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My game bugged and built me a worker turn 1 out of nowhere


Dec 8, 2012

I was clicking around in the city to see what was the best build order (build a worker in 15 turn, or work the lake tile and get a worker in 20 turns at the same time as AH, or build a warrior), eventually I quit the city production screen and voila, I had a worker somehow standing in my city :lol: Also I don't remember clicking the end of turn button :crazyeye:
I'm playing with the BAT DLL only.

Side question, how would you play this start? Maybe BW then sailing, chop lighthouse, ignore the pig, build oracle into something?
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That's interesting! I'm positive that I've double-built missionaries on a single turn on rare occasions, but I've never really given it much thought. Maybe the game knew one would fail :)
Never seen that happen at all in the million hours (give or take a minute or two :D) that I've played the game. Sure you did not open World Builder? (By the way, you should delete the worker or just reload the starting autosave)

Interesting start but I might have been inclined to move inland and settle on the Marble - worth the move. Going for LH early very much seems like a waste.

Food is essential in this game so almost always will be a priority. However, you don't start with hunting or ag, so AH is quite far away. Given normal worker time though, I think you would be well into AH by the time the worker completes so you could mine the marble while waiting for it. BW next, but you may have a few idle worker turns. Another option might be AG>BW, farm the pigs after AG and mine the marble. This would allow you to grow size 2 and two strong tiles and chop out a coupla settlers and workers.

May depend on the difficulty level which I believe we are not aware of here, and possibly the map type
Sure you did not open World Builder?
The default unit is the lion, so I would have to accidentally open the WB, click the worker, and close the WB. But more importantly, adding units over the WB would not trigger the "you have trained a Worker log" and wouldn't trigger the "What would you like to build next" widget.

Thanks for the advice on first moves, it's fractal immortal with a pretty bad start (plain cow, plain dry wheat, 2nd ring fish, and I think some jungle rice) but with some potential later. I'll play it again when I'm more focused, it's was a little bit too hard start for me at that difficulty for a chill game.

I agree with you with AH, I think working the lake tile allows for AH+Worker on turn 20, which I was thinking could be better than popping an earlier worker with not much to do.
Actually trying right now, going for earlier (turn 15) worker doesn't allow to mine marble first since by the time you move there you have to move back to the pig to work on it as soon as AH is there (turn 19). By working the lake tile for a few turns instead it's possible to get AH+Worker on turn 17 instead. Thanks for the idea nevertheless !
Can a goody hut give a worker? Could you have got one when you settled the city?

I don’t play with huts so not sure how they work but could that be it?
Can a goody hut give a worker? Could you have got one when you settled the city?

I don’t play with huts so not sure how they work but could that be it?

It can pop a worker on warlord or below but the message would mention the tribal village I think, not say you trained it.
If the "chipotle" cheat has been entered in CivilizationIV.ini, then hitting the + key (the one near Backspace or Return, not on the Numpad) while on the city screen (or while having the city billboard selected on the main screen) will complete the current production order. I can reproduce your screenshot that way except for the turn number. If you had moved the starting settler for one turn, that could explain it.
If the "chipotle" cheat has been entered in CivilizationIV.ini, then hitting the + key (the one near Backspace or Return, not on the Numpad) while on the city screen (or while having the city billboard selected on the main screen) will complete the current production order. I can reproduce your screenshot that way except for the turn number. If you had moved the starting settler for one turn, that could explain it.

Ah that's it! I had enabled this sometimes to use debug mode, I must have hit the plus button accidentally. So there was no bug after all, my bad :cringe:
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