Need help


Jul 25, 2006
Ok, basically, here's the set-up: I've go no Screnshots to explain my problem, but it's basically that I tried to do many small islands with cold/mountains environment. When I did this, half of the cities I made were completly useless, because their pop. didn't go higher than 2 in Ancient ages, 4 in Middle ages, and by the time modern ages came they were so useless (can't make any usefull unit under ...40 turns?, and the gpt is useless by then since my treasury was already overflowing). So - Those were the towns in Tundra, which I concidered completly useless for anything.

Then there were towns more south which were surrounded with forest which meant they were useless in Ancient ages, and it wasn't until Middle Ages once again that I the forests clear. And THEN, the only good towns that I had to make military units (In the middle ages, since that's when I cleared up environment), were like...1/4 of all my towns.

The other 3/4 was either in Tundra/Desert, in which case the pop was so low that shield production was nonexistant and I couldn't make anything, or it just had inadequate surroundings - like too many mountains/hills or too many non-river plains.

THEN, because as I stated before, since I was playing on many islands, I had only 1/4 of those 1/4 usefull islands be usefull Naval cities.

This means that only 1/16 of my cities could produce ships, the main mode of transportation and domination in the type of map I was playing.

Could I have done something differently to change that number?
Even better than a screen-shot, post a safe.

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Assuming the whole map is like that, the AI should have the same problem.

You should be carefull what to use your little production for. In the beginning, you don't just settle everywhere, you just pick a few places that can make productive cities and settle those.

Then, you don't spend time building many city improvements, you just start building units and you start capturing. Maybe you will find a better place and you want to move your capital (by disbanding the old one, and making sure your new capital is the biggest of your cities by a good margin), maybe not. While you focus on conquering and you build units from your best towns, maybe some lesser towns can build a few settlers as well. In this scenario, it is very important to understand the mechanics of corruption and the forbidden palace. I cannot explain this in few words, just have a little search in the war academy.

On a map like this, a seafarin civ is nice of course. Capturing the lighthouse is also nice. If you are short on productive cities, you probably shouldn't build it yourself though.

Another strength you have on archipel maps is the fewer and later contacts between AI's. This severly hurts their research power. Make sure you have all the contacts and be a good trader.
I don't really need a save to explain.basically. in very few words if you didnt want to read the above:

I'm on a continent, 1/2 of which is tundra and desert

What do I do on that 1/2, so I even bother settling, since the pop. won't go above 2/3?

This is in civ 3 vanilla
Ok, if you put it that way.

make sure your core cities (around your palace and forbidden palace) are in the area that is the best.

For the other 1/2 of your land, settle as much cities in that land as possible, with only one tile in between every two cities.

They won't produce a lot, but their combined commerce will still help you move through the tech tree faster.
Once you are able to bring both irrigation and railroads to the dessert, the cities can grow larger, you may then want to disband some of the small cities to make room for a select few to grow. (these should be the least corrupt ones)
Hmm, I guess that makes sense..

Thanks for the help.
If the AI has good lands for you to capture and cities you get there will not be very corrupt, capture that land before you settle the crappy lands.

So you're telling me to fight a long over-seas battle before even finishing expansion on my own island?

...Please explain your logic.

So you're telling me to fight a long over-seas battle before even finishing expansion on my own island?

A short over-seas battle would be even better. :p
You don't want to post pictures. Pictures would help.
I'm telling you to quickly and early capture the good land from the AI if that land will not be totally corrupt for you.
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