Multipolarity II - Game Thread

<crackle, crackle, fizz>

"Greeting, brothers and sisters. It is I, Heman, he who will show you the truth of all things.

"There have been some saints who have been questioning the Seraphims' stance towards the nation known as the Third Union of Partitionania. Many have asked 'Surely, as a nation of atheists, they are as much an enemy of the Lord as the vile plutocrats and the demons.' But I tell you now, you are surely mistaken. While it is a fact that the High Union follows closely the path of the Marked Angels, they seek not to suppress the truth, as the Steel Tyrant and his followers did.* The faithful are free to worship and proselytize without fear of persecution.

Another point must be laid clear; the Third Union are our brothers in the struggle against the unrighteous. Yes, it is true. They too hold fast to those righteous ideals upon which the League was founded; care for the weak, mercy for the downtrodden, hope for the oppressed, equality for all. The Third Union are therefore as the lost sheep, innocent and pure. They are not to be sought out and destroyed, but rather, to be brought back into the flock and cared for. Our righteous fury must be saved for the wolf in sheep's clothing, seeking to steal the throne that rightly belongs to the Lion. For it is he who is an even greater threat than the wolves who unabashed bare their bloodstained teeth for all to see."

Spoiler READ ME! :
Since its been 1000 years of constant warfare and general mayhem, I decided that some historical facts would have been lost in translation. The Marked Angels and the Steel Tyrant refer to three prominent communist figures (try and guess who).
-the following was broadcast for Mandatum TV and for NodeView666. Hectory Murray, a middle sized chubby pinkish figure with red short flat hair, a flat beard, green glasses, purple waistcoat, black trousers and snowy shirt, is standing next to a short figure with blank black clean hair with a bushy beard, a red shirt and yellow trousers, complete with massive sunglasses. Murray begins to speak&#8230;-

Attention citizens of Gaia! Fear not! This is not a demand of shorts! I am not here to speak of my usual business but rather of a suggestion set to me that I have agreed to give my support to. I have been approach by an Ermes Agli, a web journalist from Sicily who is better known as Majo1919. He is a pleasant chap who came with a question. The question was &#8220;how best to share my vision&#8221; and I said &#8220;tell it to the world via Mandatum&#8217;s media services.&#8221; I listen to his vision and decided to agree to it with some suggestions added. Anyway here is a chap you will give you the method of increasing the moral of the world in these hard times. Listen well and I suggest the world responses to the suggestions by statements directed at Mandatum. We of Mandatum will get to your response efficiently. Now: HERE IS THE MAN!

-the short man gets to centre of the camera-

Good day friends! I am Ermes Agli, known as Majo1919 on the internet from my &#8220;Majo of the Day&#8221; blog! You know me best for my fondness for entertainment, nostalgia for ancient civilizations, my macho style, my good looks and my views on issues of today, from my love of hunting to my support for the death penalty as punishment for failing to eat your mother&#8217;s pasta dishes. I am here by liberty of Hectory Murray to give a suggestion to the world to make things better. The suggestion will prove who man is and who is mouse, who is king and who is peasant, how the people will remain happy and how we can reduce the amount of inmates in prisons around the world. My plan is to create the&#8230;

The International Violently Enduring Sport Association, I.V.E.S.A or IVESA!

Which will be based around sports based on violent content of ubber awesomeness for your entertainment! There will be plenty of vehemens in what this association of entertainment! I would make a good president of such association. My wife Clio will prove a good vice president. It will be a harrow show with ultra-violence! Of course why I am babbling about? Because I purpose the&#8230;

Vehemens Olympia!

Fancy violent martial arts? This Olympia will show case it! Fancy duelling with guns, swords, bows, tanks or all at once? Now is your chance to see such sport in action! Enjoy Bombarman? We got it out life with life people! Like platforming shows? Ours will have double the spikes and bottomless pits! What to see people endure spike balls?! We got big ones! Like wrestling? Ours end when one summits, no matter what! With blood and sportsmanship in the centre of a ring of trails you will enjoy it!

I personally suggest the first Vehemens Olympia be based in the Grand Dictatorship of Max! Baring that I can welcome any suggestions! With advertisement and entertainment from this event why have you got to object? Simply sign up some of your countrymen or fellow employees of a NGO to represent your power and see the action as they aim for the medals! My friends Aldo and Beppe Cola, fine twins they are, will serve as commentators for the events! Join up and enjoy the show!

-the camera centre returns to Murray-

Consider sending your forms to Mandatum who will be handling the paperwork for Mr Agli till he fully sets up the I.V.E.S.A. I am signing up my elite body guard, Alec Vlacic, to lead the Mandatum team in this sports event. I welcome anyone to compete with my organisation. Sign up and serve ALL the interests of the world, save for the pacifists naturally. Since this is an underground event consider intrigue. Mandatum TV will have primal viewing of the events but other TV stations are permitted to host the events. Consider well and join the sports of tomorrow! I will be there! Let you be there too!

Mandatum will support this event for tomarrow is today!

OOC: a social group will be set up in a few threads time if a host is agreed upon, which I hope will be the Dictatorship of Max.
Lucille Huddleson has been called everything from "an Irish beauty with a powerful mind" to "crazy , I don't have any money to give out". Still, she managed to gather together a somewhat substantial (in the view that before, the program had no cash, and now it does) amount of money to fund her research. She is convinced her math is correct, but the problem is more a matter of theory, material, and specifics.

"You know, some surviving records from a war in the 20th century say that the Germans had some kind of plan for a bell," Loras Jackson, her assistant and life long friend, teased. "Then again, we have stories saying that a global Third Reich lasted until just sixty years ago."

Lucille laughed. Loras and Lucille passed the second checkpoint leading to the elevator leading down to Facility #15. A female guard patted down Lucille and a male Loras. Even though they're all familiar with one another at this point (the woman is named Janet and the man Derek), they still searched thoroughly. Lucille and Loras boarded the elevator and it began its smooth descent using magnets.

"The Germans thought up ideas for the Bell, yes, but they were woefully ill-equipped. Steam power was first demonstrated in Rome a few thousand years earlier than the industrial revolution, yet we didn't see Roman steam tanks rolling across Germania." Lucille quipped.

"As far as we know," Loras replied.

"The anti-gravity system works, of course. The biggest issue is the weapon."

The elevator stopped deep under the country and opened. Technicians and scientists, men working at computer stations, and mechanics working on a large bell-shaped craft was the scene. Loras looked up at the strangely high ceiling. "I never thought of that."


"This is a silo almost. A hangar silo, but still a silo. How is it we never notice the silo when we're topside?"

Lucille sighed, "You ask me about the elevators and never listen! The elevators don't simply go up and down, they also go left, right, back, and front. The dampening system means we don't feel the changes....I don't know where we're at exactly."

"You have my vote of confidence Miss-"

"Lucille!" Lucille looked at the porly scientist's direction. Dr. Mobius. "!" The overweight Mobius didn't usually run, so it must be good. He led Loras and Lucille to the Test Control Room deeper into the facility. The three, plus the people manning the computers, would get a glimpse of the test.

"The ZPG is making leaps and bounds, my Irish beauty!" Dr. Mobius proclaimed. "We made a breakthrough in the Energy Compression System yesterday. It still isn't where it needs to be, but this is the right step forward. Just look for yourself."

A gigantic bell prototype, far too large to be used, stood in the center of a large concrete room. Several heretics were milling about aimlessly. "Ignore them, the drugs just wore off." Mobius dismissed. "Begin procedure."

"Procedure begun. Zero-Point Generator activated. 5%...12%..." A computer technician continued reading off the readings for the ZPG.

Another one started talking, "ZPG 35%, beginning compression." The bell started humming in vibration. The heretics were curious of the strange object.

"ZPG at full output. Compression at 9, no, 10%. Number is hovering around 10%."

Mobius patted Lucille on the shoulder, "She's your baby. Want to issue the command?"

Lucille smiled, "Activate the Distortion Field."

Red lights flashed and klaxons whined. "Distortion Field in five...four...three...two..."

The Emperor must see this soon, Lucille thought as scientists in protective suits performed readings in the Test Chamber. He accepts, but he must believe.
No we don't. Our Ministry of Foreign Affairs is overwhelmed with all of the trade treaties and NAPs from all of the other countries.

NB understands. We will contact you at a later year...
News broadcaster Ghost is back with all of you to introduce you to all the fun an anarchist, free society can bring. With us is former US congressman Ron Paul, our King Domination I, corporate CEO Bill Gates XXVII, and a Sunni Islamic Imam who has chosen to take the pseudonym "3000" for this interview.

(Any orders in the interview will be bolded in red.)

Ghost: Welcome to the Writer 16 show, your most reliable news network in this free land chosen by your free markets. We are glad to have our national spokesperson, former Representative Ron Paul, King Domination I, "3,000", and our very own great great great great great great great great great..."

Bill Gates XXVII: I'm the twenty seventh generation of the self-made CEO from last millennium, OK? You don't need to go off saying twenty seven "Greats."

Ghost: Well, its actually twenty five, but your right, we're boring our audience, and in a free market economy, unlike some other lame countries where the state subsidizes certain news networks and then they succeed in spite of being boring... But we won't get too far into that. First, we are going to interview former United States congressman Ron Paul.

Ron Paul: People prefer the term "Empire" these days, or has that gone out of style?

Ghost: Yes you see, Ron is still adjusting to the thirty-first century, yes, Ron, its the United States of America now. You see, they did finally hit an isolationist period and started listening to what you had said, sometime in the twenty-third century just before the whole thing collapsed.

Ron: And it collapsed anyway?

Ghost: Yeah, of course, Ron, you, you'd still be there, and you'd be President. But I'm sure your more than happy with your new role as Somalian spokesperson.

Ron: Of course. Its a wonderful position, and I finally live in the free society I fought so hard to create.

Ghost: OK, so Ron, you are the chief representative for Somalia abroad, well, other than the King himself, of course, so what is your message to the foreign powers that are listening in.

Ron: Well, you see, I always advocated a policy of being friendly with all while allying with none, kind of like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson did thirteen hundred years ago. So I am thus pleased to announce that the King and I talked it over and have decided that the royal house has decided to offer Trade agreements with all nations in the African, Middle Eastern, and southern Mediterranean area. We would demand only, in return that all accepting nations are willing to respect our free, open trading policy, and would not interfere with our neutrality or our trade with nations that they may not like.

Ghost: Well, thank you Ron, let's hope the foreign powers got your message, its time for King Domination I who has come here in his royal robes and flew all his servants out here in order to grace his people with his precense.

Domination I: Of course, its my pleasure.

Ghost: Well, Dommy, what are your plans to develop this free state.

Domination I: Well, first of all, foreign powers should know that my name is kind of a misnomer, I was named after an old joke from last millennium, based off some forum user that nobody cares about in this century, or something, but I'm really quite peaceful at heart. I don't want violence with anybody.

Ghost: Of course not. So what are your plans for national defense? That is your job, isn't it?

King Domination I: Yes, of course. And to do that, I have managed to Recruit 2 armies who have decided they liked the rates of pay the King was offering, and they have agreed to Send messages of freedom to the people of Yemen (Colonize them) in hopes that the tribal people there will be willing to join their tribes to ours.

Ghost: That sounds imperialist.

King Domination: It would sound that way to you, until you understand how free society works.

Ghost: Oh?

King Domination: We're sending our armies to recruit, not to use violence. We don't believe in war. But those that don't understand the difference would claim that Somalia is imperialistically attacking the Yemeni people. We aren't. We are bringing civilized anarchy to tribes that are currently in uncivilized anarchy.

Ghost: Well, thank you, Your Majesty.

Ron Paul: Just a reminder that the Israelites were WARNED against having a King.

King Domination I: Hey! Ron, I thought we were on the same team!:p

Ron Paul: I jest, of course.

Ghost: Well, its about enough of that, its time to take to Bill Gates the great great...

Bill GatesXXVII: Can you please cut that out!

Ghost: Yes, of course we can. We don't need twenty seven "Greats" after all.

Bill- Last time you said twenty five:p

Ghost: OK, let's move on. What's your plan to stimulate the economy?

Bill: Well, I intend to Invest the rest of our funds we have available in economic tech in order to stimulate the economy and make the anarcho-capitalist Somalia the very wealthiest amongst the nations, as well as the freest.

Ghost: Sounds logical. So, what does Mr. "3000" have to say to us.

Imam- Well, I just wanted to let you guys know that Sharia Law works very differently here than it has in Islamic Theocracies in the past.

Ghost: Is it compatable with the freedom principles of Somalia? And can you demonstrate why or why not?

Imam: Of course it is. Take Dr. Paul here. He's a Christian.

Ron Paul: And a baptist at that. Don't forget it like all of the Evangelical voters did in 2012 when they voted for Mormons and Catholics instead of me just because I supported freedom.

Imam: Point taken. You see, he's a Christian, associated with the Baptist Church. Thus, we do not compel him to attend the mosque, even when he crosses into the Muslim zone by invitation. Only Muslims are made to follow Sharia, and only because they agree to be bound by those courts.

Ghost: So, that's essentially how all law works here, isn't it?

Imam: In essence. All law is voluntary. Of course, if you accept no restrictions, you more or less become an outlaw anywhere outside of your own home. However, you can usually have a broad say in what sorts of restrictions on your behavior you are willing to accept for the common good, and then you make voluntary agreements with those around you.

Ghost: Can you explain how the outlaw thing works?

Imam: Its not really my area of expertise, I've dealt with it only when it came to Muslims who unrepentantly transgressed Sharia Law without revoking it. Dr. Paul or King Domination I may be able to explain this process.

Ron Paul: Not me, I'm new to this whole "free society" showbiz. I supported it all my life but have never lived in one.

King Domination I: Allow me to explain. Essentially, an "Outlaw" is someone who refuses to make agreements with other people when entering their property. He can be killed, much like a tresspasser, with no legal penalty.

Ghost: Do you consider that barbaric?

King Domination I: Not at all. People voluntarily accept my authority over foreign policy matters due to my expertize. Yet a few people don't. The essence of a free society is that I cannot intrude on their freedom to enjoy their own freedom on their property. That's a form of theft. Outlawry is when you tresspass and thus you aren't protected in your anti-propertarian activity. Outlawry is justice.

Ghost: Very interesting, well, we're about out of time for today, but remember, we are Building two armies and colonizing Yemen and spending the rest of our money on economic tech. Farewell, and enjoy the rest of your evening.
If you're so anarchist, why don't you reduce your tax rate to 0?
If you're so anarchist, why don't you reduce your tax rate to 0?

There's no way to simulate the payment given to tribal leaders for protection, which is in turn given to the king for HIS protection. Its not mandatory, but few people want to go it alone. The idea is that all authority is voluntary, you don't HAVE to follow it.

How do you set this tax rate? And is there any way I can really even simulate what I'm going for with it?
You just indicate what you want your tax and tariff rates to be in your orders. :V
You just indicate what you want your tax and tariff rates to be in your orders. :V

No tariffs (free market.) I think 10% taxes is enough to represent the costs voluntarily paid by society for protection (I would do none but its undoable due to the way the game works, I kind of have to represent those voluntary costs paid to tribal leaders as "Taxes.")
Dommy, if you're going to lower taxes, I would consider doing it only by 1% or 2% per turn, since, if I recall correctly, every tax decrease decreases instability by 1, no matter if the decrease was 1% or 10%.
No tariffs (free market.) I think 10% taxes is enough to represent the costs voluntarily paid by society for protection (I would do none but its undoable due to the way the game works, I kind of have to represent those voluntary costs paid to tribal leaders as "Taxes.")

I don't think so! If you lowered your tax rate to 0% and kept the tariff rate the same, your economy will be greatly bolstered by brain drain events resulting in industry and pop from everyone elese (or people with high tax rates) going to you I believe.
There's no such thing as "Tariffs" in a free market economy because there is no such concept as "Borders." There are simply people who have chosen to live free, and then in areas we do not control, there are either people who don't understand how to do anarchy (The unclaimed territories) or are still state-worshipping slaves (All of you people's land.)
Then you might want to set your tariff rate to 0.
P.U.B.A.D offers a NAP to Nueva Brasil to ensure that our foreign relations will be good enough to not be broken in the future.

Bank of England Announces Insurance Plans and Loans

The Bank of England is today announcing the Comprehensive Military Insurance Plan. The CMIP provides financial coverage for all your military units, recouping the cost of lost units. You can take out five, four, or two year policies.

Note: You can get separate such as the Army, Navy, and Air Plans that cover only those sections.
Five Year Policy
A Five Year Policy means you pay 20% of your total military cost per year for five years. This means each army adds $1 to the cost of your policy, each fleet adds $2, and each air wings adds $4.

Taking out a five year policy means you promise to commit to the policy for five years.

Four Year Policy
A Four Year Policy runs a rate of 25%. $1.25 per army (rounded down), $2.50 (rounded down) per fleet, $5 per air wing.

Two Year Policy
A Two Year Policy means you run a rate of 50%. This is $2.50 per army (rounded down), $4 per fleet, $10 per air wing.


You can pay for years into the future early at the rate of the current year.

Say you take a Five Year Policy and have 5 Armies and 5 Fleets. This amounts to $15 that year. If you paid $30, this will cover this year and the next, even if your military size increases the next turn.

"Safe Investment" Policy

If a policy holder has a significant portion of its military take part in combat operations, it will ask for an addition 5% on the policy for that year.


Loans are easier to handle. We will loan out money those who request a loan. To determine the rate, we check how much money you're borrowing and compare it to your GDP and set the interest rate on that.

If a nation has a GDP of $100 and asks for a $20 loan, the interest rate will be 5% a year. A $10 loan would be 2.5%. The minimum interest increase will be $1.

We will loan money to NPCs and other corporations as well.
Not my jurisdiction, unfortunately, so unless Tani tells me what he's doing I can't reply. :(



I was disappointed with the lack of Poirot.
Petition for more NPCs. :mischief:

The Empire would like to state that it is the Emperor's will for the nations of America to come together as trading partners and allies in this time of mystery. Accordingly, all the nations of the northern American continent, from Lousinana to this '501st Legion' to the minor city-states are requested to sign a free-trade pact and affirm mutual defensive treaties with the Empire and with each other. It is the will of God, perchance, that a united coalition of American states led by the successor to Old America will rise to replace that long-destroyed order. What say you?

Spoiler Dialoglog :
BURGDORF: Maybe if Göring lends me a few planes I could arrange something. Otherwise a trade agreement will probably have to wait.
VON GREIM: I don't think we're ready to commit ourselves to alliances just yet. We'll take the trade, though.
MEYER: Even a sparkling pack of gorgeous vampires couldn't run fast enough to help given our current distance, but I'm always happy to broaden the audience for landmark literature!
MONTEZILLA: Gimme tribute or I'll send a gazillion axemen!

I personally suggest the first Vehemens Olympia be based in the Grand Dictatorship of Max!

Spoiler Dialoglog :
MAX: Gee, I dunno. I mean, pointless carnage is a great way to satiate the proles, but who's gonna pay for the post-match clean-up?
CHUIKOV: Not Somalia. Not with their tax policy.
BURGDORF: How many Somalis does it take to draft a budget?
FEGELEIN: Trick question. Somalis have never seen a budget.

Hungary offers free trade with all European states.

Spoiler Dialoglog :
DE GROOT: You'll never have to pay a service charge!
DEMOMAN: aaauuuieaugardl *belch* uuhuiid?
BARABAS: agreed.
VON ESLING: Free trade is not a policy we can implement at this juncture.
KHIL: :nope:
SQUILLIAM: Marvellous! I just hope our superior standard of living doesn't dazzle your investors to the point of bankruptcy...
FEGELEIN: The revolution would not be best served by eliminating tariffs at this time.
EVA: I'm afraid without a secure trade route, such a pact would be meaningless.
ALBRECHT: Maybe later.
STUMPFEGGER: Not gonna do it. Wouldn't be prudent. At this juncture.
FEGELEIN: Look who's been playing Civ3.
BLONDI: bark :D

Send messages of freedom to the people of Yemen (Colonize them) in hopes that the tribal people there will be willing to join their tribes to ours.

Ghost: That sounds imperialist.

King Domination: It would sound that way to you, until you understand how free society works.

Ghost: Oh?

King Domination: We're sending our armies to recruit, not to use violence. We don't believe in war. But those that don't understand the difference would claim that Somalia is imperialistically attacking the Yemeni people. We aren't. We are bringing civilized anarchy to tribes that are currently in uncivilized anarchy.

Spoiler Dialoglog :
AL-SAHHAF: The barbarians get religious later in the interview. Do you have any further reply to that?
ACHMED: Eh, I'm too busy preparing Mr. Paul's Christmas present.
KEITEL: A Christmas present?
ACHMED: Of course! &#9835;Jingle Bombs, Jingle Bombs...&#9834;
KEITEL: ...Just leave me out of it.

the King and I talked it over and have decided that the royal house has decided to offer Trade agreements with all nations in the African, Middle Eastern, and southern Mediterranean area. We would demand only, in return that all accepting nations are willing to respect our free, open trading policy, and would not interfere with our neutrality or our trade with nations that they may not like.

Spoiler Dialoglog :
MONTGOMERY: Maybe once we've seen evidence this "economy" of yours can actually stand on its own feet, we'll consider.
SETH: The only commodity I expect to receive from you is the destitute masses yearning for a better life.
VERNON: It's a risky venture, but let's see if it doesn't turn a profit.
LEE: We have no interest in trade at this time.
BUSH: Let's economate our nations!
HIMMLER: Sounds like someone's getting <redacted>.
VEERS: We are capable of managing our own finances, thank you.
AL-SAHHAF: There is no profitability within 300 miles of this deal! It is a lie constructed by the anarcho-capitalists!
HAASE: We have nothing of interest to trade.
HALE: We'll sell you hats at a special discount!
DUKE: Yippie-ki-yay, <redacted>.
REITSCH: We can agree to this.
HITLER: Not in ten million years!
JODL: But My Leader, 0% tax will be a windfall for our corporations!
HITLER: Don't play to their game! Companies have no nationalism!
JODL: But the profits to be made..!
HITLER: How many <redacted> times do I have to explain this to you?! If you open the door to let them out for a break, I guarantee you'll never see them again! ABSOLUTELY NONE OF YOU <redacted> ARE TO TRADE WITH SOMALIA, DO YOU <redacted> UNDERSTAND?!
ANUBIS: Agreed. If this goes up the river, we can always renege.
KHATAMI: It will, unfortunately, be a limited exchange on our part, but we can agree.
YURI: I accept. Your short-sighted neighbours fail to realize that your generous tax policy makes you a lucrative half-way house for global transactions, and in your foresight, you wisely resisted garnishing any of this floating capital for yourself.
VEERS: ...
The Formatting Crew officially warns the citizens of the EoTFC to avoid going to the Vehemens Olympia. We do not oppose violent sports, in fact we will allow any broadcasting organization to broadcast the events and we will allow our athletes to participate in the olympiad, but they will not have any funding from the government. However, we simply do not trust Mandatum. We would not be surprised if they try to kill all the members of the audience or try and force them to participate. For your own safety, I say you should not go.

On that note...

Oh, yeah this is my bit. The Formatting Crew offically requests that the Grand Dictatorship of Max invites Interpol agents to search their territory for Mandatum bases.

Thank you bold. We request this as we fear that Mandatum may have infiltrated your police services, rendering any searches for them by your police force futile. Mandatum had no reason to pick you to be the host for the Vehemens Olympia, unless they were controlling you. If you have nothing to hide, then you have nothing to lose from having Interpol from searching your borders. We would be very thankful if you considered our request. *bows*

Why didn't I get a line?

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