My absence in UN Voting Ballot


Oct 6, 2003
My name was absent in the UN voting ballot, even after I had discovered Fussion. Rome beat me to the UN Wonder, but China was on the ballot and I was not. Why? I have played the game and I've seen more than just two nominations. Can anyone help? Thanks.

To become one of the names to vote for, you need to have build UN or have a certian number of pop. I'm not sure but i think you should have at least 25 % of wold pop, but i'm not sure of this since i never go diplo.
I thought there were actual world percentages, and if they weren't satisfied, the the largest made it onto the ballot.
Originally posted by sealman
3) builder of the wonder.

You don't have to be the builder of the UN Wonder! Just as long as you have control of the UN Wonder, you will be on the voting ballot.;)
Reminds of my first Sengoku Conquest. I had overlooked the names of the different tribes for most of the game. Then, suddenly (the war council had been built many turns before), the vote is happening.
Result : I woted for the other side. I did not loose just because of this one vote but it could have made the vote indecisive (+ 1 - (-1) = + 2). I did not take a screensot because I was so mad. I regret it now. Would have been funny to see Mori (me) voting for Ueasugi (the other). :mad: :D
Originally posted by Michael York
I thought there were actual world percentages, and if they weren't satisfied, the the largest made it onto the ballot.

You may be right, I did not say on way or the other, but if you have the largest population in raw numbers, than you most likely have the largest percentage of the population.
Does it count if you vote for yourself? :rolleyes: I have done this but never had it make any difference to the outcome.
Originally posted by wilbill
Sure it counts. You wouldn't vote for another civ, would you? :)

Certainly not! I've never done such a foolish thing in my life! :king: :lol:
Originally posted by Moonsinger

Just as long as you have control of the UN Wonder, you will be on the voting ballot.;)

You warmongering fool!:goodjob:
If another country wins the vote, do you lose the game or does it come up again later? It's only happened to me twice, once I won and once it was undecided (and I won a few turns later by culture).
You lose the vote you lose the game. Barring reload of course but we wouldn't do that:nono: :D
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