My Persian Navy needs REAL historical Persian names, please!

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Civ Fanatic Zero
Jun 7, 2003
Okay, I'm serious, after what happened last time, I'll reiterate. I want serious answers only. And the people who posted last time [except the moderator, of course] I do not wish posting here, is that alright? Anyway, I have 12 battleships, and 12 destroyers, which need some real names. I already named the carriers. [Those were the Darius, Xerxes, Persopolis, Parsargadea, Antioch, and Istanbul (since I cxonquered it a long time before)

Anyway, I am curious. Since the Persians never had a modern navy, with those kinds of names... what would you guss suggest? And I mean REAL ones... not things like Bob and George.. those got my previous thread closed, and I am somewhat perturbed about that. Anyway, please anser seriously this time, okay?
By no means am I trying to be rude but does it matter if your ships are named? I never knew you could even name ships. But to answer your question: have you tried going to and searching famous persian leaders?
hmm.... and while yes, I agree with you general-kill, it DOESNT matter whether my ships have names or not, but... this is the first time I've had a real navy... and since I also recently figured out how to rename units, I just want to name them for kicks. I wanna name them because it would be... well... enjoyable to me. No gameplay reason, of course. I just wanna try it out. And so far, when using it with the carriers, it works great! lol. I'll check google, too, so thanks for the advice. ^^
I agree with general_kill. Why would you need to name your navy? And anyhow, isn't this still the same thing you posted last time? You're still asking for names for your navy, and you got closed down. Why do it again? Isn't this considered spam or something?
Actually, it got closed down, I believe, because the people who responded, well... did stupid things. x.x If I am wrong about why, well... if the moderator closes it down again, I would hope he would tell me that my post in general was the cause this time, so that I do not do it again. But I'm pretty sure it was because of the answers I got... anyway, yes, I know, I don't NEED to name my navy, but... it's more realistic that way, you know, more historical... and I can call my fleets by the name of their carrier! "The Darius Battle Group goes here... the Xerxes Battle Group will engage in battle over there.... " and so forth. It's cool, at least to me. It's just a little cosmetic detail which I would like to add, to give little more flavor to my game.
... The mods say that this kind of thing in general is spam...?
Well, I'm not a mod (I wish), but I watch their moves, and what threads they close. It's mostly stuff that has no point. And also, you could IM people and ask, instead of using the boards.
eh heh.. yeah... but still, do you have any ideas from Persian history, besides Darius and Xerxes? Just curious.
Oh! Thank you very much. btw, just out of curiosity... who were those guys? Just wondering.
that sounds fine to me. lol
alright. Hey, mods! Um, can I ask you guys to close the thread now, please? Thanks for the trouble.
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