My civic Mod

You haven't had too many replies in this thread lately, so I wanted to let you know: I definitely plan on trying this out, but haven't had any free time lately. At this rate, it might not be until the new year when I get back to modding and playing Civ IV a bit more.
Yeah, I'll definitely try out this module (I love having many civic options and atm FFH disappoints somewhat in this regard), but I'm currently waiting for 1.31 (Continuing to play 1.3 while thinking about how epic 1.31 is going to be is just to painful), so...
@Calavente: they can be atheists because nothing points to everyone knowing for sure that there are gods. I doubt the common man has ever met or saw one. Some gods may be "very active" but most of the time only by proxy, using people "doing the will of god(s)".

Even in the face of a god, I think the Mechanos would still throw something about them not really existing or being the past and needing to not exist anymore ;)
I concur. I think secular VS atheist is a good way to verbalize the difference between the "Gods, well, gods..." of the Dural and the "Please cut it out already, no more religion" of the Grigori/Mechanos, even if it doesn't 100% fit the textbook definition of atheist.
There's a lot of ideas similar to mine (for the official rework) in that mod, even in the state names. I'd check it out but I need a non-dev copy of RifE so that may take some time. Also, I suggest you make it modular ;)
I suggest you check out some modules and try to copy their structure and all. What folder it goes in depends mostly on whether it needs to be loaded before other mods or not, really only for compatibilities issue.

Also, I got a lot of XML errors while using your mod, didn't you? You added some new tags but XML doesn't work like that in Civ4, you have to define the tags in files called Schema. You can find them in the same folder as the Infos files.

Also note that for a tag to work, you need to change stuff in the source code.
I did warn that i haven't tested everything so. Weekend it will all be fix. I will try to do the full release in modular before dec. 13. because I will be gone for basic training.
I found one thing did wrong in one of the references I misspelled the reference.
I believe I have to put the civics on first load and then state names then put the building under normal module.
I changed the main faults. If you want to test it and tell me which other xml error are there
Only problem I would think now might be Fair and Market system.
You really shouldn't bother at all adding new tags, as they won't work unless you modify the code source. I suggest that you just use the tags listed in the schema file.
On this atheistic civic. This does not mean they deny the existence of deities, as they may be atheists by believing the gods of the game world unfit for worship. And, the relevant civ's lore suggests as much.

That said, I feel renaming the civic to secular is an improvement. To me it just sounds better, and seems less controversial.
Maybe maltheistic, antitheistic or theophobic will be more apt

Always seemed odd to me the use of agnostic, especially when the Gods in this game are tangible. Similarly, the Mysticism tech line implies the Gods and mana aren't materialistic, that there's supernatural about them, even though they're fundamental to the reality of Erebus.

I sort of like the idea of a race believing in a higher God - one imperceivable and unprovable, where Erebus' 'the One' is seen as the Gnostic demiurge, and its angels being the archons
I still stand by my opinion that although the gods are obvious to us players, they may not be so to the people of Erebus.
It's strange, because the Gods in this game aren't supernatural in the sense we know it. The populace might deny their divinity, but it seems odd to deny their existance and power. At most it would be a huge qualification of the definitions of atheism and agnosticism
The Dural, the Grigori and the Mechanos all have a different stance towards the gods anyway.

The Dural seems to take a liking in studying religions; they are *not* secular. Most likely they have very religious people but those can also be open. Not because they worship Kilmorph can't they be in awe before the poems of a FoL priest... or can't they enjoy Ashen Veil... "parties".

The Grigori are against the intervention of gods in Erebus. That doesn't mean they don't worship them... It's more like they have a freedom of worship: they worship whoever they want but the state doesn't endorse (nor does it condemn) any religion.

The Mechanos are against the very existence of gods, they see them as a threat and as not worthy of Erebus. If they could they'd remove them.

Also, there's the case of the Legion of D'tesh: there might be some people who are religious but most are undead and non-sentient or devoted to D'tesh.

Guess you could say the Grigori are atheists in the sense that they don't want the gods to interfere with Erebus the way they did it before; but they don't want them to particularly go away. The Mechanos would perhaps be labelled as "antetheists" or "misotheists" because they would want the gods to go away once and for all.

(And D'tesh wants to be a god :lol:)
I am going to in my full release Mod A religion civic specifially for Dural, Mechanos, and Grigori then lumping them in all one group. Thus it will keep it more balance and more to the lore.
Modular civs don't work and that is were you get XML if you got the mod 3 (4) if you want to get a modular civ to work you have to open the civilization.xml and change the starting and anarchy civics to cheifdom, junta(oligarchy), tribe, tradition, tribalism, barter, folklore, survivial, no membership
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