My vision of BE Earth via MS Paint


Oct 23, 2013
Based on what we know so far...

1) Realistic Vision

Spoiler :

- American Reclamation Corporation is USA + Canada. Why Canada? Because seriously Canada you can't just sit on Earth while Australia has its (almost) own faction :lol:
- Brasilia is, well, Brazil, as we don't know which countries did it conquer :p
- People's African Union includes all African countries (nice red communistic color)
- Slavic Federation includes all Slavic nations + few countries which look good inside these borders
- You may wonder why Franco - Iberia includes so many European countries?
Well, I have a theory that Franco - Iberia doesn't mean FRANCE + SPAIN but rather
'Neo Frankish Kingdom'.
Which extends beyond old kingdom's borders a bit but not too much. You have to admit this is cooler than random 'France + Spain confederation'. :D Also this solves another problem - France and Spain alone look woeful when compared with all other huge factions... Almost entire Western Europe makes more sense when facing for example united Eastern Asia :p
- Kavithan Protectorate, India is obvious country. Bangladesh IMHO has no future in case of sea levels rising so may as well be added :p
- Panasian Cooperative. Obviously China, we know it probably includes Korea and Japan, Vietnam is culturally close to China, we know that Daoming Sochua has Chinese - Cambodian origin. Thailand and Laos included, not sure about Burma.
- Austronesia, uh, I mean Polystralia. IMHO Indonesia is necessary here (it seems somewhere Indonesia was confirmed in this faction, wasn't it?) Philippines fit more here than anywhere else. Malaysia is Muslim and closer to Indonesia than to Indochina.

2) Extended Vision (2 more factions to fill the map :p )

Spoiler :

Middle East - The Crescent Company
Spanish America - Patria Grande Association

By the way, Estimated Population for Each BE Faction - data estimated for 2050 (and my 'realistic vision' borders :p )

American Reclamation Corporation ~450 millions

Brazil ~260 millions

People's African Republic ~2 billions o_o

Franco - Iberia ~370 millions

Slavic Federation ~250 millions

Kavithan Protectorate ~1,6 billions

Panasian Cooperative ~1,6 billions

Polystralia ~560 millions (because Indonesia and Philippines :p )

I feel here serious problem of Middle Eastern and Latin American absence :(

The Crescent Company ~800 millions

Patria Grande Association ~500 millions


You know what? I will create 'Beyond Earth' Civ5 geopolitical scenario once we will know details about factions :D
very nice! I'm also quite bummed by the lack of latin america and middle east representation :(
just out of curiosity, what would be the estimated population of the two factions that you propose?
also, you missed the coloration of the southern tip of argentina and chile lol
Nice map. I was wondering why Kazakhstan is in the SF, but then I figured it was conquered by some future Putin.
My favourite part of the map was the "Can Poland into Space" troll face. Major props for that.

Also great analysis and figures. Do you think that more of South America might be included into Brasilia, especially if the faction is known as being super aggressive / militaristic? Ditto Mexico. That would also up the population to be more in line with the other factions.

Also, if global temperatures continue to rise, that might also open up further farmland in Siberia/Eastern Asia meaning a larger population for the Slavic Federation?
I think some regions are deliberately left out to have material for future expansions. Also, why always think in continental alliances? Alliances may spand crosscontinental, like NATO, US-Japan alliance, cooperation between Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea and Iran etc. Mostly the biggest rivals are the ones who are closest (except EU who tries to overcome that). I also picture those alliances as center-periphery conglomerates. For instance, you have a major nation as leader and 'puppets', nations that form part of the alliance but follow the leader. Think NATO with USA and Germany-FRance as leading nations and many small nations as periphery.
I'm actually kind of split on that. There would definitely be intercontinental alliances, just like today, but there would also be certain powers trying to conquer other ones and they'd obviously start with those close to them.
very nice! I'm also quite bummed by the lack of latin america and middle east representation :(
just out of curiosity, what would be the estimated population of the two factions that you propose?

For 2050

The Crescent Company (Muslim World) - OH MY GOD 800 millions.

Patria Grande Association (Spanish America) - over 500 millions

Nice map. I was wondering why Kazakhstan is in the SF, but then I figured it was conquered by some future Putin.

Huge part of Kazakhstan population consists of Russians, so this is basically huuuuge Crimea :lol:

Also, if global temperatures continue to rise, that might also open up further farmland in Siberia/Eastern Asia meaning a larger population for the Slavic Federation?

To be honest I would expect China to colonize Siberia in the 21st century :p As Russians are emigrating from it (and the entire Russian demography is in bad shape) while numbers of Chinese here are rapidly increasing (currently - few millions).
I guess I assumed "Brazil" would end up covering most of South and Central America.

Cool map.
Perhaps I will share my vision of the world in CivBE.
Spoiler Large pic with small weight :

It should be noted that this assumption on status without DLC and addons (but with the assumption of existence of other factions), which will be 100%.
Wonderful maps! I was secretly hoping it'd be a mock up of the game in paint :lol:
Why is everyone forgetting the Scandinavian countries and Britain? It's not like rising sea levels will destroy them and they are pretty out of the way from the nuclear attack danger zones.
Why is everyone forgetting the Scandinavian countries and Britain? It's not like rising sea levels will destroy them and they are pretty out of the way from the nuclear attack danger zones.

London not a nuke target? Are you kidding? But Paris is still there, so a nuclear exchange in West Europe looks unlikely.
For what it's worth (not much) here's my interpretation.$
Spoiler :

Blue is the ARC territories (like New York, the area around Valdez, San Diego, etc.) while darker blue represents ARC allies and puppets (like Panama, California, etc.)
Purple is Brasilia's direct territory and dark purple is Brazilian puppets and allies. Needless to say the ARC and Brazilia fight proxy wars over mexico.
Yellow is Franco-Iberia while dark yellow is Franciberian influence regions.
lilac is the Slavic nations in the SF, while darker lilac is either a non-Slavic member (Hungary, Romania, Moldova, Finland, the Baltics) or a puppet state (Norway, Sweden).
Red is China within the PAC and dark red is other PAC nations.
Brown is the current African union and the future PAU, while the darker brown represents PAU allies.*
Orange represents the Protectorate, where dark orange represents areas not in the Protectorate but still influenced by Kavitha.
Light blue is Polystralia with Indonesia (dark blue) being a puppet/in a personal union/thing

*In real life Morocco isn't part of the AU due to Western Sahara, so why would it be part of the PAU?
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