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My GeForce FX 5200 will not play Civ 4!


Oct 27, 2005
I am so pissed my computer won't run Civilization 4. :mad: :mad:

AMD Athlon XP 1600+
1.41 GHZ
512 MB Ram
GeForce FX 5200

Tell me what I need to buy for my computer??? :confused: :confused:

Could All-In-Wonder 9600 AGP 128MB work?
I have AMD 64 3200+
1024 MB RAM
Geforce FX 5200

It runs fine, but sometimes I get black terrain and whatnot graphic problems.
My rig is AMD Athlon 64 3200+
Nvidia Geforce FX 5200 128MB

The game runs fine (as in it actually runs, not performance-wise) with only minor glitches (e.g. invisible attack choppers). Do you have the latest video driver?
I am trying to run Civ 4 on a 1.5 GHz Pentium with Geforce FX 5200 with 128 MB of video ram and 1 GB of system ram. I have tried using the latest 81.85 drivers, the beta "81.87" drivers, and the old 71.84 drivers. I get maybe 2 turns before I get excessive lag and the occasional crash to desktop for good measure. Although I am running the game fine on a Sony Vaio with a 32 MB ATI Mobility card and 768 MB of system ram... There is definitely some up with this card. I may have tried almost every "workaround" provided in the forums. It is very frustrating to not see anything from Firaxis or Take two that addresses the continuing problems that people are having with their software. I can see now why the PC gaming market is dieing a rapid death and that consoles are gaining.
I have GF FX 5200 as well, but never run it again for anything anymore. That video card should be remove from the market!

It didnt run properly on Rome:Total War so i had to switch back to my old card "GeForce 4 MX 440 with 64mb" and ran Civ4 okay once i patch it up (latest). So GF4 would be much better than those FX cards anyway.

I had one crash (frozed) while in main menu. I ran the game for over 4+ hours without any problems, it was standard world size tho. My PC barely fix in...

AMD 1.100MHz
512mb with Win XP 2SP
Geforce4 MX 440 64mb

Look like we gonna need a patch soon for this... i think it more than just a video card problems.
I am using a 5200 as well and I am running Civ IV pretty well. It is pretty smooth at 20+ fps most of the time. I can get at least 30 if I play on the small map. I would recommend changing the shaders from 2.0 to 1.1. You will almost double your framerate without visibly reducing graphics quality.
Interesting wonder if that the only problems? Just the shader??

OKay i just switched my card around and now i have GFFX 5200 back in my pc along with newer patch 81.85. I ran test on it thru direct to see if it will pass and it did, how happy. I been using that samn ol' 53.xx that was the only driver could pass the directx test but it couldnt run Rome:Total War back then.

Anyway i ran Civ4 and ran perfectly smooth on movie at the startup with no video/sound choppin and i made a quick game with high graphic settings and everything on the left were unclicked. So restart the game and the game seem to run fine and smooth. Oh by the way that ESC (menu option) came up and didnt flickler at all.

I will test this thru out the day and see how things goes.
I also run 512 Mb Ram, AMD XP 2800, Windows XP Pro sp2.

It does run slightly choppy on High Graphics setting. Also I have not gone as far as into the game 3200 BC. Generally CIV 3 used to put a bigger drag on resources as number of units and civilizations developed. So I could be in for it later in the game.
My FX 5200 works just fine. I was playing on a P3 667 with 512MB RAM with some success. Slow downs did happen, but I attribute that to the system which has trouble opening email sometimes.
I put the FX 5200 in a borrowed P4 2.4 with 1024MB RAM and it runs very smooth. It has nothing but WinXP and CivIV on it. I don't think the card is your problem.
No i dont think its the video card either, but it does increase graphic performance tho. I did had a lockup later on... hmm like 3-4 hrs later and couldnt find the autosave games. So you guys better save the game often.

Its either the video settings and/or pc memorys, i heard there something odd going on about Civ4 eat up alot of memory and will get worst over time.
When I bought my Dim 4600 a couple of years ago I got a FX5200 with that system. I took it out the day it arrived. My older GeForce 4 Ti4200 was so much faster. Even though it was not a Dx9 card it made my life happier until I put a 9800pro in it later on.

That card is a crummy as the ATI X300. Why they sell these things I will never know.
Before you buy anything, check out Riva Tuner in this thread. Free download and turned my FX5900 XT and my wife's FX 5600 from nightmares to silky smooth.

Your mileage may vary, but if it saves you a few bucks so you can get an even better video card in 6 months it's worth it. Especially because Riva Tuner is free.
The FX5200 should be doing good.

Make sure you know the exact card manufacturer, as opposed to the chipset maker Nvidia.

Then go to the maker's web site and find their recommended driver.

Nvidia produces reference drivers for the chipset, but there is no guarantee that they are complete and correct for every card using that chipset.
Dropped my FX 5200 like a bad habit for a 6600GT.

Game went from molasses to 'holy crap, that's faster than CivII on a Dual Athlon 64'.
When it runs. It still crashes every five or so minutes. Not due to graphics card issues anymore though.
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