hundred since the birth of the Reborn Son, Selassie. The newest Emperor, Ioyas Zalelew Solomon, has finally been crowned in Addis Ababa - but only time will tell whether he is as capable a Negusa Negast, Defender of the Rastafarian Faith, and successor to Jah Himself as our other Emperors have been. Will he continue our golden age, or finally bring it to a close?

Culture: The Rastafarian Church has been Ethiopia's official religion for the past century, its core beliefs organized and properly established into a single state-sponsored religion by Elias Eyasu. At its core, its reorganized form is a monotheistic national religion based around the veneration of Halie Selassie as the reincarnated Son of Jah (God), and his descendants as being of divine blood and rightful rulers of Ethiopia and, perhaps one day, all of the promised African land ('Zion', as it is now officially named by the Ethiopian government to dissociate it with European colonial identifications), as the vanguard of the Kingdom of Heaven. Its belief systems have been brought to be more similar to more mainstream Christian branches in order to make it more attractive to conversion, but many of its core beliefs still remain such as the manifestation of Jah in each and every individual. This religious system is what binds a great deal of Ethiopia together despite previous ethnic tension.

However, that is not to say that Ethiopia is religiously homogenous. Members of preexisting faiths and new cults alike began to spread during the Second Age Of Princes, and not all of them have been fully converted to Rastafarianism yet. Ethiopia is most tolerant toward Christian faiths - so long as a given Christian Church does not actively dispute Selassie's identity as the Son within the Holy Trinity it is given full toleration and rights. However, those that do attempt to actively dispute the Solomonic Dynasty's divinity have rather restricted rights and privileges, such as being prohibited from attaining government office or preaching their beliefs in any setting, as well as having additional taxes fined upon them. Only Rastafarian temples and such pro-government Christian churches are exempted from taxation - all other faiths are forced to pay tax to the government and have further restricted rights the farther they are from Rastafarianism. Islam is considered the middle of the road, with several restrictions and penalties but not active persecution, and non-Abrahamic faiths as well as faiths that actively advocate for the fall of Rastafarianism are actively and forcefully persecuted.

As for language and culture, Amharic is promoted most heavily as the language of the state and the language mandated to be taught at schools, but public schools are allowed to teach the local language as well as Amharic too. Racial discrimination based on skin color has long been considered illegal, especially considering the descendants of the initial force Elias led into Ethiopia were rather ethnically diverse, coming from places as varied as Jamaica, the United States, and other African nations.

Government: Autocratic (obviously).

EP - 20
Education - 25
Health - 20
Leisure - 15
Security - 20

Capital: Addis Abbaba, its location unchanged despite the Second Era of Princes.

Full Name: The Holy Dominion of House Solomon (Ethiopia is considered an acceptable shorthand)

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Vandread Empire

Capital Location:
Washington D.C.

Government: Military Dictatorship.

EP - 30%
Education - 10%
Health - 10%
Leisure - 20%
Security - 30%

Map updated.

Welcome LordArgon and Danwar!

I'm holding off on minor power creation for a few days in case there are any other signups, but some housekeeping for now as we continue to set up Turn 0:

-Second cities: With the exception of FRCN, all the other states can still place a second city somewhere in their territory, so long as it's in a different province from the capital. Cities concentrate economic power in a province, but they also grant a defense bonus provided there is a Unit stationed there.

-Units. Everyone is coastal so far, so that means everyone has 3 Armies, 1 Navy, and 1 Air Wing. Feel free to place these wherever you like in your territory, with the guiding rule of one Unit per province. Remember that Navies can be in coastal provinces; you are free to place your Navy in the open water bordering your claims if you so please, however.

-Supply Centers. Everyone starts with 3. You can place these in any of your provinces, even one with a City or Capital; at least one of them must be on the coast. Remember that all newly-created Units must spawn at these, so it's useful to spread them out. This is particularly so with naval strategy - if you have only one coastal Supply Center, that means all a rival has to do is block that Supply Center to rob you of a fleet!
Ever since the Solomonic conquest of the Yemeni province, it has long been the most troublesome of the Dominion's territories to administrate. Unlike in Zion where the chaos of the previous age had weakened Islam's grip on the region, Yemen had a contiguous land connection to the Islamic holy city, Makkah, and this kept the barbaric Islamic religion in firm hold of the territory - in addition, the majority Arabic-speaking locals made the territory far more culturally distinct from the rest of the Solomonic Dynasty's holdings than any previous conquest, including that of the Golden Horn proper. These factors compounded by the fact that any aid sent by Addis Ababa would have to be transported there by ship after the long march made it difficult to keep a firm hold on the Bedouin tribes that now dominated the region with the abandonment of many major urban centers - but the Negusa Negaust at the time had a solution. A small village of Rastafarian traders and merchants serving as a small market town and a rest stop on the Red Sea trade routes from the Mediterranean into the Indian Ocean. The Negusa Negaust saw great potential in this town and invested a great deal of the Dominion's treasury into building projects and incentives to attract new settlers in an effort to expand it into a major urban center, attracting migrants from all walks of life - from the common man, woman or other looking for a job, to the businessman looking to make a sharp profit from the Red Sea trade, to the once-impoverished veteran gaining a new life and a new home in this burgeoning settlement. The population has grown significantly since then and the Dominion has more than recouped the cost of constructing the settlement. Despite attacks by separatists and raiders seeking to plunder it, the new city of Dedero has grown and prospered, propagating Rastafarianism and serving as the main Solomonic power center in Arabia. As long as it still stands, Yemen - and all of Arabia - will remain within the grasp of the Solomonic Dynasty, and any Arabic state seeking to secure itself will have to deal with the city one way or another.

Spoiler :
Supply Centers in the Galápagos, Taiwan, & the Bismarck Archipelago.
Place Armies in Hawaii, Taiwan, & the Bismarck Archipelago
Place Navy around the Bismarck Archipelago
Place Air Wing in the Solomon Islands


Would I be able to exchange a starting army for a starting navy? If so, please remove the Hawaii army & place the second navy around Taiwan
Unfortunately, the Galapagos are not a province, though have been given to the FRCN for aesthetic purposes, so cannot have a Supply Center.

Would I be able to exchange a starting army for a starting navy?

Given I see no possible impact to balance since everyone has a decent amount of naval capabilities, I would say yes, any player is free to replace one of their Armies with a Navy for Turn 0.
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Last supply center in Hawaii, then.

(Map of the High Kingdom with both cities and the 3 supply centres shown).

The High Kingdom
The High Kingdom grew from a small town, called Anonor. The City of Beleriand was merged into the new Kingdom by a marriage alliance. Anonor grew into a City in its own right, retaiing it's place as Capital, as it became the Largest City.

Over time the Kingdom grew by allowing neighbours to benefit from the protection of the Kingdom. It also mellowed into a Democracy.

Government Type: Democratic
EP - 20%
Education - 20%
Health - 20%
Leisure - 20%
Security - 20%
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Why is it called the High Kingdom?
Well, for two reasons. First it's in the High Mountains. Second the people have a belief that it is superior to everyone and everything else.

What are the pople like?
Well, they could be mistaken for Elves, or Half-Elves. Not strictly of that race, but have the attitude and shape to match. They believe themselves chosen to be saviours of the world.

What is the Government System?

An Elder runs each clan, and sends a representative to the Village Council. Each Village (including City/Town Wards) send a representative to the City/Town Council which runs the Province. Each Province sends a representative to the High Council, which runs the Country. The King (occasionaly Queen) is the official Head of State, a mostly ceremonial position - although they can sometimes take emergency powers.
I would say signups lock in 48 hours.
As we edge into the last 24 hours:

Feel free to tentatively claim 3 extra provinces. It looks like we'll only have 5 or 6 players, so larger major powers are okay.
New Caledonia, North Island (New Zealand) & Samar (Philippines)

Move the Taiwanese army & supply center to Samar
Move the Chinese navy to north of Borneo
Signups locked!

@JimWUK @Danwar @LordArgon

All of you may claim 3 more provinces. You can also move your starting supply centers, cities, and Units if you wish.
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