Native Unit Names ...possible?


Aug 20, 2007
Hi, I'm new to these forums and I only really registered to put forward this idea.

You know how you can rename your units in the game? I was wondering if it was possible to somehow make it so that the units you create are automatically named depending on your civilization. I think this would make the game a lot more fun as your armies and even workers would have a bit of character. Maybe your generals could develop titles as they gained more experience (e.g. "the Mighty" or "<opponentcivname>-Bane")

As you can probably tell, I don't know anything about scripting or even modding really, but I was wondering if somebody could figure out a way to make it possible. I would be more than happy then to provide native names for all the different civs.

Thanks for reading

Welcom to CFC!

it should be possible to do what you say. grat people already have names, and i think there is a mod that changes those names to be Civ specific, like you said...
Every unit can have a list of names - just like great people do. Look into Civ4UnitInfo.xml.

The trouble ist, the list is per unit, not per civ. So to make unit - let's say Battleship - having civ spcific names, you would have to dublicate the unit for every civ. Its doable, but the - already pretty long - unit infos xml would become huge... And think of the mess within the civilopedia...

This schould be doable via Python as well, i guess, but i do not know how :S
Yeah, I see what you mean with the mess it would make if you duplicated every unit for each Civ. =/

Hmm, what's Python? (Sounds like a thread of hope =D)
Well Python is a programing language. People can cutomize Civ IV by writing scripts to handle certain Actions/Events. There is a "New Init Created"-Event, so it is possible possible to plug in a script there, naming all new Units as they leave the assembly line. I will write a script doing this and look how it works and if it produces any performance issues.
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