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need help with non-civ video tech problem


Dec 17, 2001
I recently downloaded a classic episode from one of the best cartoons ever - GI Joe - in avi format - when i try and play it using windows media player, the player tries to download a codec, then it says "error attempting to download codec" and it starts to play sound only - and i can't get the video to play -
anyone have any idea how to fix this? thesounds works fine, and the player works fine with other videos (mainly mp3's are the only thing i have used it for)
it is a new computer, with XP, 40 gb hd, tons of ram, etc

any help anyone could give me would be appreciated

also -i am connected to the internet when i try, so that is not what is causing the problem

That video probably uses the DivX codec, which is not fully supported by MS.
You might want to look in the file properties, both under explorer and the media player to see if that´s the problem! :yeah:

The newest DivX codec can be download from here: www.divx.com

Another suggestion would be to download a NON MS avi player. Also, if it´s not already done, you should update your media player to the newest version, something v7.xx . Download from some MS site.
thanks lucky - i do have the latest version of the player form ms - did that first - but i will definately download the DivX codec once i get home - once i download it, does it self install, or do i have to do anything special with it?

thanks for your help lucky
I think it´s a self-installing exe, but you do have to at least click on it! :yeah:

I hope it works, but without the correct codec, the sound almost always plays and the screen stays blank. And most of todays videos are using the DivX codec, to radically compress the file.
I have had RealOne Player play a lot of videos that Media Player wasn't able to, even after installing the DivX codec. The new DivX Playa sucks compared to the old one, Real One out plays more broken avi files than it does...but I still perfer to use Media Player if I can.
I wound up getting rid of Real Player for technical reasons, and carving it out of my registry. What a mess that company has started making of things. They used to be good, but now their invasion of the OS smacks of M$. Programs should do their job, with complete control by the user, in the least invasice and non-inrusive way possible. :hammer:
ok - i downloaded the codec last night, and it worked perfectly - thanks for your help luch and ph
on a similar rant, know what i hate about more and more programs you download now? they all come with that stupid program gator which pops up adds every two minutes when you are online - and i can't figure out a way to uninstall it :(
they all come with that stupid program gator which pops up adds every two minutes when you are online - and i can't figure out a way to uninstall it,
You can carve it out of your registry. If you're not already familiar with registry operations, then don't try.... it will be more trouble than it's worth. You just need a good utility like Fix-It 4. I personally use the Norton Registry Editor for such tasks. :)
so if i get norton registry editor, it will remove them? i have no idea what i am doing when it comes to the registry
No, you must track down the registry entries by hand, and delete them. The hard part is finding them and knowing what is safe to delete.

Before editing your registry, make sure you can save it and restore it. I also save before installing a new program, just in case the program's uninstall leaves problems behind.

So it is a manual process..... :(
You might also want to try lavasoft's Ad-Aware http://www.lavasoft.nu to remove any Ad-/Spy-Wares. Just be careful: some programs don't run anymore if you remove the included Ad-Ware so you would have to re-install the programm (like kazaa for instance).
Originally posted by andyo
they all come with that stupid program gator which pops up adds every two minutes when you are online - and i can't figure out a way to uninstall it :(

AFAIK there is also a non-ad version of Divx software. And that will also be enough just to play movies.
uuuggg - damn spy ware -
thanks for eveyones help
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