
Yet I don't understand why in CivIV there was music of the same composer in two different eras.
The Civilization "tradition" music will probably stay, like Ey Ukhnem for the Russians(probably still Stalin).

Bah! They should use the Hymn of the Soviet Union instead.
Perhaps something similar to BT's stuff (minus the percussion)? Example

Yeah, pretty much exactly that. Anything with lyrics would most likely be too invasive, so this is almost exactly the type of music that would be good. And just listening to the first 90 seconds, I don't see a need to remove the percussion.
There was a section in the Civ IV manual about the extra efforts that went into the game and how the developers hoped that the fans recieved it well. It covered music specifically and how important music is in setting the tone for an era and getting the player into the mindset of that time period etc. etc. I read that section and took it seriously.

This is very, very true. I really hope they don't go some generic route. The music added in in Beyond the Sword was midi garbage that didn't belong in the game next to the quality orchestral scores that shipped with vanilla. Colonization was excellent because the scores were quality and they fit the era of the game. Do that again.

And for all our sakes, please provide more tracks per era and PLEASE do not make the modern era stuff as terribad as that found in Civ IV. Awful... just awful. Jazz this time maybe or even the original Battlestar Galactica theme would be an improvement =)

People notice production values!!!!!
My biggest desire in the music department is for someone to update Jeff Briggs' music into using real instruments. His music is a staple of the series, but it still sounds like its from computer generated software in Civ4, especially the stringed instruments.

Also, as a side note, Leonard Nimoy's narratives in STO could not save the game from being lacking in entertainment.
I didn't like too much the modern musics of Civ3 and Civ4. I think they are a little too insistant, boring. But i loved the Civ3 early music. I think Civ4 ealry music is not that good.

I loved to play in Civ3 with the zulus, when i was moving my impies in the jungle it was very immersive.

I believe i love ancient era. And that would be a shame if in Civ5 we do not have the possibility to play from 20.000 years BC.. I tried to be involved in an ancient era mod, but all the attemps failed, with not enough people getting involved. Maybe ther's actually an ancient mod for Civ4, I didn't check lately...
I'd like only to say THANK YOU to whoever was in charge of building CIV IV soundtrack. I would completely relay on that person's / team's taste of music again.

Just what a masterpiece is the Miserere of Allegri. Also guys please read its history (wikipedia) in which you will find words like Mozart, Sistine Chapel, excommunication. What a coincidence. You can't do better than that when searching for a right music for this game.

John Adams's work is my biggest discovery I made throughout years of playing.

Thank you.
I'd like some original music by Bear McCreary, he's the composer who worked on the reimagined Battlestar Galactica
Actually I would like the background music to be background music... My hope for this game is that they will focus on environmental sounds to create the illusion of really being present in the game. I would like to hear the lions roar and the birds sing. I would like to hear a steam locomotive far away and a car outside my window.
The music should not be to present in the game, it should be there to create a mood not more. My wish is that I never will reflect over the music in the game, it should just be there.
Baba Yetu has to stay
I only played Civilization 4 about 3 times, but I could probably sing you the whole Baba Yetu song
Its seriously addicted, it never leaves your head
I think it would be cool if the music matched the actual instrumentation/style of each era. I'm sorry, but adding in an extra instrument or two per era doesn't cut it for me.

For instance, the Ancient/Classical music for America could be resemble the West African style slaves brought to the Americas.

The Medieval/Renaissance piece could draw influences from Square Dance music of the Western expansion period, played with fiddles, banjos, guitars, and double basses.

The Industrial/Modern tune could resemble jazz music from the first half of the 1900's. :D
I think Civ has always done an excellent job with sound, so I'm not worried about that.
One real problem with Civs soundtrack is that, while there's some original music, they also have actual songs that existed before the game. This means that while it's all well and good up to a point (more or less, depending on personal opinions), towards the modern era one has to deal with the fact that truly modern songs are hard to aquire because they aren't public domain. The result is you're stuck with the sort of thing that feels more at home in a grainy old silent film than any other thing. It's too old to be considered modern, and much of it's too forgettable to be called Classical. It's not like I don't like Sheherrazadde, but it certainly isn't the sort thing that goes well with me dropping an ICBM down Isabella's chimney! As for the "The People are Heroes," I think that one's just an awful song; plain as that.

In fact, one thing about my personal tastes is that I actually like some of the earlier music in Civ4 a lot better than what comes later. The reason might be is that it necessarily has a more wild, aggressive and upbeat style to it than the so-called Civilized stuff that came later. There's more room for African, Celtic, and Native American music, which often has a stronger beat, in those eras before European empires wiped such peoples out. My wish is that the modern, more "free" era could bring a bit of the game full circle to the way actual modern music sounds; that is, use some of the aggressive beats borrowed from African music, but with the technology that requires civilization. Unfortunately, Civ4 didn't do that; it's modern era is still totally white-bread in its musical focus, but there's a chance to fix things this time around.

I'm not asking specifically for jazz music, or blues music, or rock music, or rap music, or dance music--but that doesn't mean I want none of them in the game. Like it or not, they are valid modern genres; you can't just reduce the whole modern era to the early portion of the 20th Century where only Classicly-trained white people wrote famous music. Nor can you reduce all of the modern era music to America and Britain anymore if you go into the most present-day view of modernity--newcomers like Japan and Sweden need recognition, too.

I'm not asking for all of my favorite songs to be in Civ5. I'm asking that a very fair and accurate representation of modernity gets into the game this time; if that means licensed music like in Grand Theft Auto, so be it.
I liked the music in Civ3 and even more so with Civ4 and I bet it will be no different in civ5,but we all get tired of it since we play it for hours opon hours and when I get tired I pop on a Cd and turn down my in game music and turn up the tunes
I hope for at least civ4 quality of music. I agree music is very big. It's what really struck me in civ4 when first playing it. Far better than civ3.

But while I'm here I just want to come out and defend civ3's modern age jazz tune. Everyone hates that song, but I kinda like it. They should include jazz music in the modern age. Not everything has to be classical./
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