Napoleon at War: The Ottoman World Expansion


Aug 27, 2016
Dallas, TX
Napoleon at War: The Ottoman World Expansion (NAW-TOW) is a Civilization V Modification that allows a player to relive empire building on an even grander scale across Europe in the early nineteenth century. The basic game mod ("Napoleon at War", or NAW) is required to play this expansion. For more information, consult that mod and its associated game manual.

"NAW - TOW" Link:

NAW Link:

Playable Civs:
- Regency of Algeria, led by Mustahpa VI
- Eyelet of Egypt, led by Ibrahim Bey
- First Hellenic Republic (Greece), led by General Theodoros Kolokotronis
- Prince-Bishopric of Montenegro, led by Vladika Petar I
- Principality of Serbia, led by Vozd Dorde Petrov
- Eyalet of Tripolitania, led by Pasha Yusuf Karamanli
- Beylik of Tunis, led by Bey Hammuda ibn Ali
- Principality of Wallachia, led by Prince Alexander Mourousis

Included Maps:

1. War of the Fifth Coalition (1809). This map is similar to the map of the same name in the basic "Napoleon at War" mod. The "Ottoman World" map has been added, replacing many of the City States of the same names in the original map with playable civs. Additionally, all nations are at peace, with the exception of France and the United Kingdom – who remain at permanent war. The game lasts longer than the original 1809 map, to give these smaller kingdoms more time to attempt to compete with their much larger rivals.

2. Balkans Uprising of 1820. This map presents a hypothetical revolt across the Balkans to Ottoman rule in 1820. Playable civs: Greece, Montenegro, Serbia, Wallachia, Egypt, Tripolitania, or the Ottoman Sultanate.

3. War of Greek Independence (1821). The map lets you choose playing the Greeks or the Ottoman Sultanate in the struggle for supremacy in Greek lands.


* Custom Victory Conditions: Each map has a Custom Victory Condition, based on the needs of the scenario.

- War of the Fifth Coalition: control the most capitals at the end of the game (turn 260) determines the winner. Major capitals (London, Paris, Vienna, Berlin, and Moscow) count as much toward victory as 5 of the minor capitals, such as Madrid or Rome. If there is a tie, the player with the highest game score wins.

- Balkans Uprising of 1820: The Ottoman player must control capitals of the Balkans nations (Greece, Montenegro, Serbia, and Wallachia) as well as Istanbul to win the game. They must own 4 or 5 capitals to win. Anything less than this is a loss. All of the surviving Balkans nations will win if the Ottoman player does not own 4 or more capitals by game turn 130.

- War of Greek Independence: The Greek player wins if they control at least one city at the end of the game (turn 130). The degree of victory increase for each additional city owned. The Ottoman player wins if they take all of the Greek cities when the game ends. Note: this game requires "complete kills" so the Greek player's units will still survive if they own no cities, so the Ottoman player will have to completely kill the Greek army to remove their possibility of retaking a city and winning the game.

* Sixteen new buildings (2 unique for each player civ).

* Normal NAW game features, such as National Promotion, Economic Handicap and the modified Tech Tree are used in this mod as well.

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