My apprentices turn savage??


Dec 29, 2010
Hello to all, and sorry if my question is old, but I searched for it in the forum and I cannot find nothing about.

I started today to play Rife after some years on FFH2, and, wow, that's great! Maybe a bit slow but ok, I enjoy it!
But I've a problem: I play with Amurites, and every time I create a Apprentice unit, it turns into savage (under control of "Bhall"), sometimes after some turns, sometimes in the istant it's finished.
I missed some feature of the game or it's a bug?

thank you for your attention!
I think one of the amurite leaders has a trait that makes all your magic units better in some way, but gives them a promotion that has a chance to turn them barbarian.

If I remember it right they will lose that promotion when you turn them into mages.

and by some time too.
that is what happens if you have a bunch of tabs open and don't read them as soon as you open them.
LOOOL really thanks... i'm sooo lame ^_^;
nice feature anyway! :D

maybe you can also explain me how disable autocast on a unit? thanks ^^
Check your civics I'm not sure (and the pedia reader doesn't seem to work) but I think one of the starting civics prevents trade routs.
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