Music while playing civ?

Do you feel less angry when listing to music?

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Aug 9, 2010
rutherford, NJ
No, No, No. Im not talking about the pre-built in music. i mean listiening too your own music! The other day i was playing civ and i was listing to my favroite band. And, for some reason, when my unprotected settle got eaten by a lion, i didnt really feel as angry. On a normal occation i would've rage-quit-ed, but i didnt feel angry... Dose any else feel not as angry when something happens to them while thier listing to music? (Not the civ4 default music)
No, No, No. Im not talking about the pre-built in music. i mean listiening too your own music! The other day i was playing civ and i was listing to my favroite band. And, for some reason, when my unprotected settle got eaten by a lion, i didnt really feel as angry. On a normal occation i would've rage-quit-ed, but i didnt feel angry... Dose any else feel not as angry when something happens to them while thier listing to music? (Not the civ4 default music)

Yeah, but it makes me more likely to make mistakes like not sending defensive units with my settlers.
When I do listen to music in-game it's either the built-in game music and random stuff stored in my computer consisting mostly of music you hear on the radio or movie & game soundtracks. I switch between them or add/remove tracks whenever I get bored. Nowadays as I'm trying to master the higher difficulty levels I sometimes turn ALL music off(but not the in-game sounds) because I noticed that I play better without being distracted by changing tracks
Personally, I just put on the longest pieces of music that I have (Mahler's 3rd symphony... 92 minutes :D) and begin to marinate in music and Civilization. It doesn't really affect the way I play, unless you count pausing occasionally to listen to a particularly good moment.
No choice made sense. What is this "angry?" Only a game, mere pixels. So I have none of this "angry" to begin with.

"Music hath charms to soothe a savage breast, to soften rocks, or bend a knotted oak." -- William Congreve (and yes it is breast, not beast ... so it probably won't help with those lions)
Well, it might help if Boudica or Cathy are attacking you... which they often are. ;)
I love music. But I live objectively, so if I want to spin into a fit of rage, I'll do it :p
I actually like the in game music. Its good with headphones because it makes you 'feel' the era you're in. I do anyhow.. But I need to stop getting engrossed in side bits and focus on the game!
I love music. But I live objectively, so if I want to spin into a fit of rage, I'll do it :p
I actually like the in game music. Its good with headphones because it makes you 'feel' the era you're in. I do anyhow.. But I need to stop getting engrossed in side bits and focus on the game!

I cant stop thinking of whats going on down there to finish my turn :blush:
I rarely listen to music, so, I wouldn't start just for this game.
That's not an option to vote, so, I didn't vote.
I don't hate it, I just don't change the background soundtracks for other music types.

I can think of a few situations of where it might be humorous.
When you launch an attack, capture a city, but, lose every unit except one, and the Godsmack "I Stand Alone" theme song comes on.

Maybe, some country song when the Americans fight the Native Americans?
ok, now I am being silly.
I wouldn't play modern music to Civ4 is what I am saying.
I sometimes listen to music while playing, but wouldn't know if it makes me less angry. Losing a settler to a barb warrior makes me furious everytime it happens, no matter what I'm listening to. :lol:
Whenever I play, I que up my entire music collection (which is about 40GB, so it'll last forever :D). Normally it just plays on random, but I'll occasionally switch to a specific song for certain circumstances. Classical when going for a Culture win, Heavy Metal when marching on helpless foes in the Industrial Age, or Techo when building a Spaceship. As for anger, well...when a civ pisses me off; I'll play music that'll MAKE me angry.
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